At what point does Wires Don't Talk beat out matching elements?

What it says in the title, pretty much. When does it become more beneficial to switch to shock from fire/corrosive, if at all? And how exactly does the synergy with Anarchy work?

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When you’re using a gun that can only come in shock, like the Twister. After that WDT never beats out matching elements, even at 11/5.

And it is multiplicative with Anarchy, so that means it is a much bigger bonus than if it was additive. But matching elements is also multiplicative, so it still wins.


Kind of depends on how heavily you want to invest in the rest of the skill tree and what weapons you use. My latest Gaige went with this:
and managed to unlock OP8 with it, even though her main weapon of choice was a non-elemental Infinity. Most enemies pretty much didn’t stand a chance- the only times she element matched was for Dukino’s Mom and OMGWTH- everything else either died from straight damage or from the damage the rare use of shock weapons caused. The synergy with Anarachy is perfect- if you have to use non-elemental weapons you can and if you do use shock weapons the results are even better.


When I took my Gaige up the OP ladder, shock was definitely my main source of elemental damage. Fire and slag are possibly tied for last. Slag was almost never used unless I was desperately trying to kill someone --and even then I used Magic Missile as my tool. Fire was mostly utilized through Electrical Burn, but I did carry a fire Avenger and Conference Call for when some fleshy things were refusing to die quickly enough. Explosive was limited to just my Harold. I don’t use the Double Penetrating variance because ammo consumption was tight where the pistol was concerned. Corrosive is definitely my 2nd element of choice. Not only because of its advantages on the Peak, but because of how often I encountered enemies weak to it. (i.e. Loaders, Armored Maniacs, etc) When encountering those hardtokill enemies that were already using shock themselves, corrosive came in handy as the answer --especially for those UBA Shock Skags.

And finally, shock. To put it simply; it was my bulldozer fuel. I had a couple of different shock weapons for ammo spread, but my main tool was a shock Fibber. Betwixt it, an Avenger, Conference Call, and Kitten; I was pretty well-off in the shock armaments. My Anarchy stacks are never set to cap higher than 400 because past that the accuracy deficit becomes too much of a handicap due to the added management it required.

Overall my weapon/gear loadouts were as follows:

  • Shock Fibber
  • Corrosive Avenger
  • Kitten (element was map dependent)
  • Norfleet (FFYL only or dire situations leading to)
  • Legendary Catalyst COM
  • Shock/Corrosive Bone or Sheriff’s Badge
  • Bee (up to 100 stacks) then Antagonist/Blockade
  • Quasar/Storm Front/Magic Missile x4

My 2nd and 3rd slots were usually determined by map and area, but this was my average loadout.


I view Gaige’s WDT shock affinity as a matter of convenience rather than power. She can stick with a single set of guns (shock Fibber, especially) and not waste time in combat with her slow swap speed.


I’m using Fibber Gaige right now. Just got into UVHM and it’s still stupid OP. What builds do you guys like for Fibber Gaige? I’m curious as I am still experimenting.


My Gaige builds can vary, but when I go Fibber on her I always invest heavily into Anarchy and always spec into The Nth Degree and Close Enough. Bouncy lethal insanity. It’s totally OP I agree, and if you want to take it beyond stupid OP into profoundly stupid OP, add a Bee to the mix since all those bouncing Fibber pellets get full amp damage. I almost never do that though; it’s just too much. :slight_smile:


I’ve been doing all this except Nth Degree, instead I max out Blood-Soaked Sheilds. I will probably put less into LBT and more into OC as I’ve seen people’s builds with only a few points into Middle tree skills and still make shock viable. I do not have the 2nd level cap so I can’t get a Legendary Catalyst. Right now I’m using a Prodigy COM because of its RoF and elemental buffs coupled with survivability. If I were to venture further into a Anarchy/Shock build which is better? Zapper or Catalyst? And why do people spec into SoFG? The skill seams lame to me. I haven’t needed to do the sheild-swapping with Deathtrap(SiC) and I don’t feel like investing the points. Is it because it synergizes with UR and RR?

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My Gaige build involving the Fibber is probably 2/3 LBT, 1/3 OC, And then 1/3 BFF. I only spec as far down as Upshot Robot in BFF and Rational Anarchist in OC. My Anarchy stack cap is never over 400 and never less than 300. I also, of course, use the Legendary Catalyst COM since I have ALL packs.

But since it’s inception a while back, I’ve been strictly loyal to my Bouncing Bullet Barrage build that blends Anarchy with the Infinity Pistol. This build uses the OC tree all the way down to The Nth Degree because of how it all goes together.

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Correct. Some builds feature DT, so taking So5G to 5/5 makes sense. Also, some folks feel that More Pep isn’t worth the point investment unless boosted by a com so they’ll go Myelin and So5G to reach the third tier of skills…


Very odd phrasing there; a Gaige that has Nth Degree almost by definition has BSS maxed out… :confused: One could skip it in favor of Preshrunk Cyberpunk, but that would be a really peculiar Gaige.

What else are you going to put the points into to advance the tree? Myelin is good, More Pep is subpar but not worthless, Shock Storm is terrible. So a mix of MP and So5G is the natural path to take.

Regarding COMs for an under-61 anarchy/shock Gaige, I’ve been happy with the Legendary Mechromancer since level 30. I should hit the train to upgrade it (mine’s only +3s), but the only skill you miss is 20% Cooler, the rest of the buffs are quite decent. I’ll prefer a Leg. Catalyst when the time comes but Leg. Mechromancer has been very good. :slight_smile: There’s nothing specifically anarchy/shock about it, it’s just a generally useful COM.