Help with raiding with Maya

So I came and made this thread after @nat_zero_six posted some useful videos. Which I haven’t seen yet because I have really terrible internet so it’s going to take some time to load them. So anyways, I’m working on gear. I managed a perfect (by sheer luck) Fire Sandhawk after about 15 resets of the quest in UVHM. Going to reset again for a shock Sandhawk for Pyro Pete. I do have a DPUH (far from perfect) and the Grog as well since Maya relies on healthgating to not die a lot.

Editing this in here. Another thing they neglect is the raid boss itself. Those might be seperate videos, but no one mentions which attacks each raid boss has and how to deal with them or patterns they might follow. All of this is just the result, I imagine, of the game being out for six years but it’s still got a playerbase and new people (I’m not new but I’ve never raided and I’m still finding information I didn’t know existed) come into the game that have never played it before.

My question is that videos that I watch always assume that you have pearls or seraph weapons. The former being technically possible but a major pain to go through due to LLM farming and the latter being impossible until you’ve actually beaten the seraphs. The second issue is that the videos (the few I have watched) never explain skill or gear choices. They just show the gear and just assume that the player knows why it’s good. The top gear threads don’t even do that. Though the Maya top gear thread has videos, they’re all long (for me) and so it would take forever to load each of them for every piece of gear.

So my question moreso is what gear does Maya need to beat each raid boss and why is that gear important/how does it help? I’m asking this because I’ve literally never attempted raiding before and it’s something I desperately want to accomplish (beating each raid boss once).

The only pieces of gear I don’t need explained are the DPUH & Grog (used in tandem to abuse healthgate), Topneaa (Immolate abuse or FFYL tool), Sandhawk & Bee (unlisted pellet abuse with the Bee along with L. Cat mod).

Oh, and Nat mentioned that some prefer L. Binder over L. Cat for the Vora fight. Why is that? It’s my understanding that no raid bosses can be phaselocked (rightfully so) but Terra also removes slag extemely quickly and thus you need slag bouncing betties to keep him slagged. Is this not the case for other bosses?

Also, feel free to also use those pointers for the hidden raid bosses. Of which are Dexiduous and Vermivorous (the only ones I’m aware of). Oh, and Son of Crawmerax as well. Though they aren’t seraph guardians, I’d still like to beat them at some point.


Legendary Siren, because of the cooldown bonus. the cooldown is somewhat timed perfectly to the duration of Voracidous novas, so you can get your bee up, slag and beehawk when he is not enrage.

Maya’s best and most trusted raiding gear is beehawk.

Let’s start with Terramorphous.

Gear required: Fire Sandhawk, Grog and Harold, Inflammable Bee, Legendary Cat, Fire Bone of the Ancient.
Fight Duration: if you do not Lady Fist swapping, the fight will last for 10 minutes in OP8. and around 2-3 mins at Level 72
Strategy: You need to understand Terramorphous phases:
1st phase is the “welcome” phase, terra will not attack at this phase so take this time to hit crits with beehawk;
2nd phase is the “Spikes” phase, the spikes is pretty easy to dodge so same strategy slag and beehawk Terra, also take note that Terra will also attack you starting in this phase so be prepared to healthgate when necessary;
3rd phase is the “rocks” phase, again the rocks are slow and pretty easy to dodge; at Level 72, you can kill him at this phase or the next.
4th phase is the “beams” phase, this phase is one of the hardest since once they lock on you they will deal extreme damage, starting this phase you can proceed to hide in the rock (there is no shame in that my friend);
5th phase is the “assault” phase, Beams and Spikes, again healthgate or hide in the rock.
6th phase is the “rage” phase, or the fire phase Terra will be on fire so switch to a Shock Sandhawk or use the DPUH in this phase
7th phase is the “masher” phase, a group of tentacles will spawn and will do stomp attacks. If you position yourself good in the rock, they will not hit you.
8th phase is the “Burn” phase, terra and the masher tentacles will became fire, this is the hardest to healthgate due to the DOT’s, the rock will help you with that.
9th phase is the “Blackhole” phase, stay in the rock after the burn phase since terra will destroy the 2 rocks and he will do the blackhole, you will be suck after that and you will not survive it. (usually at this phase, Terra’s health is really low and at OP8 you can kill him at this phase).
The phases will cycle back to the 1st phase after the 10th phase.


