This is a build I came up with for Maya. I’m not sure if anyone has done this before, but I decided to post just in case no one did. This build allows for an all around type fighter without having to return to Sanctuary every time you are fighting different types of enemies. Really this build allows for me to switch up between the 3 main builds people use for Maya, and do so without having to spend a bunch of money and time switching up my perks to switch builds. I’m gonna leave the weapons up to the user (except the Sandhawk, the Sandhawk is a must when using Maya equipped with the Legendary Cat and Bee), but I will list the mods and shields you definitely need in case whoever is reading this doesn’t know about these builds., those are my perks.
I want to make it clear that I did not come up with these separate builds, I only found a way to put them together effectively.
As I already stated, the Legendary Cat com and Bee shield are paired. I have 1 perk in Mind’s Eye to get the 5 bonus perks from the class mod, while the rest of the main perks of this build are fully filled. This combination is good for fighting bosses and creatures, puts out a lot of DPS. I won’t go into full detail because the selections for this Build are fairly obvious, and I would be genuinely surprised if someone didn’t know about this build. Either way, with the perks I’ve selected, it helps this build nearly 100%, the exception being that I haven’t filled Mind’s Eye.
Next combination is the blue rarity Mirrored Trickster Mod and The Sham, mainly used for fighting against mobs of gunfighters. I selected Blight Phoenix, Converge, Chain Reaction, Kinetic Reflection, Suspension, Quicken, and Sub-Sequence for this build. Converge and Chain Reaction allows for crowd control, with Converge grouping the enemy together and Chain Reaction with 10 points eliminating the group quickly. Kinetic Reflection with 11 points allows you to be healed when shot as long as your kill skill is active, and if it isn’t, then The Sham shield has a high chance to absorb the bullets, negating the damage anyway. I selected 1 point in Blight Phoenix because admit it, the wings look cool, but also because the fire and corrosive DoT causes enemies to stagger which can give u enough time to get out of range and/or eliminate any melee attackers coming at you. Quicken, Suspension, and Sub-Sequence are selected so you can use Chain Reaction as much as possible.
The last two pieces of equipment are just an added bonus. I’ve seen Sirens running around at super speed, and I thought it’d be nice if I could do that too, while still being able to put out damage when I need to. I put 2 points in Fleet and have the Rough Rider shield along with the Breakneck Banshee com, I won’t be as fast as the others, but with 8 points in my Fleet skill, I will be moving 80% faster, and unlike them, when I get to my destination, I can switch on the fly to Cat or Trickster in order to put out plenty of damage.
As a side bonus to this build, I’ve also added Res and Sweet Release to my perks in order for me to provide a minimum of support if I am working with a team.
Anyway, that’s my build. Not sure if anyone will find it helpful, hope they do. Just remember, keep Bee, Rough Rider, The Sham, Legendary Cat, Mirrored Trickster, and Breakneck Banshee on you at all times, and you should be ready for anything.
Update: Adjustments on my build with the help of Carlton_Slayer: