A Siren To Die For

So, I’m wondering, is anyone at all interested in what ever became of THIS siren build? (I hope the link works.)

TL;DR- it was the first iteration of a siren built around using ONLY Moxxxi-theme gear. That’s right, exactly ZERO weapons or grenade mods that weren’t Moxxxi items. That means Cher-Amie (all flavors), Slow Hand (all flavors, Practicable prefix preferred), Heart Breaker, Rubi (all flavors), Grog Nozzle, Hail (all flavors), Kitten (all flavors), Good Touch, Bad Touch, Crit, and Creamer. Also, only Kiss of Death nades.

It left us wondering what shield and COM and relic best suited the Moxxxi theme, and I’ve honestly not settled on that yet. First go 'round, we tried Evolution, Antagonist, and Rough Rider. Bone of the Ancients was in there most of the time, though Might of the Seraphs (I think? Health regen, sold in Oasis) and Blood of the Ancients (health regen, ammo capacity) are in the picture. All four legendary COMs were included, as well as a couple Banshee COMs and a Blurred Trickster. Never really settled on a choice there.

The current skills build looks something like THIS now. The point of the build is fun, almost infinitely sustainable mobbing. Skill floor for it is relatively low, but the farming overhead is high to get the gear in the first place (it is greatly accelerated by the community patch if you’re a PC player, but still a bit much). A lesser version of this build made the full Liar’s-Berg-to-Hero’s-Pass campaign run with my potato self at the helm, so it’s capable enough of running everything short of raids.


Given that you have full points into Sus, KR and CR, I’d suggest at least trying a Blurred Trickster.


That’s quite an interesting concept given that i myself haven’t used Moxxi weapons on Maya before for any length of time.

I would also find it odd playing without Scorn, but do with a Thoughtlock Maya so i’d get used to that i reckon.

It makes sense to stay out of the Harmony tree, but maybe share the points with Minds Eye to get to Wreck and take more advantage of the SMG’s and Cher-Amie’s accuracy benefits, but just a thought.

Screams Trickster to me also :thumbsup:


Looks good. My only comment would be to consider moving some points from Flicker to Accelerate. Of all the Moxxi guns I think the Hail is the only one that might care about bullet speed, and it seems as likely to be good as bad even there. So why not grab the extra damage? Or you could turn this into a Subsequence or Thoughtlock build.

Since you’re using the patch, if they ported the Slammer from TPS that’s obviously the required shield for this build. :slight_smile: Otherwise, maybe the Transformer, since it restores from shock damage which seems kind of Moxxi-like.


I’m afraid your relic is going to have to be Moxxi’s Endowment :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

edit - there’s the Backdraft build using a shock Slowhand and the Transformer with a Scorched Banshee.


Yeah, prior to level cap Miss Moxxi’s Endowment would be the winner easily.

I wasn’t aware that the Slammer was ported in the community patch. How’d I miss that?! Even though it sucks, I’ll have to use it in patched runs. I suppose the improvements to Cher-Amie make up for that. NOT. Seriously, though, what’s it drop for boosters?

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I just had a quick look at the Slammer’s variants and it was between 8 and 17% - somewhere between meh and not bad.

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Just looked over the update log as of v3, and saw no mention of it added to BL2. You sure about this?

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Me? No idea - Worblehat suggested it was.

Correction : the word “if” was used - scratch that idea.


That was the key word. :slight_smile: I stopped paying any attention to the patch a couple days after the thread started (balance point at OP8, buffing everything to the level of the top gear = not for me). I know they have ported quite a few items between games, so if this was one of them it would be the obvious choice. Apparently not, though. You could ask them for it - it’s a more sensible port than the Naught, which I know they have done.


@Jefe @Worblehat Sorry for mixing that up, guys. Seriously. MY BAD.

Yeah, while I’ve considered that it would be cool to have a Moxxxi shield in BL2, I’m also considering that the Slammer is as junk as any Moxxxi item has ever been. If that’s what they considered a Moxxxi-appropriate shield, then I’m kinda glad it didn’t make the BL2 cut. Doesn’t seem to fit the theme.

The old discussion went on about how Moxxxi stuff was typically both Elemental (there are no NE Moxxxi weapons) and Healing. Evolution and Neogenator both seemed to fit that bill; they both have health regen, and they’re both adaptive shields (elemental enough I suppose). Some other ideas that came out of the original discussion were Flame of the Firehawk (elemental, anyhow), Rough Rider (which I adopted for general mobbing, and wound up using in less-intense areas with little or no danger of fire damage), Antagonist (Also carried one, but wasn’t such a fan; that build had Scorn, and this one doesn’t, so it may figure back into the discussion even if it’s a kind of poor fit for the theme). Blockade may have made the discussion, but I don’t think it got any serious talk time. Interesting concept though.

One of the things I want to do when I get settled on the skill build, is to rename all the skills she uses with kinda Moxxxi-appropriate names. I’m not hugely creative, so that’ll take a while and probably be disappointing. Still, I wanna do it because.

I’d like to have a Neogenator or two to work with, mostly because I worry that the higher capacity of the Evolution may be overkill. Moxxxi stuff isn’t supposed to be powerful in the conventional sense. The Moxxxi gear is more about staying power. (See, I can use innuendo too!) Are your tools able to keep it up? That sort of thing. So yeah, Neogenator’s lower capacity may be more appropriate.

Honestly, if a decent blue or purple adaptive could do some health regen, that’d be perfect. As an alternate, if there were a spike and/or nova shield that would do damage of the type that hit and/or broke the shield in the first place, that’d be freaking spectacular.

As for the relic, I’m wondering if a Skin of the Ancients (corrosive, fire, shock resistance) wouldn’t be more appropriate. Bone of the Ancients feels less powerful with the blue-level Moxxxi weapons than it does with wicked-good stuff like Pimpernels and Sandhawks, but I still worry that it’s stretching the spirit of the Moxxxi theme for some firepower that isn’t the greatest fit.

Blurred Trickster is probably gonna be the route I go here. That will once again favor Kitten over Good/Bad Touch or Cher-Amie or anything else, really, except where Heart Breaker is also appropriate. That’s fine. For now, I think it’s as good a COM for the concept as can be had. Though I might, for theme’s sake, try carrying a nice Fox COM (nice and Fox don’t go together here) and see how it works out.

Really, the one point in even using the community patch here is to make Cher-Amie NOT awful. BUT, I’m seriously considering doing it patch-off for sake of anyone who may not have access (console players, for example) but wonder how viable it is.

Yeah. I’m planning another end-to-end with the Moxxxi build. With some luck, I’ll get on it before mid-August, when work goes from lazy to crazy overnight. Hell. My summer’s already halfway over. :frowning:

Much love, homies, but Mrs. RAbbi awaits upstairs. Niteynite!


My inner Innuendobot is having a hard time with those. nudege, wink, nudge