Final Results: Top 3
1st place:
Flare2V [900 points, 1st to complete]
2nd place:
LazyData [900 points]
3rd place:
Mopioid [889 points]
Thank you all for the support! We raised over $120K for St. Judes!
Best of the Best Drops:
Bearcat from Mick Zaford By Flare2V
94% Sham Drop by Pla4tex
Double Hide of Terra in a single kill by Joltzdude139
Double Bee Drops from Treants by King Gothalion
Conference Call from a Nomad by TheFuncannon
Veruc World Drop from a Pile by sNc_Ninety
First Kill OOO Twister Drop by Mopioid
World Drop Butcher from a Loader by CrazyChris576
Flare2v is the winner of The Hunt 2018, and is the first player to reach 900 points, as of early morning Eastern 2/23/2018.
Some notable drops from his performance:
Bearcat from Mick Zaford
Cobra Drop
Hey all. This is going to be the official resource for The Hunt 2018, including spreadsheets, scoreboards, rulesets, signs ups, and other information. Iâm happy that the event is back for another iteration, and would like to thank everyone in the community for their support, as well as King Gothalion and Professor Broman for hosting and promoting this iteration of the event.
Please note that a few rules are under review and changes may occur before the competition starts. Any update will be announced and posted via an update log to this page.
If you would like to submit feedback, suggestions, rule considerations or have any general questions about the event, feel free to reply to this thread (must have a GBX Forums account) or contact me (Ganza) via Discord DM (Ganza#2314), Twitter (@Ganza731), or whisper Ganza on Twitch.
If you would like to sign up for The Hunt 2018, please visit the link below:
In addition, we would like to encourage people who participate to sign up to support GuardianConâs St. Judeâs Fundraiser, as we would like all proceeds from this event to go to St. Judeâs. Registration is available below:
GuardianCon 2018 and St. Judeâs - Sign Up Here!
This Competition will start on February 19th, 2018 (12:00 Midnight Eastern [US]) and will go until February 25, 2018.
Item List template:
Public scoreboards and tracking will be available and posted here upon sign ups completion. Access to edit will be sent to the email address you signed up with.
The Hunt 2018 Official Ruleset
Note - Rules may be adjusted in the upcoming weeks before the event. Updates will be announced and noted via an update log. Anything marked below with the tag [UNDER REVIEW] indicates a possible change in the rule from last yearâs event.
This competition is for vanilla Borderlands 2. The usage of the Unofficial Community Patch, or any mod that changes the vanilla drop rates is NOT allowed. (The usage of âquality of lifeâ mods for gameplay is not allowed.)
You must CREATE A NEW CHARACTER and utilize ONLY THAT CHARACTER for the duration of the competition
- To start everyone on even footing and to allow people who have not played the game before to be on par with everyone, we are enforcing that a new character must be created on February 19th for this scavenger hunt. You will only be allowed to use this character for the duration of the event. -
You must COMPLETE Talon of God on Normal Vault Hunter Mode
- We are requiring that everyone complete the first playthrough up to NVHM Talon of God before the end of the competition. -
ONLY ONE (1) ITEM Per Slot, No Duplicate Items for Points
- Each item is redeemable only once, and you cannot farm the same item for multiple iterations of points. Once you have it, you have it. -
[NEW] Once you BEGIN a NEW PLAYTHROUGH, you may ONLY return to the most recent previous Playthrough difficulty
- Once you start TVHM, you may return to normal mode, however once you start UVHM, you are restricted to TVHM and higher. When you start OP1 (regardless of completion of the Peak), you are restricted to UVHM and UP.
- For Easy Reference:
Once you START TVHM, you can go back to Normal Mode if needed.
Once you START UVHM, you can go back to TVHM if needed, you are LOCKED OUT OF NORMAL MODE.
Once you START PLAYING ON OP1+, you can go back to UVHM (72) if needed, you are LOCKED OUT OF TVHM.
[RESTORED] You may buy the RAID BOSS SERAPHS from TVHM Seraph Vendors
- Seraph Crystals only drop in UVHM, and you are restricted to TVHM after entering UVHM as per the above rule. The raid boss seraphs are purchasable in the TVHM Seraph Shops. To redeem these using this method, you MUST spend your Seraph Crystals for each item in order to count them. If youâre in a party and youâve farmed Seraph Crystals together, then one person can spend for the whole group as long as all members have been present for the whole time during Seraph Crystal collection. -
[NEW] Lobby Swapping Ban
- Due to last yearâs competition and the practice of OP8 âLobby Swappingâ which could potentially trivialize Tubby farming, the practice of lobby swapping (lining up several people, for example viewers from a stream, to farm Tubbies for you, and message you in chat so you are constantly switching between lobbies that have spawned a rare enemy) is prohibited. -
[REWORKED] Co-Op Regulations are as follows:
- Co-Op play is encouraged, all signed up with a column must be streaming. If a drop is found during a playthrough with multiple column-assigned participants, only ONE (1) highlight is needed; please make sure to put the names of your co-op partners in the highlight description/clip title. You may play with partners that are not participating on the spreadsheet via co-op. However it must be determined that your co-op partner must have started a new character ON FEBRAURY 19th.
- Utilizing co-op with others playing as perfectly geared characters using gibbed is explicitly NOT ALLOWED.
- You may farm with friends up to the max party size (The Host + 3 Players). Each player must be the same level or two levels below/above (+/- 2) the host of the game.
