[BUILD] The Ass-Bandit by BucklingSwashes




Chainged by Pandora
An assassun is reborn

Frum the creater of such grate ideas like Hammurand Cyron and Ration-o-lies Saicockapoo comes the last manufacturur allegince billd youll evr need. Fourged in the fyres of Mount Hellsfont, feared by envincables the wurld over, and maeby inbred a little, your moar than your avrage Pandoran. Your an ASSASSUN. Your an BANDIT. Your…


What originally began as a joke build - with a name sure to incite giggles from any boy between the ages of 8 and 14 - has grown and evolved to such a point where I can honestly call it my favorite Zer0 setup.

It’s a Bandit allegiance build, and it’s here to give some love to one of the most derided of manufacturers through one of the most unexpected of characters. With five weapon classes at your disposal, the COM of choice for a true Pandoran ninja, and skill point allocation that will make perfect sense once you really think about it, I guarantee you’ll be surprised at both the effectiveness and fun factor of playing as an Ass-Bandit. Plus, there are some bonus Bandit haikus in it for you as well!

This major revision features an updated Level 61 version of the build, and also introduces two alternate Ass-Bandit setups for players looking for a more strict focus on either guns or melee.

Lets get too the skill braekdown!:


  • 0ptics - [5/5]
    Aiming for the kil
    I raelly dont want to miss
    So lets staybulize
    This entire tree may perplex some players, but as with any allegiance build, alleviating a manufacturer’s weaknesses is often just as important as taking advantage of its benefits. Bandit weapons aren’t exactly the most accurate available, so keeping your sights trained on the target is key.

  • Precisi0n - [5/5]
    It’s not a huge boost in accuracy, but it’s enough to make it worthwhile. You want every shot to hit your enemy with this build.

  • B0re - [1/1]
    Enemees lined up
    I liek to shoot strait throo one
    And hit anuthers
    This isn’t always the most useful of skills, but in any situation where you’re facing more than one opponent, moving into a position in which you can hit multiple enemies with a constant stream of bullets - and get bonus damage while you do it - is obviously worthwhile.


  • C0unter Strike - [5/5]
    Sometiems I get shot
    Or stabd in the face real hard
    And that makes me madd
    Bandits aren’t just known for their skill with ranged weapons, after all! (Or usually at all, now that I think about it…) The Ass-Bandit build doesn’t rely as much on melee as some Zer0 playstyles, but in cases where this bonus procs, the increased damage stacks well with other abilities.

  • Fearless - [5/5]
    Iff my sheilds goe down
    It’s makingg me shoots quiker
    With bettur bullits
    Having your shields down is a common occurrence with this build, so taking advantage of that is worthwhile. The damage bonus isn’t especially powerful in the long run, but the fire rate increase will benefit one of our other skills.

  • Ambush - [5/5]
    Whenever I stelth
    The badguys dont see me come
    And I hurt them moar
    A Bandit build doesn’t sound like the sort of thing you’ll be using stealth much with, but one of the big advantages of this setup is that it gets huge bonuses both in and out of Decepti0n. You’re going to want this skill to be maxed out to get a bigger benefit from every unexpected attack; the damage bonus even applies in cooperative play when enemies are attacking another player, making it even more useful.

  • Rising Sh0t - [5/5]
    Shotting lots of shots
    Allmost always hit my mark
    Damage gets dubbled
    This is the meat and potatoes of the Ass-Bandit build, and it’s the primary reason why this setup is arguably one of the most effective uses of Bandit weapons in the game. Bandit guns are obviously known for their large clips, which means you’ll be spending an extended amount of time shooting between each reload. Rising Sh0t takes fantastic advantage of this benefit by being able to maintain its maximum bonus for a greater period of time. As long as your shots are hitting the target, you’ll be able to hold onto that maximum of five stacks all the way through to the end of your clip, and since stack decay is determined by a weapon’s base fire rate, the bonus from Fearless will make them even easier to maintain. This is also part of why we’ve invested into the Sniping tree: the improvements to accuracy and steadiness gained there will help us to put every bullet into our foes, ensuring that our Rising Sh0t stacks remain maxed out as much as possible. The best news of all about this skill? It’s going to be made even more powerful later.

  • Death Mark - [1/1]
    The strength of this skill isn’t fully realized until you get to the bottom of this tree, but the damage bonus earned by marking an enemy is significant enough to make it surprisingly helpful when you’re overwhelmed and need a quick boost to damage.

