I’m planning to play as Jakobs Zero using weapons like the bekah, twister, maggie and orphan maker.
I’ve read many threads were people said that they don’t invest in Velocity because of the time when the pellets from guns like bekah split or the twister can’t bore effectivly. But then on the other hand i saw people invested in this skill because they want to make the twister faster.
I’m a little bit confused what to do and hope that somebody can make this clear for me. I want to use the guns i listed at the top so don’t care about guns like the pimpernell.
I would also like to hear your opinion in other skills i should invest in for Jakobs Zero. Two fang yeah or neh?
For the bekah it all depends on what range you use it at. If you want a longer range sniper role for it velocity wouldn’t hinder it. Since velocity increases the range at which the bullet spilts.
That’s about all the advice i can give, i don’t play zero
For Velocity I’d just say try it out without and with and see if it has negative impact for you. If it doesn’t then just go ahead and spec it.
Two Fang is good for all of those with maybe the exception of Orpan Maker IF the Two Fang shot also hurts you (I don’t remember if it does). You could also go for a Triquetra, Coach gun, Bushwack or ,if you are looking for a really close range deal breaker and have both precicion and velocity specced, a Quad.
The Maggie, Twister and Orphan Maker all benefit from the passive damage Vel0city provides. For the Twister, I always prefer it will Vel0city because of the additional bullet speed and range it gets. I wouldn’t use it with the Bekah though - since you are likely gonna using the Leg. Killer, even 1 point in Vel0city can really mess with it.
That said, Vel0city isn’t a gamebreaker - so if you are maining the Bekah, I wouldn’t spec into it.
Definitely spec into Two Fang. Unless you have a godly trigger finger, TF will add alot of DPS to the Maggie and Bekah.