I really appreciate all your help Nat. It’s definitely not going to waste. :heart:

So, after a few failed attempts against him (will watch your video tomorrow to get a better idea of how not to suck at raiding with Maya, along with your two Vora ones you linked in the other thread), I’ve gotten a better idea of things. The rocks seem something of a pain to deal with. It’s ideal to stay far away from Terra so that he won’t pelt you with melee attacks constantly that make it quite hard to healthgate consistently.

Also, do you not bother slagging him at all and just go to town on his health with Beehawking? I also imagine that the reason you suggested Inflammable Bee (immunity to fire damage if I’m thinking correctly) is to survive the beam attacks or ignore them entirely (since I don’t know if his beams are half physical half fire or 100% fire or what). If so, then I’ll need to do more Helliquist (ugh) farming to get an Inflammable one.

Also need to work on the L. Cat. Time to do some Marcus train runs then. Please do feel free to give advice on the other raid bosses as none of it will go to waste. Whenever you have time, of course. People have lives (other than me) and all that.

Oh, and that bit about Vora’s novas is completely foreign to me because I know nothing about the fight other than he hurts a lot, he requires a glass cannon build to beat because of his aggression, the chief will regen his shields once you take them down unless killed (with the Trespasser) but doing so pisses off Vora. But I imagine you’ll get to that in more detail once you have time to.

(So many edits). On the Legendary Siren mod. I actually have a question. Given how cooldown reduction has diminishing returns, do you still take Quicken on top of L. Siren or do you drop it?

And on the topic of skill builds. Since each raid boss requires a specific setup and all that. But I don’t think Maya’s build changes much at all. This is a lv63 Siren build. I don’t know what to do with the last 9 points.

If you (or anyone else) doesn’t wish to click, I went: Foresight, Helios, Immolate, Chain Reaction, Cloud Kill, Reaper, Ruin, Ward, Accelerate, Suspension, Fleet, Converge, Quicken, Mind’s Eye.

I just don’t know where to put points. Even with some of those skills, I feel like they’re useless because she can’t phaselock anything, making Chain Reaction & Suspension worthless. But kill skills are also worthless most of the fight in most raid boss fights, which makes Chain Reaction, Wreck and Suspension and Kinetic Reflection a waste of points. But Blight Phoenix is really bad. Flicker seems useless to me because DoTs don’t matter. Maybe trading Helios for Backdraft? I dunno.


You won’t get the Legendary Cat from Marcus’ loot train. You only get that class of mods from Tubby Enemies.

@anon43818509 Borderlands 2 O.T.D.H. Loot Maps are a great resource. The 00 link to Random Locations shows what Tubby Enemies drop. The maps also list what the raid bosses in the various areas drop.


Pete retains the slag like any other enemy, and if memory serves me, so does Vora. Terra and Hyperius wash it of really fast. Not sure about Craw, but I think he washes it of pretty fast too.

I’ll also add a few pointers about a few of the bosses.


Use the rock near the gate for cover. It will cover you from most attacks. Be prepared to run up to the gate when Terra pops up right beside this rock. He can’t hit you there, for some reason. A word of warning, though: If there are any rock chucking-, beam- or fire tentacles out there, they can hit you near the gate, so watch for them.


Pete’s novas are what usually kills people. They have a very nasty DoT, and it stays on for a very long time. The waterfalls will wash off this DoT, but activating these waterfalls will spawn rats or spiderants. Always use the right waterfall. Rats have guns, spiderants don’t. They will also level up each time you use the waterfalls, so don’t catch too many DoT’s, or you’ll find yourself in a world of trouble.

