Mimicking high level difficulty on lower levels?

I want to play sniper zero through nvhm and tvhm in a similar manner to how I’d need to play in uvhm.

Was thinking of using amp shields, because they are frail and really emphasise hitting each shot.

Going sniper only the whole time

Transfusions the whole time

Making sure enemies are slagged

What other things could I do to mimic higher level play?

I always stall in late tvhm on zero because I play him with too many less than ideal strategies through nvhm and tvhm. (Rocket launcher out of disception ftw)

I was thinking about specking the blue tree through nvhm because it looks like his glue tree. Though, I’m wondering if that will be enough dmg for the beggining of tvhm to main snipers only.

Thanks in advance for any and all advice. I’m a Maya main but I want to crank my damage and embrace the glass cannon aspect of zero. He just looks so awesome when used correctly.

To get the same feeling as in UVHM, you will need to get a really crappy sniper, white rarity and ~5 levels below. Pretty much any gear you pick should be white rarity, and a few levels below.

Zero will one-shot most enemies in NVHM with almost any sniper in the game if it’s on par with your level. And this is without using slag! Your idea sounds like fun, but I’m afraid that UVHM is UVHM, and NVHM is NVHM, and never shall they meet.


[quote=“dtesky, post:1, topic:1563319”]Was thinking of using amp shields, because they are frail and really emphasise hitting each shot.[/quote]I find them quite alright? There is all sorts of variety between damage output, cost for that damage, and other shield stats, so just keep an eye out for a good one.

As @Ronnie_Rayburn says, it just won’t be the same. It will help to practice using slag so it becomes second nature (and when you get to UVHM and slag lasts longer and swap speeds are a little faster, you’ll be in good shape), but it really is a difficulty unto itself. Kudos for managing your expectations about it though… a great many people stepped into it looking forward to some linear progression in difficulty only to give up on it (or complain about it) when those first few enemy camps in Liar’s Berg stomped on them.


You could enable 4-player scaling.

If your on console you can add a split-screen character.
I’ve done an OP8 story reset with a mule signed in the whole time.
I couldnt believe how easy solo felt when I went back to it recently.

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I agree with @Ronnie_Rayburn in saying that it just wont be the same because that is the end game challenge, and to an even greater extent the OP levels.

Enemy health re-gen and overall health to start with is where i started to feel things in UVHM with an all white sniper Zero i did in the past, but learning good habits and strategies can be learned through lower levels so it’s good that your focusing on this now as @Adabiviak points out also.

Taking your shots deep in DeceptiOn will kill almost anything all the way up to UVHM with white gear, and your choice of amp shield, even a white one will add damage so i would suggest a plain white Tediore shield to keep you on your toes, and also like @Ronnie_Rayburn suggests low level snipers of white rarity even in the level 40 range if you truly wish to try and mimic UVHM, choose maps that are open and leave you exposed and have elevation changes giving advantages to the enemy (places like Sawtooth would be great) and see how that goes.

I think it’s good that you expect it to be harder, and it will be in UVHM but my personal feeling is to just jump in the deep end that is UVHM with “balanced” gear and paddle like all heck and embrace the challenge. A lot can be taken from learning how to do things “the hard way” like dealing with tougher enemies and situations in this game and i believe you learn more and get a greater satisfaction in doing so, not to mention that you will remember what you teach yourself more often than not in pressure situations when you need it.

I hope this helps a bit, good luck and have fun :thumbsup:

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Thank you guys. I liked the idea of using a meh tedior shield. I’ll stick to green and whites for most of the play through.

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You can also skip all the side quests and keep your self a few levels below mission. The split screen mule approach is also good, since you can level up a mule and get eridium on both characters at the same time.


Those are some great ideas.

I think my plan is to just push story mission, no farming, stay as underleveled as possible and just use what I find, but keep a low level tedior shield. Still going to go sniper only and as soon as I can get slay to try and use it as much as possible and as affectively as possible. I’ll probably look for a maliwan slab sniper because they are the most efficient snipers when it comes to slagging. It sucks so hard the chere amie (whatever the spelling) doesn’t receive any splash damage. I’ll still try it out but meh

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