I’m thinking about making a gunzerker but there are a few things I’m worried about this class. mostly what types of guns I should be looking for as I mostly have one of each gun type for most of my characters. I also made a little tree build for myself using the skill guide. I’m trying to figure out which tree to go down first as I level. So if you and spear some tips about been a gunzerker then please tell me. http://bl2skills.com/patch/gunzerker.html#550051551515335015515100000000000
Since I play on console I’m not sure what kind of changes the UCP did to Sal’s skills, however, it depends on what kind of build you have in mind- Deputy Sal, kittenzerker, Reverend Pain, Pimp/Ahab (not really that much of a build- more of a character exploit but, it’s fun ). BTW, is this a final build or have you yet to reach level 72/OP8? If you want to check out the master build thread for ideas you can get a sense of what gear works best for the build you have in mind…
Nat is right, if you’re going to learn it should be at the feet of the master himself. In the meantime, the answers to any question you could ask is probably linked in here somewhere. If you’re just starting out in NVHM, the community consensus is play around and see what works for you. The stakes aren’t particularly high in NVHM. I put my first points in Hard to Kill because I died a lot, and then moved into the middle tree to extend my gunzerk and shorten the cooldown. But no matter what you do, don’t stress it and have fun.
A more elaborate reply when I have a real keyboard.
In the meantime, for leveling:
Brawn good, Rampage better, Gunlust not useful.
Get the holy trinity of gunzerking (last longer, YKY and Get Some) as fast as you can, spending your other points in Brawn and Inconceivable.
I’m ready already is good until you have Get Some, after you do spec out of it.
In brawn: HTK, Incite and AgttB are great.
Once you have enough points, you should move some from brawn (not all) to get Down not out in Gunlust… And stop pretty much there. Gunlust is great… In UVHM.
Most of all, like what was said above: have fun, try everything you find, see for yourself what works what doesn’t.
The most difficult thing about Sal is actually levelling him up. His primary healing skill is Gunzerking so ensuring that he is doing that as much as possible, you should concentrate on the middle tree until you’ve got 5/5 in Get Some ( which is pretty much what Chuck said ).
Otherwise, use all the gear the game gives you …except Dahl.
Them’s fightin’ words
The best sal build uses a jakobs gun
Honestly, you can use pretty much whatever guns you feel like. You won’t get as much mileage out of Jakob’s guns but they are still effective. Anything that can be accurately fired from the hip will do well. Since you can use two guns at once, you can mix and match elemental types, a shock gun to burn through the shields and a fire weapon to melt fleshies. Moxxi weapons are nice too as any damage done with the weapon in your other hand will also get the healing effect.
If you’re having Gunzerk maximized for duration and cooldown reduction, Keep It Piping Hot isn’t actually doing you much good since in heavier firefights you’re blazing through the cooldown period with all the enemies you hit/kill, meaning you aren’t really benefiting from the damage bonus as much.
It’s really not the damage most folks take it for- it’s the synergy with Get Some, Last Longer and Yippie Ki Yay that they’re looking for- to get his AS back while he’s still gunzerking. Even Krieg has to look at that with a bit of envy…