Old PS3 Patches

Is there any place on the entire internet that offers old PS3 game patches? I’m trying to patch my game for DLC1 and DLC2 support but don’t want any patch after that, keeping level 50 cap, etc.

Are you asking us to help you steal them? Because this foeum is run by gearbox itself dude.

And if you bought them but for some weird reason won’t download them with the level up, basically no, you won’t find it.

I’m not looking for DLC just patch files. And asking for something that’s already been distributed freely by the developer wouldn’t be stealing… dude.
My cause is pure. I shouldn’t have to explain myself to someone so quick to jump to accusations that they can’t run a spell check.

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First, it was just cautionary, since gbx doesn’t allow cheating discussion. Second, you’re new, so its particularly embarrassing as I very rarely misspell something. And third, i looked. I looked HARD. As is, best i can do is the patch up through knoxx and the level 61 update. Nobody has the prepatch up because, well, nobody wants the lower level. If you can find patch 1.2, or 1.3 one of those should be the one you need.

Titleid for the US:

patch 1.05