Help me be better please

EDIT: A friend gave me some tips, working a little better now. Advice still welcome though.

My new build

It looks like your trying to split the killing between Gaige and DT, which is good. My suggestion however would be this:
IMO most of Gaige’s second tier and lower skills aren’t worth picking up if your not going to go with a full shock build (the exception to this being So5G to help DT’s melee damage). Also, IIRC DT is second only to Axton’s turrets in cool down time so getting him out there faster is better, hence the ditching of EB (and a couple of points in TBH) for 20% Cooler and MoSS, as I seem to recall MoSS helping tp give damage reduction against DoT’s. If you plan to do both raiding and general mobbing this build could handle both but if it’s strictly general mobbing you could probably take the points from FM and move them elsewhere.


I’ll give your build a try, thank you! And I’ve been switching to a hide, summoning DT then switching back to blockade lol

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I’d hit that build. I’m not sure if this is a qualified endorsement though.

Are you playing solo? If so, try giving Deathtrap the Love Thumper and keeping your distance. Robot Rampage with a depleted Love Thumper is pretty epic.


Ye I’m playing solo, I would imagine co-op is horrible as she’s kinda useless without stacks

Depends who the other VHs on team are. Sal can be a kill-stealing hog, but you should get good synergy between Gaige and Maya, even Axton.

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I was thinking more the fact you can’t stack anarchy effectively in online play lol unless you have very patient friends that don’t mind sitting in sanctuary :wink:

I don’t pre-stack, I just go out and shoot lots of things!


I think Gaige has actual issues with Zer0 players (as opposed to your expectations about stack rates). If Zer0 is sniping, Close Enough and Deathtrap will be hitting enemies, causing them to be obscured behind the damage or causing enemies to stay on the run. If Zer0 is doing melee and you have Buck Up, Deathtrap will constantly try to recharge Zer0’s shield,
eliminating the Roid damage (though I think this is pretty funny). Explosive Clap can blow enemies away from Execute or sniping position, as well. Think of Deathtrap like an amateur random: fun unless you’re taking things seriously.

Gaige and Zer0 can get along, but they need some specific ground rules. Everyone else should be fine.

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Same but I like her commentary when she has a lot of anarchy lol “anarchy forever!! And ever!!!”

Another character I dislike in co-op, I’m there trying to be sneaky and precise with Zer0 and along comes Krieg or sal insta killing everything lol

“Don’t reload! Don’t reload!”