  • Innervate - [4/5]
    While not especially important, a little extra health regeneration and movement speed while in Decepti0n never hurt anybody. (Then again, the bonus gun damage might.)

  • Death Bl0ss0m - [1/1]
    Thrrowing Bandet knifes
    It markings four sertain pain
    Yule hurt moar-and-morr
    One of the great things about Ambush is that it boosts all damage done during Decepti0n, including that done by the kunai made available with this skill. The fact that said kunai can apply (and sometimes even stack) Death Mark allows for even greater injury to affected targets, and by the time you make your final attack, you’ll be capable of some incredible devastation.


  • Killing Bl0w - [5/5]
    These points can just as easily be spent in Ir0n Hand, but the massive melee damage bonus this gives you against weakened enemies can mean the difference between a successful kill and a missed opportunity, especially outside of Decepti0n.

  • Be Like Water - [5/5]
    I could shawt an guy
    Oar chop sommthing with mai swored
    Both haelp thee other
    As use of this build tends to involve both weapons and melee, even a small damage bonus to either can be beneficial. Gaining an advantage any time you switch up your attack method makes this ability particularly potent when using slow-firing weapons (like shotguns) at close range.

  • F0ll0wthr0ugh - [5/5]
    After I kill you
    I feeling kind of stronger
    Faster, gun-nier
    A great momentum-based skill, this will increase your general effectiveness during combat anytime you get a kill. Additional movement speed is helpful when trying to get into a better position for B0re shots or close-ranged offense, and big damage bonuses to both your melee attacks and Bandit weapons make it worthwhile regardless of how you plan to take on the next target.

  • Execute - [1/1]
    Enter Desepshi0n
    And I sooper-maylay you
    For extra damige
    Between this, Ambush, and the possible bonus provided by Counter Strike, you can defeat most enemies with a single attack when using Decepti0n. It’s hard to turn down.

  • Resurgence - [3/5]
    Just like a sycho
    I will pound some meat puppits
    And that wil hael me
    A helpful skill as far as gaining survivability goes, the best thing here is that even just having a single point in the ability could prove worthwhile once we bring our class mod into play.


Youre going to want to use Bandit guns. Big klips ar good for Rising Sh0t. Assult rifles, SMGz, and pistols can all let you shoot for a long time, and shottguns and roket launchers make great allturnatives to melee wen u use Descepshin. You dont need a sniping gun to do this but if u want to gett one with a big clip or an really sloww fire raet. Main thing is getting best Bandit wepons with largest magazeens. You will shoot a lot.

Bulief it or not, a grood old Bandit gurnade is a pretti gud choice for this bild. A slagging type is most helpfull so if u find a Jumpin Bitty or Murrv like that thats probbably yor bestt bet!

True Ass-Bandits use a Maylay shield, becuz its made by Bandit! The longerr the reecharj dulay and higher teh Royd bonus thu bettar. Theres reelly no raeson too use anything els.

Of corse youll want an Bandit allejiance relik. One that maeks ur guns do moar damage is great, and if it gives higher fire rates that is evn better! Some of you might use Strangth relics to make you strongr or Vytality to get moar HP. Thats cool too but it kindof defeats the porpoise of being an Ass-Bandit.

Now we talk about ur class mod and why its the best, because youll be ussing the Survivor COM, made by Bandit! It gifs more health and rejenerates it, so it has survivibality, but most important is the skills it can booost! The one you want most is Rising Sh0t since that will take such good advantaj of youre Bandit guns. With all 5 stakks your shots can hert twice ass much! Ambush is nice too for improved damage in Deceppti0n. The COM can even make Resurgence better to get more healing from your melee kills. Sum might like a Stalker COM or a Shot COM since those halp too, but they arnt made by Bandits, so you reallie shuldnt in my humble opiniun.

That’s enough Bandit-speak for now. Let’s just get down to the playstyle side of things in standard English.

By now, you’ve probably come to understand that the Ass-Bandit (hehehe, it’s still funny!) is primarily focused on taking full advantage of the Bandit equipment, including the one Bandit-made Assassin class mod and an appropriate Allegiance relic. All of these work together surprisingly well to allow you to deal a great deal of damage both in and out of Decepti0n. The biggest player here is obviously Rising Sh0t, which - especially when boosted by our Survivor COM - will allow the vast majority of shots from our clip to deal a massive amount of bonus damage. Of course, maintaining a constant maximum of five stacks isn’t always easy, especially with weapons that are generally rather inaccurate. This is another reason why Zer0 is so surprisingly well-suited for Bandit weapons, as he has access to both 0ptics and Precisi0n. Both of these abilities generally seem rather weak in comparison to the other available options in the Sniping tree at that point. However, when you really need every shot to hit an enemy, the accuracy-related advantages they can provide actually make a powerful difference, which is why I personally consider them a necessity to the build.

