Forgive what may be a really stupid question, but does the Dust re-level in TVHM as it does in normal mode? I’m currently playing a sniper zero & am trying to farm for new Lyudas. Sadly Gettle appears to be stuck at level 40.
During normal mode the area increased in level several times, however in TVHM I have done a few things differently. Firstly I accepted The Good the Bad & the Mordecai before getting Sanctuary airborne & I have also made use of fast travel where possible.
Any help to shed light on why the Dust is stuck at this level along with any suggestions on how to get the area to re level would be greatly appreciated. I am also behind the times & still playing on 360 btw.
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(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
Gettle is probably stuck because you accepted the associated mission early. Accepting any mission locks the level of reward at that point in all modes. Not sure what will happen as you continue as I still haven’t figured out exactly when The Dust levels up. I suspect it’s tied to mission progress in the main story though.
You’ll. be able to farm Gettle once you complete main story though - he should be level 50 after that.
Thanks for the reply. Quite true that it’s unclear when the area levels up, however I’m now at the Toil & Trouble story mission & no joy at all despite having used the normal transition point to the Eridium Blight & also having accepted & completed Rakkaholicks Anonymous (which was at lvl 43) in an attempt to re level the area.
Has anyone else had this happen?
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(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
What level are the Bandit Technicals and spiderants outside Ellie’s?
(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
I’ll have a look through some of my TVHM saves when I get a chance and see what I find. Might be a while. In the meantime, I’d suggest just clearing any accepted side missions in The Dust and seeing if having nothing open helps. What stage of the story mission are you on?
From experience it does not work as in normal mode. From memory it level twice in normal and once in TVHM. Or it could be once and not in TVHM.
I was first made aware about The Dust watching MoLMF “Fresh start to OP8” serie.
I just looked at my mules and I don’t have any gears from The Dust between 39 and 50.
The end of TVHM is kinda dry farming…