I can’t believe it’s true, but it took Maytastrophe until the unlock for OP7 to hit what feels like a large skag shaped wall. Her build:
The single points are for the Leg Siren com she usually wears, in the pic she’s wearing a Leg Binder. She’s packing a slag Dahl surgical sniper, a Hard Harold, an imperfect (stoic w/bandit stock) corrosive Sandhawk, a corrosive Facetime, and a longbow explosive singularity. Usually wears a Neogenator, also has an Antagonist, Big Boom Blaster, and Bee (all OP6). Has Bones in all flavors, a Leg Cat com, on level Practicable Butcher and Hellfire, OP5 Hammer Buster, OP4 Infinity (NE), slag Rubi, Longbow Bonus Package and slag transfusion, and a Fireball for nade regen. I like thoughtlock, but wonder if I should spec out of it for the peak. The other question I’ve been asking myself is whether I should build around one com for the purpose of climbing the peak, and if so which one. Ideas, thoughts, suggestions are always appreciated.