But Rising Sh0t isn’t the only thing a Survivor COM can boost, which is why we’ve invested heavily in Ambush as well. This gives us a massive increase in damage when attacking enemies from Decepti0n; whether you choose a multi-barreled shotgun, a rocket launcher, kunai, grenades, or melee, the bonus here is powerful enough to give us over a 30% increase in damage when attacking enemies who aren’t targeting us. What could otherwise have simply been a build designed strictly around the use of Bandit guns and Rising Sh0t is made far more powerful (and adaptable) with as a result. This also provides a huge incentive to using this build in cooperative play, as the Ambush bonus works when enemies are attacking another player as well.

The Survivor COM, of course, is named that for a reason. You’ll have a solid boost to your maximum health as well as some constant regeneration with this setup, and a boost to Resurgence will allow you to gain a small amount of HP back anytime you get a melee kill. This adds an extra defensive edge to the use of Decepti0n, though depending on the recharge delay of the Maylay shield you have equipped, you may or may not want to wait until the very last second of Decepti0n before you perform an Execute attack. When Decepti0n is on cooldown and you’re surrounded by enemies, spamming melee attacks with a slow-firing shotgun or launcher equipped is actually a fairly effective way to gain Rising Sh0t stacks while taking advantage of Roid and C0unter Strike bonuses, so you won’t have to rely entirely on minimizing Decepti0n’s cooldown to stay alive.

All in all, the biggest things you should focus on are maximizing your Rising Sh0t bonuses and using Decepti0n as an offensive and defensive tool. You’ll be able to deal a massive amount of damage regardless of which method of attack you use. That’s the greatest advantage of utilizing all-Bandit equipment with this build - you get the best of both worlds.

New! We havve allturnit builds for As-Banndits that are wantning to quiklee swicth frum one playstile two anotherr witth minumal invintory modifikashion! Thay’re listed beloww with bullit-list exxplantations of the changes, proes, and conns. Chek them outt!:


Major Changes:

  • This version of the build is focused entirely on the guns; melee is ignored.
  • The Survivor COM is swapped out for a purple-rarity Shot COM.
  • A Maylay shield is pointless, so equipping a quick-charging Tediore shield or Amplify shield will prove more helpful.


  • Huge improvements to accuracy, aim steadiness, and reload speed make the guns easier than ever to use.
  • Bandit weapons’ large clips allow you to take great advantage of the Kill C0nfirmed critical damage bonus.
  • Maintaining both Rising Sh0t and Kill C0nfirmed stacks - along with other bonuses - allows for incredible critical hit damage.
  • Enemies at range can be taken down incredibly quickly with a well-placed stream of shots.


  • Users will generally be less powerful when using Decepti0n.
  • The build is a great deal weaker against enemies that lack easy-to-hit critical hit spots.
  • Poor utility at close range can make rushing enemies more dangerous.
  • Survivability is almost entirely reliant upon your shield, use of Decepti0n, or teammates used for distraction.


Major Changes:

  • It’s all melee, all the time (unless absolutely necessary).
  • You’ll want a bladed slag weapon with a slow enough ROF to easily maintain Rising Sh0t stacks.
  • No Allegiance relic is needed; swap it out for Strength or Proficiency instead.


  • You’ll have more survivability in general compared to most Zer0 melee builds.
  • Rising Sh0t allows for solid, consistent melee damage outside of Decepti0n, making mobs surprisingly easy to handle.
  • Ambush boosts damage to all Decepti0n attacks (including Unf0reseen) and is more consistent than Killing Bl0w or Backstab.
  • Many Must Fall, Unf0reseen, and Death Bl0ss0m combined is always a good decision!


  • Ranged weapon efficiency is toned down a notch, especially in terms of accuracy.
  • Melee isn’t exactly the most adaptable playstyle; some enemies will be far tougher to take down than others.
  • Most of your poor little Bandit guns will be gathering dust.
  • If you don’t slag enemies, you’re gonna have a bad time.

That abowt sums it up! Get yor Bandit loadowt together and trie out the uppdated bild, or giv the altarnate buildz a shott (or slyce). Thansk for raeding!


FTFY :wink: