Maya Build UVHM - Scorn or Cataclysm?

Dragged myself back to Pandora to continue with my Thoughtlock Maya and now I remember why I stopped with her: I’m struggling to stay alive at level 51 in UVHM! I’m guessing a build change is in order to get me moving easily again? If I take things slow I can wear things down with a Bee/Lascaux combo but still lack a way to slag reliably.


What would be best? Move over to Scorn based build or Cataclysm? I’m very much an in your face kinda guy but I can hang back if I must!


If you want “in your face”, I’d actually avoid scorn because of the risk of self-slagging from splash close up. I don’t know enough about Thoughtlock to know how will it works with Sweet Release (seems like it might be counter-productive?). Assuming that they do work together, though, you could move a few points around to get more healing:

For slag, a good SMG or pistol would do the job. If you don’t fancy weapon swapping as much, maybe a slag bouncy bonnie/bettie or transfusion grenade would help out?

You’ll need to dial back the aggression a bit in either case at least until you get to level 61 or so, by which point you can be in the Elated/Res/Recompense tier of the Harmony tree and still be putting out some pretty decent damage.

Paging @Tokesy97 - I think this should be in the Maya sub-section?


I think @VaultHunter101’s build looks pretty solid for now. Giving up on firepower or healing is always an issue when running Thoughtlock. I see no problem continuing down Cataclysm, but I would definetly use a Grog or a slag Rubi at this stage. The Bee offers very little protection, and as soon as it gets scratched, you’ll be needing that firepower. A nice slag transfusion grenade is a win-win option.

Once you get closer to level 72, you could put points in Wreck and Elated. With both SR and Elated, the need for Moxxi guns is greatly reduced.


I feel your pain- currently running a TL/Ruin build Maya thru the Peak but before reaching level 72 I leaned on any com that would boost the 1 point I had in Sweet Release or Elated (here’s the build if you want to look at it):

I actually went Ruin first, then the few points in Harmony and filled out the Motion tree last. I may play counter to the proscribed wisdom with a TL build (the first time I’ve tried one to be honest) but in a mob I TL the toughest enemy, toss in a singularity grenade then kill the TL foe. Sub-Sequence locks onto a nearby enemy (still grouped because of the grenade) while the healing orbs bring my health up (I run a L. Binder with this). Kill the newly TL foe, get healed whil the orb finds a new target, repeat until mob is dead- or at least 95% of them anyway. Toss another grenade to keep any stragglers off your back, by which time your PL should be good to go again. So far it’s been a blast to play :grin:


I haven’t experimented too much with Thoughtlock builds even though I have the most hours with Maya. For slagging, I highly recommend the magic missiles, even the blue x2 version. It homes in, which also allows you to find that marauder crouching behind a fence out of the way. @Carlton_Slayer makes a good point about grouping enemies with singularity grenades and TL, so maybe a slag singularity might be the way to go. The only thing I would alter about his build, like @VaultHunter101, is that I prefer Inertia over Accelerate, unless using something really slow firing like the Sandhawk. Otherwise, that reload speed after a kill is so useful as that’s when you most likely need to reload. Reading these posts makes me want to go try one out, will be back after some experimentation.


As my favorite weapons are pistols I try to save as much pistol ammo as possible for the DPUH, as that is my FFL weapon of choice. I tend to InfiniBee 97% of the time on the Peak so in this instance Accelerate wins out over Inertia :grinning: Indeed, about the only thing I don’t use this tactic on is OMGWTH- he gets treated to a caustic Plasma Castor+L. Cat+Bee combo with Homing Storm Fronts to help (I tried to do it with a Longbow Pandemic and wound up eating a grenade as I threw it while standing too close to the building there- not a good taste :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Just realised I never posted in here about my choice! :stuck_out_tongue:

I decided on a Harmony/Motion build to try things out and I love Scorn now! Really need a relic to boost it’s cooldown though.

Finding it ok for self slagging as while I’m very happy going toe to toe with my foes I’m also constantly on the move so rarely stick close enough to the slag orb to get coated!

Running this just now with a Legendary Siren COM and it seems to be working OK :slight_smile:

My only trouble now is without Cloud Kill if I go down it’s usually trouble since I haven’t got a RL or an UH yet!

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Wow, really different Maya build not using Cataclysm… No Reaper, Chain Reaction, Cloud Kill or Ruin and not full Foresight so your damage is going to be lower. I would suggest moving 1 point from Mind’s Eye to Sweet Release since the Leg Siren boosts it, 6/5 is plenty. Mind’s Eye is a small bonus and an additive one, so it contributes next to nothing to your damage. I’m impressed you are making this work in UVHM giving up so much damage, good job on being creative.


Ah - didn’t know Mind’s Eye was additive! I’ll move some things around!

Also for now I’m simply running a Bee (and shockingly) making it work although I think I have Inertia/Converge combos to thank for that! Once I lose that I know I’ll be in trouble but then it’s more respeccing! :smiley: