Hello. I’ve never been good with Zer0, it’s a fact. Maybe i’m just not skilled enough, i’m not sure. I tried to go melee for a long time and kept getting frustrated by dying all the time, so switched it up to go with more of a gun setup. The issue I have is, I was working through with him, got to level 55. Died at Bloodwing, and got annoyed, went and played Krieg, then Salvador, and i’m finding it very hard to come back to him. My build is this:
My gear is a little underleveled now. I have 3 level 50 Pimpernels (slag, corrosive and shock), a level 54 Quad, a Good Touch and some other vaguely useless gear. I have a slag bouncing betty grenade and also a Tesla in the backpack. I really want to use him but I just get so frustrated by him a lot. Or rather by myself being bad with him. The class mod is a One Shot Sniper COM, by the way. I can farm gear but farming for anything between 50 and 72 is hard as he’s my only character in the mid-50s range.
You have a good build, but I’d highly recommend getting Grim. The survivability is provides is extremely good for gun Zer0. I’d also do you good to have a Rubi, Grog, or Transfusion; as IMO you shouldn’t play Zer0 without one.
In terms of good easy (non-quest) farms to get you to a place so that you can finish the story, I recommend these…
Good Touch
Bad Touch
Lascaux (maybe not)
Quest guns
Infinity (once you get OSOK)
Etc… (some others I didn’t mention because I’d suggest saving them for the end game)
A Tesla or a Chain Lightning if you’re using Moxxi weapons
Or a slag transfusion
Until you get a Bone, I’d recommend a proficiency relic (cooldown)
Just go to the Snowman DLC after you get a Blockhead and farm for a L. Hunter since you’re only level 55. Get a TVHM Lady Fist (fire preferably) and a TVHM Bee (if you can’t get to the Tree Ants in Tina’s DLC) to kill the Snowman.
I guess I’d recommend an Absorb shield until you can farm crystals from Pete for an Antagonist
I have a 48 Storm Front on a mule somewhere, I can get that and use my 50 Grog. See what I mean? He makes me forget how to play the game thanks for all those tips. Out of interest, which 10 points would you move to get Grim?
Personally, I think there is a lot to learn with playing Zero from a purely muscle-memory standpoint, and that should come first.
It doesn’t actually matter what kind of guns you use, as long as you learn to master the deception sequence (something like: deception, strafe to avoid being directly behind, kunai, reload, grenade, timed shot, movement, etc…)
A lot of people will disagree with this, but I would phase out the snipers for now. They are a bit unforgiving of mistakes and player mistakes are what kills Zero in general, so you might want to smooth out the curve a bit.
I have personally found the Kitten to be a great fit to learn to play Zero: The weakness it has is spread (which Zero can correct with accuracy skills) it has Moxxi healing, it is just slow enough to fully benefit from 2 fangs, and works great at shotgun range.
The Heartbreaker is awesome too for the same reasons.
Move the points in A1WTG to bloodshed to get to grim. Either take the remaining points from rising shot or unforseen, depending on weapon used.