IN SEARCH OF: warming avalanche shield

Looking to strengthen my melee athena and I’ve been having some trouble getting my hands on a warming avalanche shield. Idk if it can be farmed through a boss still but I’ve been using the grinder and had zero luck for like 4 days now. Id be grateful for any help in the right direction if someone could give me the recipe or a boss to farm. I’m on xbox 360. Thanks in advance. Also this is my first thread ever so I’m not even sure if its in the right place so any pointers on thread etiquette would help.


Grinder is how i got mine. I don’t play on the 360 anymore, unless someone reaches out specifically, I pretty much stick to the PC platform now-a-days. I’d be happy to gift that shield to you? you’ll have to msg me:
GT = Kurtdawg13

edit: I used to live at the Grinder. lol unfortunately, I don’t get credit for all my grinds as I would dboard if not getting desired results. :wink:

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