- For OP levels all users are restricted to the same OP Level gear as the host, or below. If joining a lobby, you must have reached the same OP Level as the host (reminder that ALL players will need to start a new character on 2/19, including those hopping in games to help but not participating on the spreadsheet). -
No Golden Key Items
- No items from the Golden Chest are allowed for use in the playthrough. -
- You may read only farm to obtain certain items while leveling up a character, only for those items with gun rolls. You may not Alt F4 / Dashboard farm things like the Moonshot, Treasure Room Questline, etc. -
- This means that if you find an item on this list by killing a random enemy, opening a chest, from a Legendary Loot Midget, etc., you ARE allowed to count this item towards your progress. -
Items from Slot Machines ARE ALLOWED
- If you find any item on the list from the slot machines in Sanctuary, the Torgue DLC, or the Tiny Tina DLC, you ARE allowed to count this towards your progress. You do not need to purchase the item, rather you can just screenshot it. The only exception is the Torgue Machine Legendaries. See below. -
Legendary Items from the Torgue DLC Vending Machines ARE ALLOWED
- You may farm Torgue Tokens in order to purchase a Torgue Legendary and count it towards your progress. For each legendary you redeem farmed via the Torgue Vending Machine, you MUST purchase the item to spend the Torgue Tokens.
(Please note that the Pocket Rocket is excluded from this competition). -
Legendary/Pearlescent Items from vendors in the âItem of the Dayâ ARE ALLOWED
- If you are lucky enough to come across a legendary or pearlescent in a vending machineâs âItem of the Day,â you may count it towards your progress. You DO NOT need to purchase the item, rather you can highlight the item in the machine as proof. -
No Badass Rank
- Please disable badass rank to keep everyone on the same footing during the competition. -
No Experience Point Exploits
- Including Test Dummy EXP Farming -
[NEW] No Mods Allowed
- The competition will take place in vanilla Borderlands 2. The usage of the Unofficial Community Patch, any patch that changes the drop rates, QoL mods, or any other mod, is prohibited. -
Classic Hunt Rules Apply as far as Exploits/Glitches
- This includes bans on Damage Transfer via Pimpernel/Ahab or Flakker/Ahab, Morningstar Critical Hit Stacking, Respec Machine Rising Sh0t Stacking, Buck Up/Gaige Glitches, Amp Shield Damage Stacking, Axton Co-Op Speed Glitch, no Out of Bounds (wall clipping), and other obvious gltiches/exploits not mentioned here.
Rule Changelog v1.7:
[NEW] Master Gee/Pyro Pete gate/elevator crushing is not allowed
Utilizing singularity grenades and crushing Master Gee with the entrance gate is not allowed in this iteration of the event. Similarly, crushing Pyro Pete with the elevator will not be allowed. -
[NEW] Once you BEGIN a NEW PLAYTHROUGH, you may ONLY return to the most recent previous Playthrough difficulty
Once you start TVHM, you may return to normal mode, however once you start UVHM, you are restricted to TVHM and higher. When you start OP1 (regardless of completion of the Peak), you are restricted to UVHM. This is outlined in the quick reference above under this section. -
[NEW] Lobby Swapping Ban
Due to last yearâs competition and the practice of OP8 âLobby Swappingâ which could potentially trivialize Tubby farming, the practice of lobby swapping (lining up several people, for example viewers from a stream, to farm Tubbies for you, and message you in chat so you are constantly switching between lobbies that have spawned a rare enemy) is prohibited. More on this rule to come, will be fleshed out. -
[REWORKED] Co-Op Regulations are as follows: [UNDER REVIEW]
- Co-Op play is encouraged, all signed up with a column must be streaming. If a drop is found during a playthrough with multiple column-assigned participants, only ONE (1) highlight is needed; please make sure to put the names of your co-op partners in the highlight description/clip title. You may play with partners that are not participating on the spreadsheet via co-op. However it must be determined that your co-op partner must have started a new character ON FEBRAURY 19th.
- Utilizing co-op with others playing as perfectly geared characters using gibbed is explicitly NOT ALLOWED.
- You may farm with friends up to the max party size (The Host + 3 Players). Each player must be the same level or two levels below/above (+/- 2) the host of the game.
- For OP levels all users are restricted to the same OP Level gear as the host, or below. If joining a lobby, you must have reached the same OP Level as the host (reminder that ALL players will need to start a new character on 2/19, including those hopping in games to help but not participating on the spreadsheet). -
[ALLOWED] Utilization of Double Shotting
[RESTORED] You may buy the RAID BOSS SERAPHS from TVHM Seraph Vendors
Seraph Crystals only drop in UVHM, and you are restricted to TVHM after entering UVHM as per the above rule. The raid boss seraphs are purchasable in the TVHM Seraph Shops. To redeem these using this method, you MUST spend your Seraph Crystals for each item in order to count them. If youâre in a party and youâve farmed Seraph Crystals together, then one person can spend for the whole group as long as all members have been present for the whole time during Seraph Crystal collection._ -
[DENIED] Usage of non-drop rate adjusting QoL mods for PC Gameplay
No mods allowed
Live Tracking! Invites to edit will be sent to your email by EOD tonight! 2/18/2018
Rule Changelog logs:
v1.1 - Master Gee/Pyro Pete gate & elevator ban
v1.2 - Added [UNDER REVIEW] section
v1.3 - Under review: Double shotting
v1.4 - Removed Badass Rank from [UNDER REVIEW], BAR must be turned off for this competition.
v1.5 - Co-Op Level Requirement Added
v1.6 - Added Level and Playthrough restrictions (WIP), clarified One-character rule, removed NVHM/TVHM Seraph Vendors. Changes are subject to editing.
v1.7 - Mods not allowed, changed the level restrictions to be less strict, restored TVHM Seraph Vendors for Raid Seraphs, re-worked co-op restrictions based on community feedback.
Last update: 2/4/2018 - 1:14 PM Eastern (US).