Favorite Raids (and why?)

Just curious XD

List of the raids (Hyperius, Voracidous, Terramorphous, Dexiduous, Ancient Dragons, Crawmerax, Vermivorous, Pete, Master Gee)

Up to you if you want to explain why or if you want to simply just rank them, it’s also fine.

I have different ranking based on level (op0 and op8)


9th - Dexi
I use Melee Zer0, buff said.

8th - Vermivorous
A pain to spawn, nuff said. Good loot pool though

7th - Gee
fight is dragging but the whole fight keeps you focused

6th - Pete
EZ fight. But if you laugh at him too much, he’ll put you down and make you wonder how was he able to do that XD

5th - Crawmerax
I just love the color and lighting of where you fight him (minus the cliffs) and I like hitting big enemies

4th - hyperius
I just like hitting him and bypassing his shield as melee zer0

3rd - Terramorphous
The main/vanilla raid of BL2. Starting from the build up of Tannis’ mission briefing to the terra peak/ground shaking. Fire phase, black hole phase, knock you off the arena phase, throw you head first to the ceiling and regain all health phase, fight’s enjoyable

Tie: Ancient Dragons and Voracidous

Dragons are glitchy, they choose when to land and how fast they take off. But on op0, it’s not too big of a deal. Arena looks cool and fighting 4 types of enemies make my melee zero get fired up

Voracidous because he’s probably the hardest raid and having him in kb range and executing him to oblivion gives me a great satisfaction.


9th - Dexi

8th - Vermi

7th - Pete

6th - Gee (i like hitting him 3-4 times with 999,999K during kb range. Tons of health!!!)

5th - crawmerax - same sa op0, just more health

4th - hyperius - same sa op0, just more health

1st 2nd and 3rd - Ancient Dragons, Vorac, and Terra
on op8, it becomes a dragging fight for vorac and for ancient dragons, it’s a fight against op8 DoTs.
Terra you need to get a good bore and slag too to get him to kb range before his fire phase but it’s always an intense fight regardless of your luck.


1- Ancient Dragons- I farm eridium for my mules so I’ve more time on these raid bosses than any other. The order in which to tackle them depends on the character used and level/mode they’re farmed in. Love the arena and their individual tactics and abilities…

2- Pyro Pete- easy enough to do w/o glitches if you want tp do the dodge the nova mechanic :grin:

3- Terra- while most VH I use fight him with Pride Rock usage Hellborn Krieg is an in-your-face-fight. Equip with a fire Hail, RR and Fire fastball grenades and then dance among the burning tentacles while laughing

4- Hyperious- might have been 2 or 3 if you didn’t get locked out after dying…

5 & 6- Vermiverous and Dexi- the spawing with the former can be pure luck while the latter is a bullet sponge with most of its loot that can be had thru other methods…

7- Master Gee- ugh! The time it takes to do this (if you don’t use the gate crush glitch) lands it near the bottom for me…

8- Crawmerax- Sadly I’ve only done this once as a raid but man, is it a blast!

9- Vora- as most of the words I’d use to describe him and this fight would get me censored, it’s the reason I put it dead last. I’ve only beaten him once (and with Gaige of all folks but hey- 600 stacks of Anarchy was worth the time spent farming it) and still need a Hawkeye to complete my collection of at least 1 of every possible seraph/legendary drop but I don’t know if I’ll ever have the patience for that…


Your favorites are the hardest raid bosses out there. But as a melee zero i also like the dragons and terra.

Mine is considering all the characters:
Never mind - dexi, vermi
Favorites - craw, hype, pete
Middle - gee ( i like meleeing him to death with all characters), terra
Least favorite - dragons, vorac


Good points! Lol at your vorac comment. Yeah he can be a pain to beat


#1 - Pete. Mostly because I can beat him with Krieg.

#2 - Whatever. I either haven’t really tried or just can’t be bothered with them.


The Ancient Dragons of Destruction are my favorite raid in the game. Fun fight.


Hyperious because i can solo him without sal

I can solo pete, but not as easily

Terra is a fun challenge

Never really bothered with the rest


Craw and Terra tied for first - fun fights, decent arena, and getting Vermi with Craw is one of the best experiences in the game.

Then Dragons - tough as hell at OP8 but a good fight, and the arena looks awesome.

Vora - I’ve only done this with CA Zer0, but one-shotting the chief and melting Vora in seconds is pretty epic.

Vermi - I feel weird even calling this a “raid”, but I do enjoy farming him (and getting lots of tubbies and Ults along with it)

Pete and Hyperius - this is where they start to fall off for me. I still enjoy them, but nothing too spectacular.

Dexi - it’s…something to do. And a way to burn ~120 eridium

Gee - I’ve maybe killed this guy 10 times ever, not fun IMO. lol Crush him with the gate and call it a day.


1 - Terramorphous.
He was the first raid boss I ever killed legit.

2 - Pyro Pete.
Because I can actually kill him with Vault Hunters that aren’t Maya.

3 - Hyperius.
I like the fact that there is some degree of strategy instead of “pound in the face like a madman in between healing”.

4 - The rest of them can kiss my ass! I mostly hate raid bosses as they seem to be grog-nozzling for the majority of the fight.
I really hope they evolve the raids to be more tactical for the next Borderlands.


