Non-farmable quest reward list

Hey all. I figured I’d cobble together a list of non-farmable quest rewards for those who might want to keep track as they’re leveling through UVHM. Some of these are not technically quest rewards, but can only be dropped by non-farmable enemies.

I’ll rate them on usefulness & popularity. Obviously these are subjective so complaints are expected. They are rated for end-game usage, not for leveling considerations ( i.e. the RokSalt is fantastic to have when the quest comes along but is a tier-2 end-game shotgun ). I trust people will know where they come from - I didn’t want to clutter the list with the sources. There’s always the wiki.

Important - gear that can be intrinsic to many people’s builds and are worth holding off until getting to max level.
Optional - decent , but otherwise unremarkable gear that is perfectly viable for end-game.
Limted Use ( aka Useless ) - can be useless, of very limited use or for fans of quirky gear.


1340 Shield
Deadly Bloom ( rare world / loot train drop )
Flame of the Firehawk
Love Thumper
Manly Man Shield (Scarlett DLC)
Pot O’ Gold ( rare drop from the Bagman ) - I’m gonna take some heat for rating that red.


Bad Touch ( available at any time but only once per character )
Evil Smasher
Lady Fist
Shotgun 1340
Tidal Wave

Greed ( Scarlett DLC )
Jolly Roger ( Scarlett DLC )
Orphan Maker (Scarlett DLC )
Pimpernel (Scarlett DLC )
Rapier (Scarlett DLC )
Sand Hawk (Scarlett DLC )
Stinkpot ( rare drop from No-Beard - Scarlett DLC )

Boom Puppy (Torgue DLC)
Kitten ( Torgue DLC )

Crit ( Tina DLC)
Grog Nozzle ( Tina DLC )
Orc ( Tina DLC )


Captain Blade’s Otto Idol (Scarlett DLC )
Deputy’s Badge
Lucrative Opportunity
Moxxi’s Endowment - power-levelers be damned
The Afterburner - necessary for timed races
Mysterious Amulet


Fuster Cluck - I’m being kind here
Kiss of Death ( possible drop from Hyperius )
Midnight Star (Scarlett DLC )

Let me know if I’ve missed something or if you have some formatting suggestions! :grinning:


…or are they secretly epic? I’ll never tell… you can just call these “Adabiviak’s Favorites”. :laughing:


Happy to oblige! :smiley:

That’s the self-slag one - how is it not red? :confused:

For those of us who can’t reliably hit anything smaller than Saturn or BA Rex with it, it’s yellow. :stuck_out_tongue:

Clark is farmable, isn’t he? Or is it on the list because the shenanigans to get him to come out are tedious enough that it’s not worth it?

Good Touch shouldn’t be on the list because it is a farmable non-quest reward, not a non-farmable quest reward. Bad Touch is at least non-farmable.

According to the wiki, the Elephant Gun is a drop from Arizona. Or do you mean that Arizona only appears during the mission, so you only have one chance at it? I’ve never tried to farm one but I’d always assumed it was farmable like any other boss…

Not if you use the two-car trick. :slight_smile:

Missing - Flame of the Firehawk, Orc. And after all that Medical Mystery testing, I suppose you could add the special Blasster you get for the duration of that quest… :stuck_out_tongue: Or did you guys establish that it’s the same as any other Blasster?


Arizona’s farmable. I was pretty sure he was since he’s always popped up when I went to his lair to throw eridium in the Dexi stove there (I don’t normally find myself going to that remote part of the map…), but I went there just now to make 100% sure.


Arizona does spawn after you turned in the mission, and still has a chance to drop the elephant gun. Also, unless we’re talking about the elephant gun from BL1 (and we’re not), than the elephant gun in BL2 isn’t event the reward for that quest, so it shouldn’t be on this list.

Also, unless they’re dropped from an enemy that only spawn once when a mission is open, all, or at least most of these are farmable. Simply get the quest to the point that it’s ready to be turned in, save/quit at that point, and then load the game again. If you’re on PC you can set the game to read only, on xbox simply dashboard without saving your game if you don’t get the version/parts you’re looking for, and on playstation (or Ps3 at least) if you don’t get the version/parts you want hit the PS button in the middle of your controller, and quit out of the game completely again without saving. I know it’s a long, repetitive process, but it’s still farming.

Right-o! Edits coming up!

  • Chulainn was yellow as many indicated that it was a decent leveling-up gun ; but as I went ahead and stated this was end-game gear, it’s demoted
  • the Hail is on many top-gear lists ( and is my favourite gun ; and if that POS Kitten is green, then my Hail is green ) - it stays green
  • Pyrophobia is on the list as many don’t have the Headhunters, and yes, it’s a stretch saying it’s farmable.
  • Elephant Gun IS farmable - I’ve done it ; it’s also NOT a quest reward. Removed ( I melt it together with the Buffalo sometimes )
  • Good Touch removed
  • adding FotF and the Orc

Edit - and the BlASSter…I never want to talk about that thing…ever…again…

This thread-poster has opted to eschew this kind behaviour :grinning:


Tough crowd. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Perfect timing for me as I’ve been tasked to equip my son’s newly 72’d Maya.


The pyrophobia has an increased chance to drop from incinerator Clayton who is a farmable main game mini boss. The pyrophibia also isn’t a quest reward, so it never should’ve had a place on this list to begin with.

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The OP states that some are not quest rewards but can also be dedicated drops from non-farmable bosses. Clark is farmable but not even remotely in any reasonable fashion. Also I thought Clayton was not farmable - my mistake.
As it’s a also world drop, I’ve removed it.

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I get where you’re coming from with Clark. Getting him to spawn is a pain in the ass. Clayton on the other hand is an easier farm, but it’s still a bit of a trek if you always take the long way around to get to him.

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the morningstar should be green tbqhwyf

The Morningstar? Interesting request! I would not personally deem this to be an Important weapon but I’m willing to take input.

VOTING TIME! Please enter your opinion on the Morningstar

  • Important
  • Optional

0 voters

In the event that there are too few votes to count, @zarpedong, you’ll need to make a case for it.

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well i thought of it as green because morningstar stacking
otherwise maybe it really is just optional if you don’t put stacking into consideration

I considered it a niche weapon that relatively few people use. The stacking effect is really the only thing going for it over and above a regular purple - so it’s very much a consideration.

I actually watched MoLLF’s review on it and he leaned quite favourably towards it ( although he combined it with Critical Ascensi0n ) - so I’m still willing to be convinced.


For what it’s worth, I consider the Morningstar a clear yellow. It’s a Hyperion sniper, and they’re annoying to use and not very good compared to Maliwan, Jakobs, or Vladof. It talks to you, which is briefly amusing but quickly becomes annoying. And


It’s not terrible, so although I very rarely use it I wouldn’t make it red, but if I prefer a blue Snider or Droog to it (which I do), that means it’s not a green in my book.


In a game with a zillion weapons, they’re all optional? What does important even mean? I’m not sure I’d call any weapon important?

I’m acting on the assumption that important in this case means “worth using”, in which case I would vote yes (but I think everything is worth using, so don’t listen to me).

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Luckily we do listen.
I agree that I’ve tied up a bunch of gear into three tidy disparate boxes. I also agree I could have found a better word than Important.
But generally people are going to limit themselves to the safe options ; the ones that give expected results ; the ones that are going to make the game slightly more boring than using something that has more down-sides than up-sides. This is mostly because the game is so vast and trying to figure out the dynamics of keeping a character upright consumes most people - me included.
I don’t have the experience despite my hundreds of hours to fully understand any single character enough ( except maybe Maya ) to be able to load them up with the weirdest gear - although I do more and more, thanks to posts like yours that prod me into breaking outside of a build.

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I could easily side with Ad on this one, as i have a number of toon’s that have never used any of the items on this list, “favourable” (that might have been a good word) or not, let alone the top tier equipment.

Considering this is a list of “unique item quest rewards” and you have rated them by usefulness & popularity for end game usage, i would have to agree with your list on a whole. The disparity between VH’s alone will change this list for some no doubt, myself included.

Good job Jefe, i think that people who are new to BL2 or less experienced than some of us, or for those looking to try things for the first time because they have overlooked it in the past will appreciate a list like this as a quick reference of what to look out for as they play. :gun::shield::gear::white_check_mark:

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I look at the items this way: if we could not reset UVHM, which missions would you want to save for the level cap?

Green items: please save this mission until you’re max level, it’ll probably make your life a lot easier.
Yellow items: if you have a specific use for this item in mind, save it for max level; otherwise, you don’t need to
Red items: may as well get that sweet, sweet experience to help with the leveling up process

Looking at it that way, I think @Jefe did a fairly good job of marking the items worth saving for max level. Props, man.


Edits : added the Mysterious Amulet , cuz it’s “Important” :upside_down_face: ; added definitions to the categories.