I know this question comes down to preference and opinion, but I’m not interested in a “which is better?” style discussion. I’m curious as to why any of us prefer one over the other. For me, I love them both. But what does everybody view as the pros and cons of them? I think the learning curve is less steep with the SWORDSPLOSION!!!, but I think that the Flakker outperforms it when you have enemies that thrive on fly-bys (ahem, surveyors). What situations/circumstances do you think one outshines the other? Regale me with your thoughts on the subject.
Edit: @VaultHunter101, does this fit under loot and weapons, or would it be better in Gameplay discussion? I created the topic before I asked myself that question.
To me the SWRDSPLSN!! is the clear winner, but that may be in large part to the fact that I’ve never really gotten good with the Flakker.
In the former’s favour : greatly increased fire rate ; half the ammo consumption ; larger mag ; gets grenade boosts ; can trigger Blood Bath ; can be used instead of that f-ing BlASSter for Marcus’ mission ( most of these perks are because of its splash ) ; and is equal to or greater than the Flakker in shear fun.
On the downside, targets need to be on the ground - so not good for a Phaselocked target.
In the latter’s favour : the Flakker can actually be used for non-terrestrial targets ; gets Reaper ; apparently can get Rising Shot up to max in an instant ; can be exploited by RL swap.
On the downside, no splash , very limited functional range and…it’s…so…sloooowwwwwww…
I was wondering how long it would take for the cults to be mentioned. I’m somewhat agnostic in that I use both. I wonder how long it will take for @Flameythefireman and @Blutfatal to strike me down and have all traces of me wiped from the forum records for starting this holy war. Starting a war was not my intention, I’m truly just curious about how people reasoned their opinions on these fine Torgue armaments. All inspired by me getting my very first Flakker a couple of weeks back.
I thought Blut was perma banned, by his own accord. lol he asked for it. I remember reading an thread about it. just checked his profile and the ban doesn’t exists anymore. lol
SWORDSPLOSION all the way. It’s just a better general weapon and completely steamrolls with Axton or Krieg. The Flakker is only really used against large enemies and bosses because it can deal ridiculous damage. If you manage to use it against mobs it’s total overkill
(Goodbye friends and not friends, it's been a fun ride)
SWORDSPLOSION!!! Is better for most things and it’s one of my favorite guns. I also joined it’s cult.
They both need casual prefixes to work
They also both need matching grips
The flakker is just a lot harder to use for normal mobbing
Am i the only one choosing the Carnage over both of them?
I love it with my explosive Krieg. Fast bullets, good damage and no self damageing behavior its so much better and easier for mobbing than the SWORDSPLOSION!!! Only used the flakker for farming bosses
(Goodbye friends and not friends, it's been a fun ride)
You know how much i like the SWORDSPLOSION!!!, but sometimes i like to expand my horizons. A ravager on characters with a lot of reload speed buffs is amazing
(There's safety in numbers. There's Safety in pins.)
They both have their merits and uses. That being said, I love the Flakker with Maya, even if I did lose my mojo with it after the hiatus. Phaselock and wreck makes it shine like the brightest of stars. I used to do digi peak runs only using a maggie and a flakker. Granted, that could by why I never made it past OP4