Can Maya solo the TVHM raid bosses?

I’m asking this specifically because it seems like every guide or video is centered around Lv72 or OP8. Which I’m far off from. I’ve never beaten any of the raid bosses on TVHM before, so I want to do that. However, I’m worried that I’ll be missing ~20 extra skill points (plan on doing it around 55) and that’ll cripple my ability to do so. But I’m sure plenty of people solo’d the various raid bosses on TVHM difficulty. So… that being said, can I follow this DDD guide to raid bossing even though it focuses on lv72/OP8 difficulty?

Edit: forgot something. Seeing as how I haven’t really watched any videos, except one, are there any tips anyone could give me for dealing with raid bosses outside boss specific descriptions? I noticed in one video (located in the aforementioned guide) that the player put themselves at no shield capacity to activate Fleet. I imagine this was moreso something to do with avoiding Terramorphous, but is that something you’d do for other bosses?

I also noticed them using the Harold to heal themselves (and the Pearl shotgun they have) by quickly swapping to the Grog (which I didn’t realize was a thing). I also remember reading somewhere that it’s ideal to use Slag Betty grenades against bosses because it’ll keep them slagged, as raid bosses have a high resistance to slag in that they rid themselves of the effect really quickly.

Also, in regards to shield & relic gear, seeing as how I don’t have access to UVHM, does a relic really matter? The best I could think of would be a Max Health or Cooldown Rate relic. As for a shield, I don’t really know what’s good, other than the Neogenator.

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I’ve soloed every character to OP8.

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I’ve successfully done all of them except terramorphus (because he’s still level 52 in NVHM), Voracidous and the Ancient Dragons as part of my NVHM playthrough as Maya (did the latter 2 in addition with Axton), which is significantly harder to do than in TVHM since you have far fewer skillpoints to work with. So I’d say it’s totally doable (for Voracidous, you will probably want to keep the Trespasser for it’s shield bypass, I only ever managed to beat him w/ my Axton in NVHM and was incredibly lucky…after many failed attempts).

As for general advice:
-Run every healing skill that you will actually be able to use in the fight (e.g. if there’s nothing Phaselock, then Elated is useless, but Sustenance is always useful). Being able to rebuild your health pool is vital to being able to survive long enough to win the fight.
-By the same token, shield skills that you will be able to use are also very worthwhile.
-Spec damage skills that aren’t dependent on conditions that will be difficult to maintain during the fight (kill-skills are usually not well utilized in raids though there are some where they can be useful).
-Having a reliable slagging tool from your build can avoid having slag unavailable due to lack of weapons/ammo for which you have slag, which will aid your damage output quite a bit.

I also uploaded videos of some of the NVHM solo’s, including Maya v Hyperius and v Master Gee, so you can see what I did for those fights in NVHM for yourself if you so choose.


The tactics doesn’t vary that much between level 50 and OP 8, so the videos you’re seeing will still be valid in that aspect. As @Frightning pointed out, several skills will be useless in most of the fights, because there’s nothing to phaselock. And since you’ll need to use 15 points just to get to Sustenance, I recommend skipping the healing skills completely. A Grog or a Rubi will take care of that instead. And even when there are enemies that can be phaselocked, it’s still not enough enemies to warrant points in the healing skills at level 50. Those points can of better use elsewhere.

Here’s a build that will work.

Several of the bosses (Terra, Hyperius, Vora) wash off the slag very fast, so a Bouncing Betty is your best tool for keeping them slagged. But it’s still a good idea to have Ruin. It will deal damage, and allow you to heal with Grog/Rubi, but you can also go with the Unkempt Harold method if you prefer that. The important skills in Cataclysm are Foresight, Immolate and Reaper. The rest is up to you, really.

In the Motion tree, I went with the shield skills and the cooldown. Ward is mandatory, but Inertia will also help out a lot. Even though there may not be enemies to phaselock, there will be enemies to kill. At least to some extent. If you’re running with a Bee, which I recommend, these skills will greatly improve your survivability and your dps. Quicken will give you the option to heal more often. And this leads me to the choice of relic. You can never go wrong with more cooldown on Maya. Increasing max health will not help you very much, I’m afraid. All the bosses can health gate you in one blow anyway, so you’re better off with something else. Stockpile, Allegiance, SMG damage…

When fighting Hyperius, it’s basically all about taking your time in the initial phase. Move one point to Converge to be able to bunch up the minions without wasting a bunch of singularity grenades. Bouncing Betty’s are less useful as soon as he aggros, so Ruin is vital here.

Pyro Pete will remain slagged, so your best grenade option will be a Quasar, to take care of the spiderants and rats. After that it’s just about avoiding the novas, and wearing him down.

Terra and Vora get covered pretty well in all the videos, so make good use of those. Master Gee… :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting: Why? Why? Why? I think this fight is so stupid, so I only do it on special occasions. Birthday parties and tuesdays :wink: you might say, but no. More like when the sun and the moon switch places. Move on! :grin:


What’s wrong with Master Gee? o.o Is it something specifically with Maya, or does the fight itself suck? I’d actually like to beat him as well.

