Advice for FPS and UVHM newbie

Hi All. First post.
So I’m pretty new to FPS games, having mainly played RPGs. I recently got my first gaming PC and thought I’d give BL2 a go. What a great decision. I’m obsessed with it now. So I’m level 56, and have mainly filled out BFF and OC. Haven’t really touched LBT. I’ve got a level 49 Bee Shield and a level 55 Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold. And a level 50 ricochet fibber. I’m getting spanked a lot, particularly by anything that flies.
I’ve been using grenades to slag.
At this point, I’m wondering if I should respec. Is a LBT build better for UVHM? Should I get to level 72 before doing side quests again? Any other advice? Thanks!

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First, welcome to the forum! :vulcan: Second, use the link above to post your build so we can see how it looks- easier to offer advice that way. By now you’re noticing your weapons are not cutting it due to being under leveled. You can use gold keys for the chest in Sanctuary but the best way to get on level gear is to do the Marcus Saves Mercenary Day Headhunter dlc, aka the loot train. The final boss is a repeatable fight and the loot on the train is always at your level (also, there are chances to get legendary gear, and on rare occasions even a pearl weapon).

As for flying enemies (particularly buzzards) I like a corrosive Veruc but I don’t know if you are far enough into the story to get that mission. A better shield is definitely in order- even the white or green ones you find in the vending machines would do a better job than a level 49 Bee (your DPUH shold still be good to go but your Fibber’s usefulness may be coming to an end- BTW, I love Vladof Anarchists on Gaige- and Jakobs shotguns). Take a look at the wiki or even thru this forum- there should be info on what quests give unique gear that you might wantto save until you reach level 72. Good luck!


Hello and welcome.

I’d suggest looking through the stickie’d posts for builds and a breakdown of Gaige’s skills and gear synergies.

There are a million tips we could give, but posting back with your build using the link above is always a good starting point. A BFF/OC build will usually work very well for UVHM, but some skills have unintended problems which makes them best avoided.

As you’ve no doubt discovered, slag is key to making UVHM a pleasant journey rather than a punishing gauntlet. The slag modifier is increased to x3 and slag duration is extended for a couple of seconds compared to previous game modes.
It needs to be, since enemy health is vastly increased and they acquire health regen.

With that in mind I’d suggest you have a dedicated slag weapon equipped at all times. Grenades can work but are frequently slow and unreliable.

(One of the best slag weapons going is the Slagga, which you can farm after siding with the Zafords in the mission series Clan War.
If that’s not available yet, you can boot back into TVHM from your character menu and farm it there. It’ll be level-capped at 50 but that’s not a concern - it’ll slag reliably which is what matters.)

Second, unless you want to loop Discord for healing it’s definitely in your interest to get a Moxxi weapon as soon as possible. If you didn’t acquire the Rubi in TVHM it’s worth going back for. You can also complete the Bandit Circle of Slaughter in TVHM for a Hail, which can keep you topped off into the 60’s, easy.

In the interest of not drowning you with advice right out of the gate I’ll just echo what @Carlton_Slayer said about shields: the Bee is highly situational and for the most part does you no good. A decent Pangolin (turtle) shield will serve you far better, and works well with Gaige’s shield skills.
Since everything scales to you in UVHM, you can farm a better one from vendors or by referring to this excellent loot map: Borderlands 2 O.T.D.H. Loot Maps
If you can find a good Jakobs or Torgue shotgun while you’re at it, you’re in business.


[quote=“ashleyduns, post:1, topic:1573158”]What a great decision.[/quote]Maybe… every other FPS will seem hollow in comparison. There are some other great FPS games out there that just won’t be the same once you’ve been to Pandora.

[quote=“ashleyduns, post:1, topic:1573158”]I’m obsessed with it now.[/quote]Too late!

On topic: the Little Big Trouble tree is definitely viable in UVHM, but without good shock weapons, some of those skills won’t be put to good use. For side quests, I would only skip the ones that have gear rewards that you specifically want at the higher level.

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Thanks heaps for the replies and the awesome advice. I’ll post my build soon. So I think my short term goals are to go back and get a good slag weapon. Probably Slagga. Would Grog Nozzle also be ok for that? My DPUH seems to be doing the job for now. Almost up to the Bloodwing fight and not dying TOO much. Long terms goals are level 72 Redundant Fibber and some better shields. I’ve switched to a purple turtle shield, which seem to be helping more. I’ll get Flame of the Firehawk when I hit 72. So when people finish UVHM, they move on to OP levels?

Lucky for you, BL2 is an RPG, not an FPS. :slight_smile: Or if people (apparently Adabiviak and yourself) draw the line to put BL2 on the FPS side, that would make Fallout 3/New Vegas/4 and the Mass Effect trilogy also FPS rather than RPGs, which makes zero sense to me… As far as I’m concerned I haven’t played an FPS since 1994 (Doom 2).

