@Jefe @Worblehat Sorry for mixing that up, guys. Seriously. MY BAD.
Yeah, while I’ve considered that it would be cool to have a Moxxxi shield in BL2, I’m also considering that the Slammer is as junk as any Moxxxi item has ever been. If that’s what they considered a Moxxxi-appropriate shield, then I’m kinda glad it didn’t make the BL2 cut. Doesn’t seem to fit the theme.
The old discussion went on about how Moxxxi stuff was typically both Elemental (there are no NE Moxxxi weapons) and Healing. Evolution and Neogenator both seemed to fit that bill; they both have health regen, and they’re both adaptive shields (elemental enough I suppose). Some other ideas that came out of the original discussion were Flame of the Firehawk (elemental, anyhow), Rough Rider (which I adopted for general mobbing, and wound up using in less-intense areas with little or no danger of fire damage), Antagonist (Also carried one, but wasn’t such a fan; that build had Scorn, and this one doesn’t, so it may figure back into the discussion even if it’s a kind of poor fit for the theme). Blockade may have made the discussion, but I don’t think it got any serious talk time. Interesting concept though.
One of the things I want to do when I get settled on the skill build, is to rename all the skills she uses with kinda Moxxxi-appropriate names. I’m not hugely creative, so that’ll take a while and probably be disappointing. Still, I wanna do it because.
I’d like to have a Neogenator or two to work with, mostly because I worry that the higher capacity of the Evolution may be overkill. Moxxxi stuff isn’t supposed to be powerful in the conventional sense. The Moxxxi gear is more about staying power. (See, I can use innuendo too!) Are your tools able to keep it up? That sort of thing. So yeah, Neogenator’s lower capacity may be more appropriate.
Honestly, if a decent blue or purple adaptive could do some health regen, that’d be perfect. As an alternate, if there were a spike and/or nova shield that would do damage of the type that hit and/or broke the shield in the first place, that’d be freaking spectacular.
As for the relic, I’m wondering if a Skin of the Ancients (corrosive, fire, shock resistance) wouldn’t be more appropriate. Bone of the Ancients feels less powerful with the blue-level Moxxxi weapons than it does with wicked-good stuff like Pimpernels and Sandhawks, but I still worry that it’s stretching the spirit of the Moxxxi theme for some firepower that isn’t the greatest fit.
Blurred Trickster is probably gonna be the route I go here. That will once again favor Kitten over Good/Bad Touch or Cher-Amie or anything else, really, except where Heart Breaker is also appropriate. That’s fine. For now, I think it’s as good a COM for the concept as can be had. Though I might, for theme’s sake, try carrying a nice Fox COM (nice and Fox don’t go together here) and see how it works out.
Really, the one point in even using the community patch here is to make Cher-Amie NOT awful. BUT, I’m seriously considering doing it patch-off for sake of anyone who may not have access (console players, for example) but wonder how viable it is.
Yeah. I’m planning another end-to-end with the Moxxxi build. With some luck, I’ll get on it before mid-August, when work goes from lazy to crazy overnight. Hell. My summer’s already halfway over. 
Much love, homies, but Mrs. RAbbi awaits upstairs. Niteynite!