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I’ve only ever done Terra with all characters in TVHM as I used him as practice for the difficulties of UVHM- that and working on a decent build :wink: As you’ve not posted yours I’ll give you what I used and some advice:
Since this is specific to Terra it’s a bit different than @Ronnie_Rayburn but it should get the job done. As I only ran the Tny Tina dlc once in TVHM there won’t be a reliance on the Grog Nozzle for healing; instead, go with the Rubi and a healing com or relic- L. Nurse if you have it or Blood of the Seraphs/Terramorphus (which might be a bit hard to get if this is your first time fighting him, unless you drop down to normal. He’s still level 50 there but at least his health pool is smaller). Fire is the element you want so a Good Touch, Blockhead or Heart Breaker for red text gear or any decent fire weapon, especially plasma castors, shotguns or sniper rifles. A Bee makes this a lot easier if you can get one and if you can snag a Cat com (not sure if the legendary version drops this low) to go with your fire SMG even better. An UH for when he gets up close (or the best shotgun you can get) and you should be set to give it a try. And as for Master Gee- the mechanics of the fight (pulling him into pools of acid to destroy his shield while staying alive long enough to kill him once it drops) yea- that- and the difficulty of fighting Vora- are probably the two most common complaints of any raid boss fights. I’ve only done Gee three time myself despite getting all characters to OP8 on the 360 (5 of 6 on the XBox One as am having issues with Krieg and the Peak right now) and truthfully, I think I’d rather face Vora than mess with Gee- the fight is that annoying IMO…


This. The mechanic is tedious in the extreme. I can count on my thumbs the number of times I’ve completed this fight. Some folks are more pain-tolerant. If you’re going to give it a try:


@Carlton_Slayer: Why Wreck on Terra? :confused:

The Master Gee fight has to be a real contender for the “stupidest-designed-raid-boss-ever”. OMG! I get furious every time I think of it! Drag him into one of the pools, and go hide behind the rock! Go to lunch. Come back! Go to dinner! Come back! Gee is dead, you won the fight! Yippee!


Regarding Voracidous: it seems that every guide I can find involves using the Norfleet. Is it required for the fight to solo?

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It is not required, but it does boost your chances of success and speed things up a bit. (Well, potentially quite a lot…)

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You misunderstand me- I’m not hating on Terra, quite the opposite- the fight I had with him vs Ultimate Krieg!! at level 72 was one of my favorites :+1: Any disses on raid bosses are strictly meant for Gee (and maybe just a bit for Vora- just a bit…).

It helps a lot if you actually feed him a good number of his worms, instead of just 1, because then the DoT will clear his shield much faster (so the fight won’t be complete tedium). It’s still a pretty weird fight, in that you don’t actually have to shoot much, mostly about proper kiting and projectile avoidance.

He’s referring to you having the Wreck skill for Terra when you have nothing to phaselock, making it useless.

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Really? I always thought you got the fire rate bonus from Wreck regardless if an enemy was PL- I thought you only lost the damage bonus. Whoops :confounded:

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I know that! The fact that you can feed him ONE worm and then go sit behind the rock, while Gee just stands there like an idiot and slowly dies, is so stupid that it would lead me to fire the responsible developer on the spot for doing it. This is supposed to be a raid boss. RAID BOSS!!!

I have to go and lie down!


You will have an easy time in TVHM.

Maybe to get to the raid boss arena faster. But in actual raid fight, not needed, I only used it on Vorac since my bee is always down in the fight. Other raid boss fight you need your Bee up if you want the raid boss dead fast.

In TVHM, try a Fire ricochet fibber + Bee + sheriff’s Badge and Terra will be dead in 1-2 phases.

You can also try to use chain lightning, fastball or stormfront and a Grog Nozzle if you are not fast enough to do the Harold-Grog swap like me.

As Maya spec into Cloud Kill and if the raid bosses damages you just switch to a grog and the CK procs on the enemy will heal you to full.

As Maya, just spec into Ruin so your phaselock slags the enemy, so you can save your grenades for other purpose (Singularity in Hyperius, Gee). In TVHM raid boss shake off those slag very fast anyways.

You can go with the standard maya raiding setup, Sandhawk (matching element to the weakness of the raid boss); Bee; Cat Class Mod (if you use the sandhawk, Siren or Binder if you use beefibber setup); Grog for heals; Elemental relics or others you prefer (it is TVHM anyways).

@Ronnie_Rayburn and @Carlton_Slayer build posted will work for most of the raid bosses, But with the dragons you might try to use thoughtlock for you to have an easier time.

Here is frightning channel if you choose to watch his NVHM raid boss kills


Am I the only one here that just crushes gee with the gate?

No- most assuredly, no :sunglasses:


No. Rest of us do it as well, on the other hand i think i am the only one who likes to melee gee with all characters. :wink: