Just Started TVHM with Jack, any specific gear that works really well with him?

Im progressing pretty well with my jack. Just over 20 hours and level 37. Currently running this build

I want to have good enough gear to last me at least some bit of time for the near future. Currently running with a
Skookum Skullmasher
Corrosive Considered Cheat Code
Corrosive Glitch Alkaline Refracted Splitter
Shock Glitch Parataxis Punishment
I’m using some basic blue turtle shield right now along with a accepted antagonist class mod with an extremely under leveled ack ack oz. Any tips/tweaks to my build or gear that could help?

Main suggestion
Respec into the middle tree for leadership. After that you can work back into promote the ranks if you want. As for gear, he can make nearly anything good. And as it’s tvhm you’re going to either use what drops, buy from vendors, or use golden keys. So my suggestion would be build around your gear until max level. My jack is lvl 65 and the only issues ive had were shadowtrap and eclipse/eos

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So basically, Jack can use just about anything? Just making sure im understanding. I really haven’t had a problem with most enemies/bosses, even eclipse/eos.

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Yes he can use pretty much anything. Find skills that help fix a guns downfall. Ammo issues? Spec into absolute advantage and find a com to boost it. Fire rate to slow? Incentives and other skills. Reload to slow? Marginal benefits+jacks cache.

Also inspire is useless, unless you like the quotes and in my mark is really buggy and doesn’t work with longbow grenades.

Don’t be afraid to respec

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Any specific builds or just whatever seems to help at the time?

My core build is this

After that it depends on what you want your digi jacks to do.
Live, die, or hybird. It also depends on if you want more damage or survivability

Sweet, I’ll give that a go and let you know how it works for me. Thanks a lot, appreciate it, just recently getting back into it.

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I’m liking the build so far. Thanks for the help man, definitely staying with this build :smiley:

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Leadership makes kill skills become almost permanent. Collaborate, synergy, and believe are great for damage. Winning and a point in teamwork(I personally have it maxed) are great for surviving. You can put a point into potential if you don’t want to worry about enemy shields as much

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Sweet, thanks man, appreciate it

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That is so wrong; it’s the best skill in the franchise! You spend a skill point, and Jack talks to you more! That’s awesome! :smiley: (I will grant that maybe it’s not the highest of priorities and could wait until the 50s or 60s while you pick up more urgently needed skills…)

I endorse the build Piemanlee posted; Leadership is crazy-good, take it ASAP.

I’d phrase that as “you must put a point into Potential” - Optimism + Potential = constant Jack novas. :slight_smile: Only one point needed in Optimism, so it’s a cheap combo to set up too.

Regarding the original build, I notice Just Compensation is one of the few left-tree skills not taken. That’s a really good skill that synergizes very well with Marginal Benefits and Jack’s Cache.

The Free Enterprise tree has great stuff in it too, when you can afford the points to get into it (Company Man, Absolute Advantage, Money Is Power, Sponsored By).


Yes, but that combo isn’t needed. I play a hybird that uses nova shields and potential, but not optimism. Plus to get the most out of optimism you need a cyro nova shield

Maybe, yes, yes, and yes. I don’t like being limited to using as many Hyperion items as possible, especially when leveling.

My main point is, after you get leadership you can build the rest however you want. Not trying to say you’re wrong or anything negative


Thanks for the help, will tweak the build a little but going off of the later recommendations and I’ll let you guys know which works out better.


Well, I’ve managed to get to 43 today and I’ve got to say, I love this new build. Using my antagonist com I find that the greater good tree is just amazing. Thanks again guys, on my way to UVHM in no time.