I think he is
can’t imagine going through UVHM foes like they were NVHM dooshes at level 50 with this guy!
I think he is
can’t imagine going through UVHM foes like they were NVHM dooshes at level 50 with this guy!
No. /thread.
will you at least offer a challenging character?
I think you need to define what you mean by “powerful”? Things get a little complicated for a number of reasons, even for something as apparently simple as comparing weapons of the same class. For example, there’s issues comparing raw damage versus sustained DPS (including reloads, DoT contributions, slag multipliers).
When comparing actual characters, this gets worse. For example, one character/buiid/loadout might do better (in terms of raw time-to-kill) mobbing, but perform worse against raid bosses. And then there are differences between different bosses anyway…
TL;DR - what are your criteria for assessing “most powerful”? And under what circumstances?
don’t know. Just generally and stuff
Then generally, I’d say “no”. I’ve run multiple builds of the different characters up to level 50. In terms of my ability to get them there and enjoy the process, they’ve all been pretty equal. Some things were easier with Maya, others with Axton, … Part of that is also preferred play-style (although I’ve enjoyed adapting my default style with different characters as I’ve got to know them better).
So overall, I’d say in my experience and from my perspective that the characters are pretty evenly matched at level 50. Sure, you can make builds that leave you weak and vulnerable, but there are multiple ways to create viable builds for each character at TVHM end-game. It all depends on what you want to do with them at that point - as I said, different raid bosses at that point are going to require different builds/strategies for different characters, so it’s a bit hard to generalise comparisons.
Edit to add: what really matters is if you enjoy your build and what you can do with that character. If it’s working for you and you’re having fun, then it’s a success. And I will say that the build looks pretty interesting - a bit different from the way I build a nuke Axton at level 50, but there’s always some flexibility at that point.
If you define powerful as “how fast you bring down bosses” the answer is going to be different than if you define it as “how fast you can clear through a map” or “how much damage you can crank out in a time lapse” or “how often you go down” or “how easy it is to play” or … However else you want to define “powerful”.
All the characters are “Powerful enough” to do everything in the game, and they all have something they are the best at.
If you more precisely define your question, an answer would be possible.
Thought, no matter the ways to define it I can think of right now, Axton is rarely the answer.
The thing with Axton is that his strength is balance: he’s not the best at anything, but he’s never the worst either.
So in a discussion of “who’s the best at X?” His name will rarely come up.
Yeah, if you get into very specific things, everyone will have strong points. Axton is also the best explosive user.
As for Sal, at level 50, I’m not sure he’s so much better than the rest. For mobbing, I would pick Maya or Gaige first.
Honestly, I think Sal’s power is sort of overrated. Thing is, alot of his ‘power’ is actually riding on critical damage transfer from his offhand, whether be it a Grog Nozzle or Lady Fist, which massively conflates his DPS. Sure, it is remarkably easy to pull off, but so is Flakhabbing and Shamfleeting - but that doesn’t make it any less of an exploit. Without such gimmicks, he is still a damn strong class, but more in line with the ‘DPS classes’ like Krieg and Zer0. Put it this way, transplant Sal to TPS and while he would still be one of the stronger classes, Athena, Nisha and even Jack would probably destroy him (except maybe Deputy builds).
As for Axton, I really enjoy playing him, but contrary to OP’s statement, objectively I feel he is the weakest of the 6 toons. His gun DPS is definitely the poorest, and he is unable to pull it off with great consistency unlike say Maya. His survivability is middle of the road, but having a ‘survival’ tree certainly does not make him a tank. His grenade build is really strong, but is predicated on one very overpowered grenade. And his ‘synergy’ with splash guns is always overstated - its really just 25% multiplicative on the base damage of the gun, independent of crit. That said, I feel this does not take away from him as a class. Axton is alot of fun because he has an excellent action skill, the best ‘pet’ skill in the franchise, and his weaknesses means that he encourages alot of player involvement and strategic thinking.
You seem caught up in the “best” min/max trap that we all likely fell into when we started the game…There is no best in BL2, only best for specific roles and scenarios and even then there’s usually alternatives and multiple good choices available…it’s one of many reasons why the game has such replayability and longevity