Does Flicker Actually boost Scorn hit rates?

Does it? Is there even a way to test that? Send help this question will not let me sleep.

So i did a test of it

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Yes, it does.

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Itā€™s never been properly tested. Observationally almost everyone vouches that it does indeed boost the slag chance, (Derch for example said many times he is 95% sure it does) however confirmation bias canā€™t be ruled out here.

If you are so inclined to test it then throwing scorn over the dummies head two or three hundred times in sanctuary with and without flicker will be the best bet for testing it.

A side note of my own thoughts that donā€™t answer your question but are still relevant: Scorn seems to function as if it were a high fire rate gun. The beam is essentially a string of projectiles that individually have a low slag chance but due to sheer bulk will still consistently slag. What I find particularly interesting about this is if it is the case it would imply that fire rate buffs would also increase scorns success rate and possibly more so than upping the elemental effect chance.


If weā€™re going on what the game tells you: no. Flicker talks about bullets, not skills.

However, I havenā€™t read all the good testing that may have been done behind the scenes, so it may be that Scorn is counted as a ā€˜bulletā€™ā€¦ As Prismatic says that would demand real testing. If Derch is reading he knows Iā€™m his fan, but Iā€™ve only heard hearsay about this so far. :confused:

While I can observationally see a lot of things in bl2, this would personally be hard for me to say with confidence unless I found a way to test it. Flicker boosts elemental effect chance so little (itā€™s additative, not multiplicative, so eg 20% of an original 9% chance to slag, results in 10.8% chance to slag not 29%) and Scorn is very likely to slag a target if you deploy it right (as Derch says, slightly above the targetsā€™ heads). So working out a small impact on something that generally works if applied rightā€¦ is tough.


I think @derch has a video about it

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I think it would be better to consider it more like a slag Tesla grenade, than a gun.


Yeah that makes a lot of sense.


If Iā€™m not mistaken ive seen scorn crib before, which would mean that it would likely considered to be ā€œbulletsā€.

That being said even with11/5 flicker, scorn doesnā€™t always slag. It would only make sense that flicker affects scorn, but not by a ton. Having scorn and ruin though is good enough for slagging that you donā€™t need slag weapons or nades though.