More of a general thing with a focus on specific things I have questions for. Don’t want to clutter up the forum board by posting a bunch of topics in various places. So, let’s get to it.
- Slag. What’s the best way to do this? I know it depends on the character. For Maya, I’ve pretty much been relying on phaselock w/ Ruin and then on the occasion I need more slag, then I use a slag grenade. Currently just a bouncing betty one, but going to work on getting a magic missle at some point. Only issue is that it locks me out of a grenade slot. So… what do I do here? I’ve been using slag sniper rifles in my non-UVHM playthroughs because 65%+ chance to slag seems pretty nice. But their swap speed is slow and you can’t cover a lot of ground with them either.
I know the Slagga exists, so that’s an option. Also that… seraph one but I can’t recall what it is and requires seraph crystals which is endgame level.
- Mostly tied to the above one: how do you deal with UVHM on characters that aren’t Maya?
For Krieg, my assumption is that he has a lot of trouble here. Does he have to dump his middle tree and go for Bloodlust & his right one for healing and damage reduction? Even with the massive amount of melee modifiers and Release The Beast, it just comes off as being really hard to deal with UVHM as Krieg, especially raid bosses that make using melee mostly impossible.
For Axton, do you approach it slowly with him? Do you rely on Double Up slag turret? Because he seems to be at a disadvantage quite heavily without his turret. Which does have a long cooldown. Which also will die if someone sneezes at it, given the trouble I’ve had keeping it alive in TVHM (until Longbow + Mag-Lock, anyways).
For Zer0… I don’t even know about this one. Does he just require a lot of skill to use? I’ve always been pretty bad at critting enemies consistently, so I imagine that his left tree would be mostly irrelevant to me, but I don’t see being able to deal with things if you just focus on his middle and right tree, with a bit of the left for kill skills.
Gaige just seems frustrating as all hell. On the occasion you go down, which will happen often as she has no FFYL tools, you have to work on your Discord stacks which just seems like a major pain. Dunno if it’s even worth it, especially given that her middle tree has a lot of scaling issues.
Sal seems more straightforward, so I just want to clear up something: my general setup so far has been using a fire & slag weapon as my first set of weapons (due to the ubiquitous nature of flesh enemies) and then my second set is corrosive & explosion. Which takes care of loaders and other corrosive enemies. Will I need to switch to fire-slag and corrosive-slag? Or should I not depend on perma-slag and just use grenades for it or what?