I had some time and bored at work, and just watching and studying speed kills from the time trials thread (for me to recreate in the future), then I ask, who really is the best in raiding?. So I copied the Raid Boss Leaderboard Solo file…
…did some filtering and answers who is the best of the vault hunter in terms of speed killing raid bosses. (take note, this is not the ranking of easiest vault hunter in raiding nor the easiest raid boss since those discussion is kind of subjective in nature) This is only for my personal enjoyment, but am sharing it anyways. Below is the average results of the fastest raid boss kills (data accurate as of 9/22/2017).
Level 72
Analysis Level 72
1st – Salvador - As they said, two guns are better than one. Combined this with Money Shots and with supporting Guns like Grog Nozzle, Ladyfist, Tresspasser, Fibber and add a damaging gun, Raid bosses will die. This is without taking into consideration the Pimpernel/Flakker + Rocket Launcher Combo.
2nd - Gun Zer0 - With Critical Ascension Stacks and with Boost to Critical Hits in skills, armed with a Lyuda and/or Pimpernel, Zero hits hard.
3rd – Gaige - Who minds Accuracy if you can hit hard with High Anarchy Stacks. Give her some Interfacer, Conference Call, Fibber or Badaboom and he will kill raid bosses with ease. She also place 1st in Son of Crawmerax due to his high electrocute damage.
4th (Tie) – Krieg -Spec into BloodBath and give him some Flame of the Firehawk, Tediore weapon, Interfacer and/or Conference Call. And you can say goodbye to raid bosses.
4th (Tie) – Maya - Bee isn’t allowed in Level 72, so you can see creative kills with her using Immolate Skill, Interfacer, Conference Call and Badabooms.
6th – Axton - With Still Enemies like Hyperius and Voracidous, a prepared Axton can killed them in a second or two using his grenade damage buffs.
7th - Melee Zer0 - Melee Zero is last but his kills are the most satisfying kills to watch.
Level OP8
Anaylsis Level OP8
1st – Salvador - At OP8, Salavador makes full use of skills like NKLO, and Keep Firing and add with a Bee to easily 1 shot enemies (Terramorphous, Voracidous, Hyperius).
2nd - Gun Zer0 - Same analysis as Level 72 plus he can also Beehawk.
3rd – Maya - At OP8, Maya is using what she do best. Beehawking.
4th – Krieg - Same as Level 72 and you can see a lot of Bloodsplosion kills here since it is really satisfying to watch especially with the dragons.
5th – Axton - Same analysis as Level 72 plus he can also Beehawk.
6th – Gaige - Gaige is the best Sham user, so at OP8 ShamFleet is used in most of her raids.
7th - Melee Zer0 - Same analysis as Level 72.
Now in terms of fastest raid boss to kill.
But if you include gate crushing method, Master Gee will clearly be the fastest. hehe.
If I still have another crazy boring day in the office, will analyse the Arenas and Maps Leaderboard and answer who is the best in mobbing (in terms of speed).
Edit: Here it is. If you want to check the speed mobbing analysis, please see below: