Old forum build recreations: Salvador COMPLETED

Hi there, so whilst I was browsing the build lists I came across a lot of broken links to past builds, some of which people once put a lot of effort into making, these group of posts (there is one for each character that have broken links) is to ask for peoples help in porting over the builds for everyone to be able to see them.

If you would like to pick up one of the builds, then please let me know bellow and I will up date the page to show who’s currently working that thread.

When porting the thread over you will need to:

  • Copy and Paste the work over
  • Fact check if you think any information is out of date (as in pre-patch buffs)
  • Format with colours and the text
  • If you need help with how the post should look please reference the Build Builders Bible

Here are the builds:

Leo_C441’s Umpire Sal17: (COMPLETED BY @jefe)



Hypertion’s God Of Rocket Launchers: (COMPLETED BY @jefe)



Proof of Concept : A No-Moxxi Brawnzerker for OP8: (COMPLETED BY @Jefe)



Nick21000’s In Brick’s Shoes11: (COMPLETED BY @Jefe )



Links for the other ‘Old forum build recreation’ threads:

Krieg: Old forum build recreation: Krieg COMPLETED

Zer0: Old forum build recreation: Zer0

Maya: Old forum build recreation: Maya

Salvador: Old forum build recreations: Salvador COMPLETED


I’ll keep going on the Sal builds ( one down, three to go ). It actually took less time than I thought it would.

I think if everyone can chip in, these builds can get ported pretty quickly. I think @Ninja_Mrrr got one or two Gaige ones done last year but she’s unfortunately been offline for a while :disappointed_relieved:


how do you like the format of it, gonna repeat it on all classes that need it and link them all within each other

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Just make sure that before porting any build you gain the consent of the original author. The builds are still accessible on the old forums thanks to your new links so they aren’t totally lost. Most of the authors I’m sure are happy to have their work shared however I am aware that some users very purposefully chose not to port their builds.


Any plans for an Axton version? I’d help with some of those when i have free time


well i was just checking the current posted builds in the master list threads that @Gulfwulf made on here and axton and gaige threads all the links were to this forum so they are all fine, only ones the listed in all my threads need sorting and porting

does that make sense @Piemanlee

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Yep :+1: if they’re all already here no need for an axton version of this. This is a great idea btw


it was mainly as i was looking at maya’s list and some of the builds sounded really cool but the links dont work anymore, so i thought id ask for help on all the classes to port over so people can actually see and use them.

hopefully people will help, it would be nice for them all to be restored again, @Jefe is doing the Salvador ones, but maya has 14 builds that need sorting out now


While I agree with this in principle, I don’t agree that that particular principle applies here. Yes you should always ask for permission to repost someone’s intellectual property, but there are only so many ways to spend skills points that I don’t think builds fall under IP considerations. If someone were to post a story using the BL 2 characters, that would be a different story. But since we’re talking builds, I think crediting the original author and providing a web archive link should be sufficient. I’ve written mods and short stories for other games and I would be pissed beyond reason if I found out someone had taken them and passed them off as their own, but I don’t really care if someone takes any of my builds and reposts them if I disappear for whatever reason. While I can claim to be the original author of said builds, I can’t claim ownership so it wouldn’t bother me to see them posted somewhere else. All of my builds are currently posted here, but I wouldn’t raise a stink if I saw them on Reddit or Steam or wherever else as long as they weren’t changed or the reposter specified where they deviated from my ideas. Anyway, that’s not what we’re talking about here, so I don’t see any issues doing this.


well technically all i’m wanting to do is maintenance by moving them from the old to the new one so they don’t get lost for good, not trying to claim them as my own just make it so people can still access them


I know, Idle. I was talking to Prismatic about their response to this. I can see raising questions if you were planning on changing the builds, but just porting them over as is with the necessary format changes shouldn’t cause any issues.


Nicely put, I’m a convert.


That said , checking to see if the original author is around should definitely be the first step. The two ports I’ve done I first made sure the member hadn’t been around for some time. In the case of the most recent, that individual hasn’t posted in three years.

I should think if they’ve been around in the last year, they should be contacted first.


IMO, if you don’t want people even talking about your build, you shouldn’t post it on a discussion forum to begin with.

I say try to reach the author first, but after that, giving proper credit should be enough. The point was to share the build when they posted it.

BTW: I know Leo_C441 is @akdere1 here. So Tag so he knows what’s up


cheer @DeputyChuck i jst sent him a pm about it all


Just be wary. Some people intentionally did not port over their build for a reason.


the only ones we’re doing are ones already here that are just dead links tothe web archives so @Gulfwulf doesn’t have to try and update them constantly,

but i completely get where your coming from and said to @jefe earlier i need to put it in the OP to track down the build creater 1st, but if they haven’t been round for over a year then they probably aren’t coming back


Active members should be asked before we port there builds, but anyone who didn’t move to these new forums or who moved, but haven’t been seen in over a year are fair game in gulf’s eyes


I think It’stwister is the exception rather than the rule here.

Just be ready to have the thread deleted if they ever show up and demand it.