The reason ppl say Sal is the easiest to play this game with

imo it’s his action skill

not only does it obviously boost his damage output with 2 guns AND increased accuracy and fire rate

it heals him instantly AND gives him damage reduction, he becomes very hard to kill from as early as Level 5
he doesn’t even really need to invest into tank/defence skills because of this

Zero’s Deception starts out being utter trash in comparison. In-fact, Zero (and other characters) need to actually invest skill points into other skills to do what Sal’s action skill does for free

Sal (and Gaige too) = Borderlands on easy mode (note I’m not talking about UVHM which I don’t play much)

I play him because he’s short. How short? He doesn’t need to crouch to complete the Crouching Tiger Hidden Assault rifle challenge.



Best. Sal. Response. Ever.

“Hey Sal, is it alright if all the dwarves in my game look like you?”
“That would be AWESOME!”

But to respond to OP: that’s pretty much it, along with the way gun properties transfer from one hand to the other while using said action skill.