In the game there are many good weapons. My question is what is the best legendary weapon. I assume the best legendary shot gun is sledges shotty, it is extremely effective and with the electric effect it can kill a lot of enemy’s. I want to know which is the best Orange gun, it can be for a specific class or overall best gun.
The Casual Flakker has no equal overall.
My primary toon is Nisha and I carry a Dastardly Maggie everywhere.
My Fragtrap really only a Flakker
My Doppleganger wields mostly Bonus Package grenades (and an IVF)
My Athena just sits there at level 50 not getting played.
I really didn’t care much for Wilhelm but I stuck mostly to lasers
What @mybabysdaddy said is correct. The flakker handily out performs any & all other orange shotty. The only drawback of it is the fixed range. It has a WTF-Awesome sweet spot, which is a specific distance away where most of the flak explodes. Anything unlucky enough to find itself in the sweet spot just sorta dissolves into a pink mist.
A few other gems are;
Sniper, Skullmasher a purple Jacobs muckamuck is better tho
Pistol, Trick shot Maggie or 88 fragnum
SMG, IVF for reload kills & Flying Torrent for old school bullet kills.
Rockets, Badaboom, Nukem & Berrigen are all good choices. Best choice, is the one you like best.
Laser, (Error 404) decent legendary laser not found.
AR, I guess would be the hammer buster or the Kerboom. But the only good reason to use any AR in this game is if you are completely out of ammo for everything else.
Grenade, Quasar
Oz kit, 3DD13
Shield… various. It really depends on play style & character.
I would say that it depends on the character. If you’re playing on Athena or Jack and using there + magazine size skills, the IVF is amazing for bossing. The flakker is also quite good, but it is harder to use than a simple point and shoot type of gun. The torrent is pretty great too, the burst fire has almost no delay so you can get incredibly high fire rates when aiming down sights.
Various Torrents.
I am trying to learn the way of the Flakker, but am not there yet.
The snipers just use too much ammo.
RLs don’t work well for me in TPS as everybody hides.
Too many really good blue and purple lasers, and the orange just don’t add much of anything.
No DPUH, so have not found a similarly nice orange pistol either.
ARs? What are ARs? (this is a joke, not really a question)
So, yeah … Torrents FTW!!!
Eddie, obviously.
Flakker has no equal, it even has a cult.
Objectively… flakker
Subjectively, Striker.
The striker doesn’t have a cult and will never be good enough for a cult.
Striker is too sniper to shotgun with
I just started a Striker cult. It’s closed for everyone except for me. It’s THAT exclusive.
Being able to hipfire a shotgun blast to the head from across the map is not a negative thing.
True, but…
Min Min Lighter
Yes, the Flakker is a fantastic complement to the striker
That’s a club not a cult.
Wouldn’t you rather join a club then a cult though?