Beehawk Questions

I’ve never used beehawk as I dislike the bee shield but recently thought I’d try it so I got one on all 6 characters and it feels underwhelming on all of em :confused: i know the bee was nerfed a long time ago but has anything happened to beehawk since or am I doing something wrong?

EDIT: I’m stupid, I didn’t realise that hyperius still takes reduced damage for a short period after his shield goes down, beehawk is indeed OP lol

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This is the first time i heard that beehawk is not OP.

We even run the OP8 peak with 72 bee and sandhawk and it still a killer, heck I even seen a Level 50 geared Siren beehawking the Peak at OP8.


Well that’s the thing, I see videos of people almost insta killing hyperius with beehawk but then I do it and he barely loses 1/4 of his health

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who you’re playing? I’m an expert beehawker, maybe I can help with strats.

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I tried all 6 characters, Maya did the most because of reaper and the legendary cat but still not a lot

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Maya, Leg. Cat, Bee, Sandhawk = one-shot Piston’s blimp. Which isn’t underwhelming in my book, considering what a pain that fight can be for, say, Krieg…

Not sure how she’d kill Pete without that setup either.

Never spent much time with Hyperius (he doesn’t drop anything I care about - no, I see no need to acquire a Norfleet :stuck_out_tongue: ), but taking off 25% in the initial bursts sounds about right. The Hyperius insta-kill videos I’ve seen were Tediore chucking shenanigans. Probably Axton, might have been Krieg, I forget.


Is it in OP8. maybe you’re shooting Hype with his shields up and or wrong element.

Strategy for Hyperius is to group the Bots and let you damage it (corrosive element or DPUH) so that it will remove the shield from Hyperius. Then wait for your bee to be up then beehawk (fire element) it.

Just repeat the process if Hyperius get backs the shield.

Oh and slag is important as well

Sharing to you this kill at level 72, proud of this since it’s a smooth kill.


I use quasars and converge on Maya to get bots in a bunch and then hit em once with corrosive norfleet and I use a fire sand hawk, I have no problem killing him with Axton using an ogre and pandemics for bots though :confused:

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I think you’re good to go, you just need some more practice runs.

Those people insta killing Hyperius using Maya uses the Immolate Glitch which is patch already. :+1:

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Ahh ok, hard to know what’s been patched and what hasn’t since the games fairly old now. Thanks for the help though :slight_smile:

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In case it’s still a tough fight, a shock Lady Fist and a Bee make that fight trivial for any character. Shoot him from the walkway connected to the elevator to take no damage, and add a shock bone or Sheriff’s Badge to “Salt the Wound”.

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That implies waiting to do the fight at 72 (or wasting a Lady Fist quest turn-in below level cap). And if I do that, may as well Beehawk it, which is what he did. Took way longer than Maya’s one-shot, naturally. And you do take damage in that elevator walkway - occasional splash from rockets, and if a buzzard hovers in line with the exit they’ll do a lot of damage… :stuck_out_tongue:

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You can just use your NVHM or TVHM Lady Fist and an on level Bee and it’s practically the same damage. And to that extent, so long as the LF isn’t fire or corrosive, you should be more than fine.

Personally I never take damage in that hallway, but then again I think I usually kill him in sub 5 seconds. :stuck_out_tongue:

Most of the time those people have perfect gear and maybe a trick or two, but that’s also only achievable at 72 if you’re trying it at OP8.

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Indeed! :rofl:

One way to kill Hyperius fast is to use the Antagonist method.


Hmm, I do have a level 50 NE :princess::fist: somewhere… Sounds like something for Axton to try when I’m back to playing BL2 regularly. :slight_smile: Thanks!

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Last major patch was October 2015, so any video dated before that is likely to be off - especially if it involves Maya or Zer0. The other thing to watch out for is recent videos where the player is on PC and using the Unofficial Community Patch (UCP), since that changes quite a few things around.


That long really? Damn. Thanks for the info!

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