Interested in a 2 month long hunt? No awards given, just bragging rights and you would play by the honor system using uploaded images. Bottom line, this is going to be a laid back, fun event. The event will begin on February 15, 2018@ 10 am EST and run thru April 15, 2018 10 pm EST.
You must CREATE A NEW CHARACTER for each game (BL2 & TPS) and utilize it for the duration of the competition.
You must use gear found during play through.
Drop lobbies and/or gear mules prohibited.
You must COMPLETE Talon of God on Normal Vault Hunter Mode for BL2 & The Beginning of the End on Normal Vault Hunter Mode for TPS.
ONLY ONE (1) ITEM Per Slot. No Duplicate Items for points.
You may read only (console players may dashboard) farm to obtain certain items while leveling up a character, only for those items with gun rolls. You may not Alt F4 / Dashboard to farm items, like the Moonshot, Treasure Room Questline, Grinder, etc.
World Drops ARE ALLOWED.
This means that if you find an item on this list by killing a random enemy, opening a chest, from a Legendary Loot Midget, etc., you ARE allowed to count this item towards your progress.
Items from Slot Machines ARE ALLOWED.
You may use the Grinder for ONLY the items listed on checklist as allowed.
You may buy the RAID BOSS SERAPHS from NVHM/TVHM Seraph Vendors.
Legendary Items from the Torgue DLC Vending Machines ARE ALLOWED (must buy these with Torgue Tokens).
Legendary/Pearlescent Items from vendors in the “Item of the Day” ARE ALLOWED (do not have to buy, just screen shot of item).
No Badass Rank.
No Experience Point Exploits.
Including Test Dummy EXP Farming (BL2) or Guardian Hunter (TPS).
Classic Hunt Rules Apply as far as Exploits/Glitches.
This includes bans on Damage Transfer via Pimpernel/Ahab or Flakker/Ahab, Morningstar Critical Hit Stacking, Respec Machine Rising Sh0t Stacking, Buck Up/Gaige Glitches, Amp Shield Damage Stacking, Axton Co-Op Speed Glitch, Wombat Glitch and no Out of Bounds.
The usage of the Unofficial Community Patch, any patch that changes the drop rates, QoL mods, or any other mod, is prohibited.
Co-op play is allowed as long as your partner follows the rules above.
You can keep track of your progress with the 2018 Hunt Checklist. The checklist is here:
I suggest to print a hard copy of the checklist to record your findings.
PM me or post here if you want to participate and I’ll add you to the spreadsheet.
Please post your findings with a screenshot or short vid clip and place the appropriate point value next to it. Keep track of your points and I will tally them as well. At the end of the Hunt I will post the results.
One question. Since I play on Xbox and PS4, can I do it on both and get double points that way, or does it only count for one character in total? BECAUSE I’M CRAZY ENOUGH TO DO IT!!!
Sorry for all the questions, it says you must finish the main stories on Normal, does this mean that’s where you stop and just farm, or can you continue into TVHM etc.?
Voracidous- I farmed him in TVHM after I got into UVHM. Even though you can get those items from a vendor in TVHM, I still wanted to make it a challenge (at least farming them).
Part of challenge and the fun of it is to figure out a game plan and strategy…seriously, have fun with this.
I’ll probably start a character on 2/15 using your rules and then create another on 2/19 that I’ll stream for a week, then go back to the original char to finish the unofficial hunt.
instead of my rambling, here is the announcement that just appeared on this forum while I was editing this post: