I am coming up to the most difficult part of the game, ie End O’the Line and Wilhelm. This will be about my 10th or 11th fight with Wilhelm and so far I have only got past him once in UVHM and really struggle in TVHM. I am currently at level 38 in TVHM as Gaige. With the forthcoming battle with Wilhelm can you advise would I be better to either: a) use Magic Missile Slag Grenades and then hit him with the Hornet, Teapot and Launcher, or b) use Homing Tesla Grenades then the Hornet and Launchers interspersed with a slag sniper for good effect. Either way Deathtrap will always be deployed.
Or is there a better strategy to follow?
When I deploy Deathtrap the normal red life-bar appears at the bottom of the screen. Lately another smaller green bar has appeared above this. What is this measuring? I presume it is the result of adding Skills to my character (Potent as a Pony?)
I like to use the Flakker against Wilhelm, with Gaige. A Hornet would also be great. I don’t think this is the most difficult part of the game, but that’s all down to opinion I suppose.
I’m not sure I know what you mean. If you mean Deathtrap has a second bar, it could be due to Sharing is Caring, which gives him a copy of your shield.
Edit: Just noticed you said you’re in TVHM, so a Hornet or Flakker might not be an option. A decent option would be the Teapot, in that case.
Edit 2: If you can get a Harold, i’d recommend using that. I made a short clip of my level 50 Gaige vs Wilhelm.
The key think is to get a jump on him before he can regenerate his shields or construct more surveyors to do so.
You won’t need legendaries or red text to do this. Just solid on-level blues would be enough so long as you get a good shock and corrosive weapon combo as those are the two elements you’ll need the most. Also knowing what skills you are using would help as well.
It might be worth your time to do the Clan War missions if they are available, I forget if they come up that early in the game, to get some of those weapons. The Triquerta and Chulain will likely help you out. Another option is to see what you can get from Assassinate the assassins. There are good weapon drops from there.
Transfusion grenades are going to help a lot since Gaige’s health regeneration is at a cost if you’re spec’d into those skills. You either have to stop shooting, or spend anarchy. That being the case it’s better to just go with a transfusion grenade.
Ultimately, unless you score a good rocket launcher and just overwhelm him from the get go, the strategy is to run and gun and never stop moving evasively and wear him down.
If you haven’t already picked it up from Moxxi, a Bad Touch is a realy good option in this fight. It’s also a great gun to have at this stage, since you’re about to fight a bunch of robots in Overlook. Bad Touch is a one-time-per-character gun, so if you plan on getting it at 72, then don’t pick it up now.
You can get a Bad Touch once per character, but you can get it pre-Outwash. What I normally do is bring in a second controller to get me one on characters that have already got one.