Single Capstone Maya Build

Cataclism is pretty standard. I put one point in helios, because on some maps i run binder, a point in blight pheonix for anti melee and wings :heart:. I started putting a point in back draft because i read it stuns enemies, might be wrong.

Motion is where I cant help but put points. I love going breakneck, and I never had as much fun on maya until i started specking into subsequence. Inertia is just too much reload and fights of dots so well to not 5/5 for me. I dont like thoughtlock because i want control of my phaselock.

I only do enough harmony to get what i need. Sweet release+welness+inertia is plenty of healing for me while mobbing and in emergencies or in raids a grog+corrosive cloud is enough healing to just stand in front of terra and just chill.

As for gear i mostly run two setups while mobbing.


Mukumuck (depending on map i go quad and use the bekka for my long range gun)

Legendary siren
Lonbow sludge mirv (new fave slag grenade)
Jacobs alegence relic mag size and recoil (i forget which type, currently blue rarity and looking for an upgrade)

I’ve been running this constantly since the rng gods granted me a bekka. I toyed around with a gattling gun for a while but the maggie fills that range better and maya loves pellet count. It’s so easey to keep things slagged and the burst damage is insane. My fave build to just go do whatever and not worry about swapping out elements every area change.

Elemental mobbing

Etech smg

Legendary siren
Sludge murv

It just melts or corrodes whatever map you go into. If deflection isnt as issue i use the bitch/tattler/and whatever i happen to fancy/find.

Lady fist
Ffyl tool or a harold for grog swap healing

Legendary cat
Slag bonny/chainlightning/slag transfusion

I respec to max minds eye and acellerate and also to put all the silly points in cataclism into flicker. I love solo raiding with her because it’s hard. At least for me it is. Lol

Wow, that took forever to type on mobile.

Reasons behind not using ect

Scorn means no points for motion and i love inertia and fleet too much to just choose one 4/5.

Legendary binder looks like it would work better, but it doesnt for me. The boost to phaselock time means im without my phase lock to long esp when subsequence derps out. Also it has less damage even with the 10/5 reaper boost.

Thoughtlock takes my control away and while i do love the agro relief everythinh dies fast enough where i dont miss it.

Suggestions for new setups?

Sorry if it’s messy to read. Im on mobile.

Do you mean for those two points in Restoration to be in Elated instead? You mention having Elated but it’s not in the build you posted…

Fleet is generally only used with the Breakneck Banshee and a Rough Rider. If you’re only using the Leg. Siren and sometimes Leg. Cat, those points are wasted, since between Ward and Inertia you shouldn’t have much time with your shield down. Quicken might be a better choice. Or you could try Kinetic Reflection and a Trickster COM. At 11/5, KR heals you every time you get hit. There are people around here who love that trick. :slight_smile:

I’d put the Backdraft and Blight Phoenix points in Helios instead. Backdraft is great for killing yourself with nearby barrels… Admittedly I’m biased on both skills since they affect “nearby enemies” and I don’t allow enemies to get that close when I play Maya. There are people who claim that Helios isn’t all that powerful, but I think they’re remembering how things worked before the Oct. 2015 patch. I find that 8/5 Helios absolutely destroys flesh enemies, and 3/5 is very respectable as well.

I’ll let Subsequence Maya players argue with you about the Leg. Binder. Most of them swear by it. I use it a lot even as a Scorn Maya. But if it doesn’t work for you, better to do something that does, and no Maya ever went too far wrong using a Leg. Siren.

I meant to type sweet release. Edited it

Im constantly switching to a breakneck banshee and rough rider. Gotta go fast

Ive argued back and forth with myself over the binder vs vanilla.

I like running a trickster com setup, but it’s very situational and dots like to rain on your parade.

It’s been awhile since I looked at this math but I’m pretty sure Binder wins while PL is active because of 10/5 Reaper and Wreck active.

It really comes down to how you manage PL and if you’re going Subsequence then the longer uptime the better which is why L.Binder is the go-to for Subsequence builds. If you aren’t extending your PL duration with Binder or Thoughtlock than you might as well have maximum cooldown on PL and move those points into Quicken.

Also, I think running a slag option is better executed with Grog or Slagga than with a grenade. Chain Lightning or Quasar would be my top choices as I generally want something that breaks shields and you never mentioned any Shock options.

[quote=“dtesky, post:1, topic:1562944”]anti melee[/quote]I keep hearing people say this, but haven’t experienced it myself. Is it the same stun as enemies get when they’re knocked back by something (Fistful of Hurt, Execute, a singularity grenade, or Converge, for example)? I can show you that stun animation in a video and describe it very carefully, but I still haven’t noticed this stun coming out of Blight Phoenix (and I run Blight Phoenix for the damage on both of my Sirens).

Binder has less damage out of pl but more dmg in pl

I 100% love the speed boost from the legendary com. It’s great for those “uh oh” moments when you get your shield ripped off and you have fleet and the legendary boost at once.

I guess it kind of hard to go wrong with Maya. She’s so versatile when it comes to everything bessides raids.

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Which is why I said that Binder “wins while PL is active.” You said earlier that it has less damage than Siren even with the Reaper boost but you weren’t accounting for Wreck. Yes, Siren wins when PL is not active but outside of Raids (without adds) or enemies that cannot be Phaselocked there is very little time when Maya engages enemies without it being active. Siren might arguably be better suited for builds that don’t spec Subsequence or that rely on Scorn for slagging purposes over Ruin and utilize PL in a more one and done approach.

Binder is ideal for Ruin+Subsequence builds but is still really effective outside of that setup. So many key damage and healing skills rely on PL duration so I think anytime that is your approach you should consider it.

Yes, the movement bonus is a nice addition but it hardly makes the overall build fast. IMO, the fastest mobbing build I’ve ever used is a Thoughtlock+Subsequence build.

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Don’t take this the wrong way i’m still new at this, but the way i see it, there’s a lot of problems with your build, which i will go through one by one.

  1. As mentioned by other people, Fleet doesn’t synergise well with ward and inertia, i’ll either go with a rough rider build and make full use of fleet, or put the points from fleet somewhere else. Maya has enough healing factors to be above average with the rough rider, although it does require more investment in the harmony tree.

  2. 5/5 in both fleet and inertia is not that important, 10% movespeed isn’t a big loss, neither is 0.8% shield recharge and 10% reload speed. you can afford to take one point from either of these skills and put it somewhere else.

  3. The harmony tree is terribly optimised, it looks like some wierd attempt of trying to go into a support build with leftover points. If you’re trying to support, more points into elated with a negotiator/evolution would do much more than 2 points into restoration, especially since it allows you to not need to look at your team to heal them. If you’re not trying to support, having 2 points in restoration is pretty much wasted.

  4. Continuing from previous point. In my experience, 4/5 sweet release is more than enough for solo play. Points from there can be put in elated instead

  5. In the cataclysm tree, it’s far too big of a waste to put one point in flicker, helios, backdraft and blight phoenix. it’s much better to focus on any one of those skills.

  6. 5/5 Helios is imo, better than any of the other 4 choices, out of which second best is immolate, which only activates under ffyl. Even then, 40% is still a sizeable amount of extra damage.

Personally i would run two separate builds, one for solo play focused on dps, and another for co-op support. Add a third for raiding, i’m not very experienced in that regard so i’ll rather not comment on that aspect.

Here’s what i would do for a mobbing build.

  • Preferred COM of choice would be a Legendary Binder
  • Points from Fleet put into Quicken for the faster cd, combined with a Bone the Legendary Binder you’ll find that your phaselock will have hardly any downtime.
  • Extra points from Sweet Release and Restoration moved to Elated. moving points to make either Quicken or Elated 5/5 and the other 3/5 isn’t bad either, up to preference. Another alternative is to take the point from Res and max out either skill, if you have absolutely no intention of running your maya co-op
  • 5/5 Helios, and 4/5 Immolate, Helios is more reliable. Points from Immolate can be moved to Flicker for more elemental effect chance if using elemental gear, or Blight Phoenix if you prefer.

And here’s one of the builds i use, the Rough Rider Fleet Build

  • Preferred COM of choice would be a Breakneck Banshee with +6 Fleet and +5 Immolate, or a Legendary Siren for better mobbing. A Cleric with good prefixes and boosts to Suspension/Life Tap can also be good, although it’s a little harder to obtain.
  • points in the motion tree given up due to the need for harmony tree to sustain a Rough Rider build.
  • The point from Scorn can be taken for Fleet if you want, although i feel than Scorn is much better than 10% movespeed.
  • The point for Res can be relocated to either Mind’s Eye or Life Tap if you have no intention of running co-op
  • Cataclysm tree has the same flexibility as the mobbing build.

I run fleet because I’m constantly switching to a breakneck setup. I don’t want to respec constantly.

I run the legendary siren as my com so that’s why the point in flicker.

I put a point in blight phoenix for just the look of the wings and it messes with some melee enemies. Backdraft is just a free nova for one point and I don’t think that point would do much anywhere else.

I run her split screen sometimes so I like having res and emergency healing for them.

I guess I can play around with the last six or so points I use.

I’m probably going to crank them towards Helios. I might just only grab res and elated for co-op play. I play with a zerker so I don’t need anything more than that.

For raiding I go full dps and just throw the last twenty points wherever. She’s so weak skill wise in most raids. Fleet does help a lot in those fights.

My Maya might not be 100% optimized but five or so points doesn’t suddenly make her useless. She’s very verisitle and she straight wrecks.

In that case, you can take the first Tree, move the points from quicken into fleet, and adjust the points in the cataclysm tree. Immolate might be the best skill in that tree, but the other 3 skills aren’t bad either. thing about blight phoenix and backdraft is, their damage isn’t scaling, it’s rank damage, and it’s not even a lot. one single point is not even worth anything, it’s much better to put them all in one skill.

you could do something like this

point in flicker for leg. siren, and 3 in any of the other skills, or you could pump 4 in any of the above skills. for the record, i still recommend a binder COM if you’re attempting a sub-sequence build, and also equip a bone for the cd

it’s true that maya is versatile, but being versatile doesn’t make wasting points decent. your maya doesn’t have to be optimised, but you should try not to spread points out too thin.

I’m thinking the same build but without elated and only one point in blight pheonix. I don’t care about its damage at all. I just like the wings and making psychos stagger.

Take the four from elated to max sweet release, fleet, two into immolate. Then take two from bl pheonix into immolate as well.

Seems cleaner.

Looks better, though i would rather have the points in immolate be used to max out blight phoenix. like i said, rank 1 blight phoenix barely does anything. plus, blight phoenix has been buffed in the community patch, and immolate, while a great ffyl tool, isn’t neccessary. if you want blight phoenix, i reccommend going all in.

something else to take note is that without elated, you will most likely need moxxi weapons to keep you going, and you also won’t be able to heal teammates. Granted a sal won’t need it much, but if you play with any other class, the heal from elated, coupled with an adaptive shield and health relics is very useful.