Avoiding the novas is vital, and to do that, you just block line of sight. I prefer using the scaffolding opposite the spiderant waterfall. You can run around it, and one of it’s side s is covered. You only need a sliver of cover to block line of sight, so you should be fine there. The fastest way to kill Pete is to use the Trespasser to pop off his facemask. After that he’ll be vulnerable to crits.


Use Converge to group up the minions. Then blast them all with a powerful launcher, or hammer them with a DPUH. Anything to make them go into repair mode simultaneously. Then just hammer away at Hyperius. A Chain lightning and a Grog are very good tools to have in this fight. He usually sets off two novas, but sometimes he does three. Dunno why. but that’s when you’ll need fast healing. DPUH + Grog healing works just as well, but keep in mind that there’s no extra ammo here.

I’m gonna let others explain Vora and Craw, because I rarely do them. Master Gee is just such a boring fight, but… OK! Here’s how you can do it. First method is to shoot one worm, and have Gee soak it up. After that, you hide behind the rock near the gate, while he slooooooooooowly dies. :unamused:

Method two is to drag him towards the gate with singularities before entering the arena. When he’s really close to the gate, hit him, and throw one more grenade to make the gate crush him.

Method three is to run around killing all the worms, and trying to make Gee soak it all up. Aaaarghh! I just hate this boss!


You’re in for a world of frustration. There are 9 possible manufacturers of any given part. If it happens to be Maliwan, there are three possible versions. The treants in Tina’s Forest are an easier source by the way.

Give it a go but you can do without by playing defensively.

As far as Terra and slag, she does wash it off pretty quickly but it’s a better idea to have a grenade for healing than having a grenade for slag. So just use PL, then a quick SandHawk volley. I really like having a Lady Fist for that fight - great for popping those tentacle zits.

A good raid skill to foster is Harold/Grog swapping. Shoot the Harold , and because its pellets are slow if you immediately swap to the Grog, it will completely heal you. This is a standard technique for all toons with any raid.


Inflammable Bee is really nice, obviously, but it’s nowhere near necessary. You’ll do fine with a regular one.


And i recently learnt maliwan capacitors(not sure about the other 2 parts) are 20 times rarer than every other capacitor


That I believe. In my shield farming escapades I have definitely seen RNG favour Vladof and the like.


IMO, a decent Bone and either a Leg. Siren or Leg. Binder COM pretty much negates the need for Quicken in most builds.

And I agree that a Bee is a luxury, not an absolute necessity.


That said , might as well take Quicken as so many of her skills are otherwise useless in a raid.

Since PL is going to be the primary source of slag and the fact that many bosses shed it within 3-4 seconds, if you can cook the PL cooldown time to 6 seconds, you’re getting that much more slag.

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Yeah, was thinking that since a lot of her skills are designed for mobbing and not raiding. Also, how does that math work? I’m so confused by it.

@nat_zero_six Tried Terra about 12 times. Failed every single time. What seems to get me is that I just can’t take his health down fast enough. I try to hit is crit spots, which I’m moderately successful with. Watched your video several times. Seems I’m just lacking the better gear. Comparing ours (mine is left, yours is right)

L. Cat 114% SMG damage/134% damage
Bone Relic 30% incendiary, 36% cooldown/37% incendiary, 43% cooldown
Bee 8.12 delay, 554k amp/6.16, 686k amp

I think what’s really hurting me is the lower 20% SMG damage and the 130k less amp damage per pellet which I imagine is making a huge difference. I kept dying in one of two scenarios.

I would die because I couldn’t do enough damage to Terra and he would get near me on the rock and somehow melee me and actually hit me (which I think was that you have to deal enough damage to Terra before that point so that he rises in a position where he can’t do that).

Or I would die because I would get to the massive rock phase and either attempt to healthgate it (which I did but that meant focusing on surviving and not having the Bee active) or I would jump from behind the rock but then he’d pop up near-ish me and then melee me and throw me off the arena.

I assume it’s just a lack of damage preventing me from replicating what you did with Terra in your video.

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The key for Terra when you are in the cheese spot is that occasionally he’ll spawn in a spot that can hit you, so if you are quick you can jump over to the other side, but I try to use the Grog and phase lock for the instaheal to get over health gate and I’m ready to switch to my FFYL launcher (get a Badaboom if you can’t get a Norfleet) in case I get taken down there and need a second wind off a tentacle… you can try the Lady Fist trick where you shoot off a bunch of Sandhawk waves at his crit spot then switch to the Lady Fist, any projectiles that crit will get the 800% bonus (assuming they are in the air when you have your Lady Fist out, if you’re still switching it doesn’t always register, but you should get some of the waves to land this way and the Bee bonus applies too of course)…


This is Level 72 Terramorphous right?

Your gear is okay aside from the Bee, the delay is really bad on that one. try getting around 5-6 seconds recharge. You can also put some points in Inertia and kill some tentacles to recharge your Bee up.

The rock phase is pretty easy to dodge, they throw the rocks at the same time so once they throw it, just jump to either side and you will not be hit.

How about Slag? Ensure that you slag him enough.

You can replicate it or even got a good run compared to my run with your current gear since I mostly miss crits in that run.

Oh, if your hiding behind the rock, Terra will go near you after 1-2 phases, just jump out of the rock and go near the door, prepare to healthgate but sometimes Terra can’t hit you on that side.

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Yeah, need to work on a better Bee. You did so much damage to him though. @_@ Didn’t know that about the other side of that little rock area.

I’m definitely slagging him enough. I pop phaselock constantly. I’ve even learned to delay phaselock until after a couple of bursts and then phaselock to endure my sandhawk gets slag effect when he’s far off in the beginning of the fight. Gotten decently good at hitting him when he’s up close.

Just need to deal with those damn rocks he throws since they get thrown constantly and leaves little time for me to healthgate and then continue hurting him with the Bee up.

And the times I’ve lasted past the rock phase, he’s done that laser phase where he constantly melts my Bee and I can’t really do anything about it.

Do killing his tentacles reduce their numbers in the rock/laser phase? I saw you doing that, but your Terra died shortly after entering the rock phase (and you barely made it out of FFYL as well, even with a tentacle right in your face).

Blegh. Why does he have to have so much health :frowning: Though I imagine that Vora’s even tougher than he is. Hyperius seems the easiest for Maya since she can just group them all up, plast them with a Topneaa and then melt Hyperius once his goons go into repair mode.

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Good positioning in the rock will make you somewhat invincible to all attacks, except for the beams.

Pete actually is the easiest, but you don’t have yet a shock sandhawk. add me nat_zero_six , I’ll give some Level 72 Maya gear for you, if we are in the same timezone that is.

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Just for clarity…my point wasn’t about the math (which is correct), it was about points allocation overall and that the points spent on Quicken could be used elsewhere if, and I admit that it’s a big IF, those items are available. IMO. Or something.


There really aren’t any other skills to take though. The only possible other skill I could imagine would be Sustenance, which is still a possible candidate if one dropped Fleet ( but still kept Quicken and Inertia ).

To me it’s either Sustenance or Fleet. :man_shrugging:


Not sure if I understand your question, but killing the tentacles that throw rocks, shoot beams or toss fire is always a priority to me. The dart throwing tentacles can hit you behind the rock, but they’re easy to dodge simply by crouching. The masher tentacles can’t hit you at all behind the rock.

If you don’t take out the tentacles, you’ll have the ones you left plus the ones in the next phase.


What I meant was if you didn’t bother killing any of the tentacles that throw the spike thingies at you, then will that increase the number of tentacles in the follow up phase that will throw rocks or shoot beams.

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