I think it would be awesome if that were stats on all the enemies and bosses killed. Through out borderlands tallied up by all players would be interesting to see the enemies with the most deaths. Not to mention the numbers would be ridiculous im sure. Id imagine it’d be hard to include something like this but it would still be cool
Dark souls 2 did this. They had an overall death counter in game and online they had the info on where people died.
It would be pretty cool for Borlands. Would help keep track of farm attempts too
I’m pretty sure it’s possible with SHiFT, as that was the mechanism used to tally the kills for the daily/weekly bounties during the Loot Hunt. I think that’s been turned off, but it would be a hoot for us to be able to turn it on for our own tracking.
I just thought itd be neat to see the numbers. Or number of critical hits, number of critical hit kills. Kills by weapon type. Kills by element and dot. Number of story mode runs in vanilla and dlcs etc. Legendary weapons as world drops boss drops. Number of trades and duels. Longest sniper rifle shots. The list could go on