I assume this is a good a place as any to put this. Sorry if it doesn’t really fit the place. Anyways, I operate on very limited data. As a result, a 10.5GB patch is too much for me to download, so I have to deal with the plethora of annoying bugs and such that come with using an unupdated game.
I’ve read that Maya has some serious issues regarding Helios, Backdraft (not that I use this one), Cloud Kill and Blight Phoenix. How serious are they through NVHM and TVHM? I’m not really good enough for UVHM so far and farming the gear would take a while anyways, from my understanding.
It may be far from optimal, but my typical build is:
5/5 Foresight
5/5 Helios
4/5 Chain Reaction
1/1 Cloud Kill
5/5 Reaper
5/5 Blight Phoenix
1/1 Ruin
Put in last point in Chain Reaction
Here’s my suggested build: http://bl2skills.com/siren.html#000000000000000000000555410501
I’ve never been a fan of Blight Phoenix; personally, I put the points in Immolate- the extra damage vs flesh enemies (as most of the game’s enemies are, minus the loaders) would make it easier to get out of FFL situations. As far as the patch might I ask what system you’re playing on? If an external HD is feasible it might be something to consider…
Even though the Cataclysm tree is really good, it may also cause you some unnecessary deaths. It’s very tempting to choose this path, coz the skills in there are damn sexy. But going down this tree right from the start forces you to give up the survival skills in the other trees. So let me suggest a different approach.
When I start a new siren, which i do quite often, I put the first two points in Sweet Release. After that, I get busy in the Motion tree. 5/5 in Ward, 5/5 in Suspension and finally one point in Converge. Now you’re able to stay alive, and keep the enemies at bay.
If you feel that your damage output is a bit too weak, you should pick up a Cat COM. Pretty much any Cat COM will give your SMG damage a healthy boost. A good white rarity Cat COM at around level 11 will boost it by ~80 %, and you may not feel the need to upgrade it throughout the whole game. There are stronger ones, ofc, but it’s a really good COM to get that early. The skill boosts on Cat COM’s in general are nice, but it’s the stat boost that make them so great.
At this point, you can either choose to go for the Cataclysm tree, or continue down the Harmony tree. It’s up to you.
(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
I’ll echo @Ronnie_Rayburn’s sentiment about not focussing on the right-hand tree. I currently have a Maya I just finished running through NVHM and TVHM putting most of the points in there (I have the 2015 update, so I wanted to see how it went), but I still have some points in the other trees (primarily middle).
My first Maya actually ran through NVHM and TVHM with mostly left and centre and a few bits of right, and she never really felt weak. Honestly, although there are some issues with some of her unpatched skills, she’s still a highly viable character.