A Small Sample of Madjack Data

While farming the Madjack, I exported the data (probably in a relatively inefficient, unnecessarily convoluted manner) to a spreadsheet to see what the part rarity in this instance is like. Since every part other than the body and stock is either unique or locked, those parts are omitted.

Relevant Information:

  • This sample is small (perhaps too small).
  • One-Eyed Jack’s AwesomeLevel is 3.
  • In order to be blue rarity, a Madjack must have body1 and no stock.
  • Based on this small sample, my chances of getting a level 68 AX320 Madjack is around 0.0468% (117/250000).

■■■■. Well, good to know. Once upon a time I tried farming for an AX body, came here crying cause I was too weaksauce to really commit to the farm.

Nice post.


Yes, I saw your post about that. It was part of the reason I decided to do this. I’d estimate one could presumably do ~50 runs/hour if they felt like it, but the mundanity of it would probably become tiresome quickly.


Well, the +/- on those estimates is fairly large, especially for the low numbers. But it’s still better than no data at all! And now you’ve posted it, if anyone feels like adding to that sample, the data will have a chance to be better. (@billthebetta - farming time?! :stuck_out_tongue: )


Nah, still playing pokemon, and I already have something else in BL1 I’m chipping away at.