anyone do this? Is it worth it doing, I’m thinking of going for it and sacrificing Double Up which people here seem to love
With a 26/15/26 build, you can have all 3! My OP8 Axton currently uses that build, it’s quite viable.
If you had to choose between Double Up and Maglock, though, I’d definitely say go Double Up.
yes that’s true, however I like Axton’s Gunpowder tree and Nuke skill too much to do that (I’m aware I’m minority here in this preference)
guess I’m gonna go for Double Up and sacrifice the maglock, it’s a shame because I often throw the sentry at the wall it doesn’t spawn and instead returns to me as I’m getting gunned down
nuke is pretty useless in UVHM
why? It still does big damage and pushes backs and stuns enemies
why does everyone hate it here? maybe it got buffed in patch recently?
it’s just not worth it compared to the other two capstones. negligable damage and the knockback isn’t a big deal, if you have longbow and maglock your turret can be placed where it won’t get hit by melee attackers anyway
Nuke + Maglock doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, either. The purpose of Maglock is to be able to place the turret away from where enemies can hit it. The purpose of the Nuke is to put it in the middle of as many enemies as possible. There’s no synergy between those two skills.
Slag singularity with a Nuke chaser, x2. Sounds good to me!
well me must be playing different games
my Nuke is taking out UVHM bandits where otherwise it would take many hits from my weapons to kill them
[quote=“IceCat763, post:1, topic:1563163”]anyone do this?[/quote]
[quote=“IceCat763, post:1, topic:1563163”]going for it and sacrificing Double Up[/quote]My Dahl Commando uses a Gemini-Nuke build (with Mag Lock and Longbow) and loves it. It took some getting used to, since I always used Double Up prior to this, so switching to manual slagging seemed cumbersome at first. Dual Nukes is super fun though.
If you’re only using Nuke for the damage, you’re missing out on what I consider its most strategic use. The knockback lets you push enemies off cliffs, pin them into corners, stun them, knock them out from behind cover, whatever, and the turrets themselves then keep the target distracted while pinning him in place. This is, of course, for those enemies that Nuke doesn’t outright kill.
That Nuke is still killing enemies with the blast in the OP levels tells me that the damage is above average (and this isn’t even with the UCP buff).
I’ve been running a variation of Double Up + Gemini for years. It’s easily my favorite way to play as Axton. A big part of that is using Longbow + Mag Lock to take away cover from enemies. Sticking turrets to things is cool
Don’t know if you’re still looking for one, but here’s the one I usually rock.
It should have everything you’re looking for and it supports gun/grenade playstyles.