What do you think about this Axton build?

Just curious on people’s thoughts with this skill tree build I came up with.

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I’d hit that. I’d miss either of the other capstones, and would personally put the points in Forbearance in Quick Charge, but that should do fine.


Cool. :+1:

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I’d be curious to know how that plays without either Nuke or Gemini on deck. I have seen a roughly similar build before, although that was a long time ago. What relic and COM are you pairing that up with?

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Not bad but I recommend trying to get the legendary soldier class mod cos I found it really helps with mostly reload speed and health regeneration with full shield

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Its there a reason you don’t spec into most of his kill skills?

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I don’t have a definitive relic for this build yet (still testing stuff out) but I’d be using the Legendary Soldier mod like everyone else probably would. Mostly with this build, I wanted to see how much raw power I could get Axton to put out (even though I skipped out on Crisis Management) because that kind of stuff intrigues me. As for how it performs as of now, I haven’t tested it just yet, but I’m eager to get started.


I was actually thinking about getting rid of the spec into Forbearance to put the points into Quick Charge actually. At first, I thought Quick Charge wouldn’t be very useful, but after I really stopped to think about it I decided that Quick Charge would be better than Forbearance.

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Metal Storm is also pretty good. And if you’re using the Legendary Soldier, then you don’t need more than one point in Expertise. This is the build I tend to recommend to people.

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Not bad but I’d take Pressure over Last Ditch Effort myself- keeping his shield up should keep him out of FFL moments, making LDE unnecessary :grinning: Also, Bullet Storm- never leave home w/o it…

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This is actually not too far off from what I’m planning on for my Axton (he’s ready to dive into TVHM atm). Here is my plan:

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The 1 point in Overload and Ranger won’t do much for you- better to either put them in Expertise, Willing or Pressure IMO. My own latest Axton is running a Nuke/Gemini build…

They’re there for class mod swapping, so I can run Leg. Ranger and Gunner coms and get all the skill buffs off of them (Expertise is there for same reason w/ Leg. Soldier). I could swap the 1 pt. in Overload over to Resourceful too if I wanted the option to run Leg. Engineer and get it’s +5 in that instead.

Just as a side question, where would a good place to test this build be? I was thinking about the Washeburne Refinery as a good testing ground, but perhaps one of you knows a better place?

Just running one map will only test your build to a small degree. There’s little in Washburn that will really push a build to it’s limits.

My recommendation would be run Sawtooth Cauldron, Hero’s Pass and WEP. Between the three you face enemies of all types and will be bombarded with everything from Surveyor and Blasters to rabids and UBA skags. If you have an answer to everything those maps throw at you then you’re good to go.


Would it be better to test these maps without any legendary weapons?

No test it with your desired load out or as close to it as possible. These maps will punish someone with perfect gear if they make a mistake. Once you run these sort of maps you begin to understand what situations the build struggles. You’re testing the builds capabilities, don’t run it at 60% strength it’ll give a false image of how strong the build is.

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Got it. :+1:

Just from my own try with a L. Ranger- if you don’t go 10/5 with the Ranger skill 6/5 really isn’t worth it. While the skills the L. Ranger hit tie together with the com’s shield boosts, Ranger itself is the weakest skill there. Even at 10% the stats boosted by Ranger feel kind of ‘bleh’ (at least at OP8). Still, if you want to try it for yourself you can, just be aware that the results may be a bit underwhelming. Now if explosive weren’t considered an element and Steady, Metal Storm and Duty Calls ALL buffed non-elemental weapons (which they might be working on in the UCP patch for PC players?), I’d certainly rate the com higher than I do…

That’s the entire reason why spending only a single skill point for the 6/5 effect is most efficient in terms of skill points spent versus return on investment.