I prefer raids like gee, the dragons and hyperius. They all have fun mechanics. ( I wish you weren’t forced to use moxxi weapons but in a discussion about raids I think bringing this up is probably stupid.)

Anyway the list is:
1- Gee, I’m pretty sure this is an unpopular opinion but the fact that is so different from the others makes it stand out. Also it feels like the only fight where the health gating isn’t so strong.
2- Dragons, fair challenge great fight (when they behave).
3-hyperius, I don’t have in issue other than having to healthgate through novas.
4-Pete, I think it’s good to have a raid that’s easy, helps people get used to it.
5-Craw, never really enjoyed this fight too much. I like how his dive bomb gives an AOE indication so players know to move out of the way.
6-Terra, never really enjoyed the fight to be honest. Probably because I haven’t tried it in ages.
7-Tie for the rest, vermi is a pain to spawn. Voracious is everything I hate when it comes to being forced to healthgate, don’t consider that fun. Dexi, terribly boring for the effort you have to go through to spawn.


I can’t say I have any particular favorites really, though I have some I do more than others because they’re easier for me when I just want crystals. (Pete and Hyperius I can pretty much do in my sleep.)

On paper, I like Gee. There’s some satisfaction in sucking him over to an acid pool with a singularity nade and watching him soak it up, but yeah it tends to be a test of patience. I’ve actually never tried the gate crush trick, I should try that sometime for grins. :slight_smile:

I like the Dexi fight because I’m insane I guess. :slight_smile: I like how the setting isn’t a confined arena and the mechanics of it (popping crit spots) matches with one of my preferred combat styles (popping repeated crits with super-accurate weapons like the Bitch or Lady Fist.)

Krieg vs Craw is insane fun. There’s so much going on and so much visual pollution I have no idea what’s going on but it’s fun. :slight_smile:


after completing the BAR Challenge to kill him 15 times for a 100% completion on 1 toon, I swore never to touch him again

excluding “Gee”, pretty much this, Just depends on what I want to farm for and what Level as to which Raid I pick on


Most favourite : Terra , Dragons and Craw because…cliffs! :smiley:

Least favourite : Vorac because my so-called “friends” lock me up in there with him alone :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Actually Terra , Dragons and Craw are in fact my most favourite. I guess it’s because they require the most situational awareness. Whatever the reason I feel pretty good when I finish those.

Master Gee : I’d put that in my top 5 doing it co-op - setting up the one-two punch is a lot of fun ; but it’s pretty dull solo.

Pete and Hyp are about the same : slightly monotonous but still feels good when I see their corpses. Setting up Hyp for B0re is interesting - weird to see what works and what doesn’t.

Vermi and Dexi - never done!

Vorac greatly depends on the character : Bloodsploding at OP levels is extremely tough (for me) to pull off, but what an awesome thing to accomplish. I’ve got him with a Tediore Axton. Maya nope. Gaige no chance ( no bloody way I’m going to build up stacks only to lose them all in 20 seconds ). Otherwise, he’s a means ( via Sal ) to an end ( Interfacers ). Oddly I don’t think I’ve done Vorac with Zer0 above 72 :thinking:


:joy::rofl: got a vid of that? :smirk:

OT: My all time fav is Vermi. She’s a hoot. :blush:

  1. Torgue’s Grandma because REASONS!

  2. Vora because he’s the toughest and I enjoy a good challenge, plus Candlerakk’s Cragg is my fav map. :slight_smile:

  3. Terra because Krieg vs Terra is my favourite boss fight of the game, as it actually is a battle where both keep attacking each other and you have to switch between grog and dmg at the right time.

  4. Hyperius, I like his concept and it’s fun to watch him get one-shotted hahaha. :stuck_out_tongue:

  5. Dragons, they would be higher if they landed every time I want them to. :stuck_out_tongue:

The others are all meh.


Unfortunately no - it was a particularly epic & hilarious session with SRG & Striker. I thought SRG might have it around but I can’t find it on his channel. :sob:


Wut you’ve never done dexi and vermi? Get to level 72 on your the hunt toon and we will spawn them!


Worst to best

Granma Flexington
Terra / Dragons

That is indeed how little regard I give to Gee and Vora. Vora is loads better design than Gee is but I still dislike the mechanics and hate his non-existant crit spot. Hyperius and Pete are both kind of okay but they certainly don’t feel like raid bosses. Vermi is painful and finicky but also rewarding and can be fun in a group.

Terra and Dragons are the only raid bosses that in my opinion actually feel like raid bosses. They are large and kinda epic instead of just being just some dude standing in some random cellar. I like those fights a lot more because of that feeling. I think the dragons inch out the win barely. If they were a little less random and didn’t suffer from the landing glitch it would be a clear win for me.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot Craw. It’s a fun and pretty well designed fight. If it had some unique loot it would be even better but as it is I’d place it near the top behind Terra and Dragons.


Lol, savage. :stuck_out_tongue:


Maya player POV, (Sometimes Melee Zer0)

#1 Vorac. Having great time fighting this guy. Fun for both Maya and Zer0.

#2 Dragons. Surviving and keeping my BEE up is kinda painful (specially using op0 gear), but the fight is fun. Enjoying the suffer in that arena.

#3 GEE. I really love dodging GEE’s Throwing Axe LOL, still cannot dodge them every time, so more practice!!

#4 The rest. They’re about the same for me.