There’s tons of guns in this game. A lot of them are really fun to use and a lot of them are pretty unconventional. But when playing co-op some weapons can just be a downright nightmare to use with other people. One gun I think is not designed for co-op use is the Thunderball fists. While I love using the gun itself on my solo plays, I realized how blinding it could be for others who were playing with me so I decided to opt out of using it in co-op. Same wth some grenades.
So just curious what do you consider the least courteous or bad guns to use when playing with other players? Which do you consider to work best. You can talk about mods grenades relics and stuff too
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(Goodbye friends and not friends, it's been a fun ride)
I think the Chère-amie is worth a mention for being a good weapon in co-op, due to the transfusion trails it makes when it hits something. I usually play a long range sniper role in co-op “mobbing”, and being able to heal teammates regardless of character is a nice gesture.
Just so I can mention both sides, I don’t think the Bonus Package and Meteor Shower are as good in co-op. Their damage is fine, but it is really hard to aim through the sheer amount of explosions they make.
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(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
Weapons only? Probably none that I would say don’t use other than a) hacked ones if your partner cares or b) weak/infamous ones if your partner cares? I don’t think any weapons hurt team members (though they may very well hurt you). I’m not even sure splash damage from Darts will hit a team mate?
(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
I thought you got friendly fire splash damage from splat guns? Or was I imagining that?
Torgue weaponry in general can cause less robust computers to lag really bad, especially if wielded by a gunzerker. The Unkempt Harold is of note due to how many projectiles it fires at once. When I was using a Dell it would suffer such problems.
Other than that I cannot think of any outside of what was mentioned previously.
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(So long, and thanks for all the fish)