Tediore Reload Zer0

Not sure if this is a weird idea but it’s a fun build so yeah.


Tediore Plasma Casters(corrosive/fire)
Deliverance(because it needs some love :wink:)
Melee Grog/slag Rubi(just to help Zer0’s survivability and more slag, also for KB Executes)
Avenger(always have one in the backpack for ammo regen)

Antagonist(because who doesn’t like extra slag)
Blockade(if you wanna be boring :smirk:)

Succinct Professional(+6 Ambush/+5 Killer)

Tediore Allegiance(+damage/mag)
Bone of the Ancients(cooldown is never bad thing)
SMG Stockpile Relic(because Tediore reloads)

EDIT: Made a few changes based on @Lammas suggestions


If you’ll allow:

It’s a nice idea but might I suggest these changes http://bl2skills.com/assassin.html#505351500050055155015050510000

Since you are mostly doing your damage with reloads there’s no reason to max out precicion. Counter-strikes additive melee damage makes very little sense if you don’t have the “melee package” and Unforeseen makes quite a lot of sense IMO; it’s a great stand-alone skill that IMO works with any and every build that can afford it and this one seems to be able to. I picked up Execute because it’s a fun skill and can occasionally be used for KB’s even without melee package.

An even funnier alternative to top that suggestion off would be to throw the points from precicion and 2 points from velocity into 5/5 backstab and add a blade to 1 or 2 of your guns and you’ve got real killer KB executes at the price of points that don’t help tediore reload all that much.


From using unforeseen it generally hurts me more than helps as it goes off before your shot actually connects with the enemy, knocking them back and making me miss lol but it’s a reload build so not much of an issue. My thinking for counter strike is that kunai counts as melee so it’s an indirect bonus to dps
I like the blade idea though.

I considered Zer0 for my Tediore rep for this strategy many years ago. Fire one shot from each weapon in your loadout, go into Decepti0n, and reload them each once.


Exactly my thought process, the amount of debuff he can apply to enemies makes it very effective

Tediore reloads AFAIK do more damage depending on how close to the enemys crit spot you are hitting them (which is a pretty weird but kinda ingenious way to count their damage) but since they don’t actually cause crits wouldn’t it be better to get this the other way around for the ever so slight optimization? +4 % damage on all those juicy full mag - 1 reloads out of deception and you already have really fast reloads at 10/5 killer, 5/5 fast hands and the fact that Tediore has really fast reloads. If that ends up killing something with one less throw that’s a bunch of ammo saved.

Since you say Avenger is there for ammo regen how about adding a purple / gemstone Tediore pistol into the loadout (or Gunerang if you are comfortable with that)? Having more different kinds of stuff to throw would in best case scenario keep that Avenger in the backpack.


Would +6 ambush still be a professional com? Thought that would change the type

The prefix changes only ( renamed Succinct Professional ). Still has the same reload and shield bonuses.


So the current should just be “the professional”?? It seems a bit short of a prefix lol

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Yep! “The” is the prefix :roll_eyes:


That is honestly dumb as hell :joy:


I never considered an Avenger with Zer0… that final explosion should get Decepti0n and Ambush damage, no? :thinking: :open_mouth:


I haven’t tested it yet but I was hoping it would

It should but I wouldn’t be so sure that you’re getting them if you throw it out of deception at the last moment and then it ends before the SMG explodes. It might behave so that if you have it explode when you have that split second of deception left it gets those bonuses.

It can be either or but just thought I’d throw that theory out here in case it doesn’t seem to work since that is such an unusual thing to try in the first place.

That’s why the sanctuary dummy is there lol and yes ambush works on him, even though he’s strapped to a board he can apparently target things :neutral_face:

That’s why we burn a shot before going into Decepti0n; reloading (as in, tossing it at an enemy) doesn’t break Decepti0n, so it’s easy to get the Decepti0n/Ambush bonus. Burn a shot, go into Decepti0n, wait until a bit before the halfway mark, and toss.

All the rounds that spit out of the side should get Ambush as well as increasing Decepti0n damage as the timer moves to its conclusion, but it’s that final explosion that’s the goal.


Yes, all I was trying to say was that you might have to toss it early to get a deception bonus on it instead of tossing it with the same timing you’d normally take a shot out of deception. Weight on might, I don’t know if it works like that.

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