Given that most of the Sal builds got gobbled up by the death of the old forum, I figured I’d add my main.
It’s built completely around Jakobs guns’ multiplicative crit bonus that is well known via Chuck’s Deputy build. This is essentially a Brawn version of that build but uses only Jakobs guns and no Moxxi weapons. It works extremely well up to OP4 which is where I halted. I’m unsure of its viability in higher levels.
For more information on critical damage stacking, refer to this thread by Sljm.
For more information on the types of crit bonuses and what guns have what types, refer to this thread by Deputy Chuck.
I’ve done some testing to demonstrate the increases that can be achieved with multiplicative bonuses.
Alternative with Keep It Piping Hot
There are two skill-types that are irrelevant with this build : ammo mitigation and fire rate ( exceptions being Hammerlock guns, most snipers and the Unforgiven ).
- The only truly important skills here are Money Shot and Down Not Out for obviously reasons.
- Quick Draw is useful and nice to have.
- No Inconceivable because of its conflict with Money Shot and its tendency to cause reload stalling.
- Steady as She Goes is a critical skill here – Jakobs guns kick – recoil reduction improves accuracy and crits require accuracy.
- Double Your Fun just makes sense – grenades are going to be your source of slag ( and possibly healing ) and if you can slag a room with one throw, you’re back to shooting without interruption.
- all your healing comes from Hard to Kill, Sexy T-Rex and Ain’t Got Time to Bleed.
- I put one point in Asbestos for COM considerations, but AGTTB is better at fighting DoTs so it should be maxed.
- Fistful of Hurt, because awesome.
the Legendary Berseker was the first COM that truly brought this to life for me. The movement speed is extremely good for survivability ; it’s also a blast.
- The boost to H2K makes health regen much more effective.
- The boost to Filled to the Brim can help with optimizing Money Shot.
- Incite and Quick Draw boosts are also helpful, as is the cooldown rate.
the Monk / Monk will provide better DPS and will still grant decent healing.
- I use a purple Lawful Evil ( for accuracy , which only applies to right hand ; and crit %+ , which applies to both hands). The boosts to Asbestos and Sexy T-Rex are worth the slight loss to Money Shot for me.
( edit : in testing the accuracy buff further, I’ve concluded that it’s of little value and recommend one of the following two versions ). - Neutral can be used to increase mag size.
- Chaotic can be used to increase the fire rate of Hammerlock guns, the Unforgiven and snipers.
- I use a purple Lawful Evil ( for accuracy , which only applies to right hand ; and crit %+ , which applies to both hands). The boosts to Asbestos and Sexy T-Rex are worth the slight loss to Money Shot for me.
- a Jakobs allegiance relic is really the only choice as far as I’m concerned : primarily for recoil reduction, but also for increasing mag size if necessary ( great for a Gatling Gun ; may be an advantage - or disadvantage - to Money Shot ).
- In its absence ( they are hard to find ), perhaps a Deputy’s Badge
- a vitality relic / Blood of the Ancients is a great choice for more health stacking. Although I don’t personally have ammo issues now, I did initially run very low on SG ammo - so the extra ammo is always good.
- the Rough Rider is my undisputed first choice. Health stacking with percentage-based healing works extremely well. The higher the max health, the more health points that are regained in a given amount of time. It also just fits as the most badass shield around.
- Evolution / Neogenator are great for areas with concentrated elemental damage , but also provides the RR’s health stacking perks and more passive health regen. It’s my second most used shield.
- Sham / Sponge / absorb for bullet-heavy areas.
- Blockade / Antagonist should be good, but I’ve not used them on this character.
GRENADES: these will be your only source of slag.
- Magic Missiles are my favourite by a long shot. With Double Your Fun, you get 8 “missiles”. I highly recommend getting them underleveled and keeping your distance from their point of impact. At OP4, I use level 72 MM’s and tend not to kill myself with them.
- slag transfusions are the obvious other choice, I just find them to be much slower than MM’s at finding their targets. You could go with Bouncing Betty types, but I don’t. Singularities suck so don’t bother.
THE GUNS : Jakobs of course!
SHOTGUNS : the best choice for consistent DPS
- the Striker was the SG that I first focused on as a relatively easy farm and incredibly effective.
- ultimately it got outclassed by the combination of the Triquetra and Coach Gun .
- the Quad is mediocre and an inferior replacement to the Triquetra ( or even Coach Gun ) in my experience. The poor accuracy just doesn’t cut it and there’s the ammo issue.
- ( edited ) the Rustler’s Orphan Maker I’ve just learned doesn’t damage you in the off-hand - therefore highly recommended!
- the Twister doesn’t belong here, just in case you were tempted to suggest it.
- the Heartbreaker is actually a very good gun to have around. This isn’t an allegiance build, so I’ve used it on rare occasions. The Critical prefix is the obvious choice.
There are several factors that are important to a good Jakobs SG:
- the Docs prefix is the one to get : increased crit percentage and improved accuracy. Well Kept is the next one in line. Rustler’s reduces accuracy which is bad for crits ( exception Orphan Maker obviously).
- stock should ideally be Hyperion but as long as it’s not Jakobs, the other stocks work ok.
- grip should ideally be Jakobs for improved reload, mag size and damage, but a Tediore is ok for reload ( and mag size reduction if needed for M$ ). Avoid all others as they reduce accuracy and/or damage.
- Tediore sights are strictly forbidden!
OTHERS : they’re all good!
- pistols such as the Unforgiven , Maggie , Law , Greed , Iron and Longarm are all great choices. I like the combination of the Maggie and Longarm (whose Hyperion barrel gives +33% multiplicative crit).
- for assault rifles, I only use the Hammer Buster and Gatling Gun which are fantastic together. Apparently there’s a unicorn called a Bekah, but I only deal in real guns.
- all of the snipers work but I’m partial to the Diaub. The Unforgiven’s slow fire rate is a good match for most snipers and can make for ridiculously high crit damage. The Buffalo and Elephant Gun are recommended. I was asked to include the Skullmasher but I haven’t seen one in a long time , so can’t speak from experience.
Getting those purples as Citrine makes for a pretty awesome collection (and adds more crit damage!
Edit : I’ve added a bit more about gun matching here.
THE PLAYSTYLE : a constant shift from close to medium range, retreating to medium-long range for healing and sniping. Spamming is generally bad for accuracy, so I pick my shots and always aim for crits. One can work around shielded enemies such as Nomads with movement speed and Fistful of Hurt. A blast of Money Shot or a volley of MMs will stun them, too.
As always, highest praise to @DeputyChuck for the ground-work , the help with refining the build and explaining just about every concept