Apologies for the pedantic digression…

Turtle shields are good with Gaige. FotF … why? That seems to have strong anti-synergy with her… As soon as she kills something, the novas end.

For weapons, as others have said Jakobs shotguns are great. Theoretically Ol’ Slappy can be farmed for Strikers as you need them, though it’s been a very stingy thresher for me lately. Grog Nozzle works as a slag tool, though the Slagga does a better job of it. But if you need the Grog to heal with, sure, use it for slag too.

OP levels - many do go straight to the Peak, but it’s optional. I’ve puttered around with it on Maya but it’s not a priority to me. Just go do whatever strikes your fancy, have fun, get loot, etc.


I think Clan Wars is open after that, although I might remember wrong. In any event, you can soon farm up leveled Slaggas whenever you feel like.
Also, clearing the WEP puts a Rubi in your grasp quite soon. If you already have the Grog that’s seemingly a moot point, but personally I’d argue against becoming too reliant on it.
A lot of people succumb to the easy solution of auto-healing with the Grog and a Chain Lightning the moment they’re in trouble.
There’s nothing wrong with that and it’s not my place to tell anyone how to enjoy their own PvE game.
However, I might carefully suggest that there are other equally good options which are less limiting. Since you’ll probably want to hold off till 72 to get a Hail or two, however, the best of them are currently not available. Mission reward pacing is something of a problem in UVHM I’m sad to say.

Well, yes, but then she can rinse and repeat. I agree though, that it’s not an optimal choice for her - and I don’t think the OP intends for it to be.
By way of Sharing is Caring, DT can use the FotFH, while Gaige can switch to what she prefers after summon.

If you haven’t yet seen DT exploding in a constant stream of deadly novas in a tight group of flesh enemies you’ve just mischievously slagged…well, you haven’t lived :acmwink:


[quote=“ashleyduns, post:5, topic:1573158”]Would Grog Nozzle also be ok for that?[/quote]For slagging, I think I’d take the Slagga first; shots from the Grog Nozzle are a) limited in range and b) travel a little more slowly than normal projectiles. It’s otherwise got very good slag chances, but the drunk effect can be vexing if it happens when you don’t want it to. As a player for whom the Grog Nozzle is just another slag pistol, it’s quite good regardless of this. If you’re after the healing and drunk effect too, it becomes an obvious choice (winner of the crutch of the year award since 2013).

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FotF isn’t a bad shield for gaige at all. Gaige works great with nova shields in general, since if you kill someone, your novas reset and can be used again. The flame of the firehawk has similar stats to a purple nova shield, and simply adds more novas when your shield is down, which is an improvement from purple nova shields.

the grog is an unreliable slag tool at best for gaige, since it doesn’t have a high fire rate nor a high bullet count(discounting the drunk effect), and thus is only good at short range. you should still have a grog, or a moxxi weapon in general for healing purposes, and the drunk effect of the grog can still be useful.

FotFH and a Kitten was my main setup when UVHM came out and carried me through a lot due to SiC. You just need to skip BSS, even thou it is not a bad skill as it allows you to spam novas until you reach the next enemy, and they help you damage until it procs again.

Just an update. Slowly making my way through UVHM. Got myself a slagga and things are going much better. Up to level 60 now and about to take on The Bunker. Quick question though. When I reset the quests, does it reset everything? As in, I have to start back at the start again? Just wondering if I can get a level 60 fibber, then reset and get another later on?

Resetting UVHM resets all main story and dlc progress so yes- if you get a level 60 Fibber now you can reset when you hit level 72 and get another, although my advice would be to wait until level 72 to do that quest as a level 72 Fibber will last into the early OP levels if you decide to do it then…

Just finished UVHM. Pretty happy.


Congrats, glad you had fun.

(All you need now is a fire Hail and a couple more items and you’re set to solo most raids. Unless you did that already, of course.)

Thanks! I haven’t finished most of the DLC yet, so that’s my next aim and to get to lvl 72. Currently taking on the WattleGobler. This is the game that just keeps on giving.

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Yup, nearly five years after release it still has a rabid fanbase - almost unheard of for a shooter.
We’re at the point now where we accept that it’s unlikely for the starts to align as they did for Borderlands 2 in the coming BL3, simply on the basis that that sort of thing usually doesn’t happen twice.

It’ll probably be awesome on its own merits in any event, but when people are actively trying to play down their hype for a sequel you know you have a tough act to follow.

And that’s in spite of the sometimes less than inspired humor. I assume you’ve seen the Fowl Play head for Gaige now :dukefp: