Im creating an allegiance build for dahl . One for ars exclusively. And one with all weapon types. I got ars down pretty well but I’m kinda short on testing sniper rifles,pistols other then the hornet, and smgs other then the PC or my emerald corrosive fox. Input would be appreciated. Skills are a wip but I think I got that part pretty well covered. The build name will be the hardest part. But if you have suggestions on skills I have an open mind I will be sporting elemental weaponry.
My only suggestion right now would be a minor edit of the title (Pre → Pure)
Interesting idea though. There’s a short bit here you might want to take a peek at:
I would highly recommend The Sloth for your sniper rifle. It’s especially good with Maya and Zero who each have skills to neutralize the reduced bullet velocity. I would recommend a Hyperion stock on it for the sake of ammo efficiency. Three burst functioned much better than a four burst shot using Dahl stock.
SMGs is pretty easy, Sandhawk it. Even without The Bee it’s an effective SMG.
The Hornet is the only Dahl pistol worth using tbh.
My weapons loadout would be: Seraphim, Hornet, Sloth, and Sandhawk.
I like the loadout, although I’d change the Sandhawk for the Emperor mainly because the Sandhawk feels overused and the Emperor needs love.
Getting out of FFYL without Do or Die begs to differ.
Seriously though - no shotgun nor rocket launcher means no quick one-hit kills, and no burst fire means you’ll be fanning the hammer on whatever weapon you’re holding, hoping the enemy sits still for a moment. Dahl makes some epic grenades, and with Do or Die on deck, those can absolutely kill an enemy in FFYL if you can get the grenade on them.
Here’s my Dahl allegiance build for Axton. Some of these choices are done because I also have a Torgue allegiance commando, and I force them to use different builds. Since Torgue doesn’t make slag weapons, that build includes Double Up (and Dahl has some nice slag weaponry, plus I love using dual Nukes). I pretty much never deviate from these points in the Survival tree, may swap points between Steady and Metal Storm in the Gunpowder tree, but the points in the Guerilla tree aren’t fixed. I always max Sentry and Ready, but the others I’ll rotate around randomly. As I look at this, I may put a point in Laser Sight; even without the UCP buff, it’s handy to know what target your Sentry has acquired in the chaos of combat (maybe I’ll slag it so the Sentry can do more damage, kill it so the Sentry can focus on something else, ignore it and pursue something else, whatever). When Scorched Earth unloads, sometimes it’s hard to see.
Sniper rifles: they’re fine once you get the hang of backing out of the scope to keep the burst shots to one. Alternately, using them as a combat rifle with a full burst will chew through the ammo fast, but it will hit very hard. I have a slag Sniper, shock Sloth, corrosive Pitchfork, and fire Railer. They’re all fine, I think. At some level, it will depend on what drops you get (good, elemental versions of these can take a while to come by).
Pistols: Gwen’s Head is such a fun weapon (and a relatively easy farm)… highly recommended. I only ever use a slag one, but another elemental one would be nice. Since Dahl makes three dedicated corrosive pistols (all of which I also think are great: Hornet, Teapot, and Dahlminator), I’d look for a Gwen’s Head in some other element. Other than that, I use a shock Dart (nice to get unaware enemies de-shielded from a distance while I’m already swapped to another weapon and aiming down the sight for burst fire… good with slag too, given the high elemental chance). I also have a fire Negotiator that I like. While the bursts are small, if you lay into it like a Jakobs, it fires pretty fast and hits harder than I expect.
SMGs: I’m surprised you haven’t mentioned the Sand Hawk, since it’s such a staple of so many builds here. Even without amp shields, it’s a good weapon, but if you’re no stranger to Beehawking, you may find it suddenly underwhelming. The Emperor, to me, is fun when it’s hopped up on fire rate buffs… otherwise I find it vexing. In practice, I use the (now abandoned) buff that converted it to a Torrent from the first version of the UCP, and it’s so fun this way. Also, the Lascaux is surprisingly good given its non-elemental nature and big (for a SMG) spread. A lot of bullets come out very fast. I use it as my Dahl “shotgun”. I personally use a slag Plasma Caster, fire Sand Hawk, corrosive Emperor, and shock Eel (and the Lascaux).
The one Dahl-specific skill in Axton’s loadout in my opinion is Expertise. Since Dahl’s gimmick is burst fire, Expertise makes a big difference here. If you’re going to be using the Legendary Soldier often, a point or two is probably fine, but I otherwise keep it maxed out.