A few (alot) maya questions

I’m not trying to spam the board or anything. I just love this game and my information is all peiced together from tons of YouTube videos. So there are gaps.

Does flicker affect the chance for grenades or the antagonist to slag enemies?

For a Jacobs Maya am I better off with a good quad or a good coach?

For 360 are there any hotfixes that I need? I was running it offline until I noticed my I was getting white deaths when I farmed gettle and since then I’ve stayed online unless I’m sign out farming.

Is the twister that good on Maya compared to the swordsplosion? Kinda diff range I know but on my build they would fight for the same slot.

Is the bandit slag murv grenade a reliable slagging tool? I’ve been messing with it and I can’t tell if I’m just off on my throws or what.

Just how much does 6/5 accelerate hurt the pimpernell? It wrecks so hard it’s hard to tell.

Does corrosive cloud have a %chance to prock or is it a garunteed prock if it’s cooled down?

Okay, I know those weren’t all Maya questions, but that’s what I thought of asking first.

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1: Yes. Though the effect is small, so you probably only want to put one point in Flicker so that the Leg. Siren COM will boost it.

4: If you can get a Twister my understanding is that it’s great. The hard part is spawning OOO and getting it to drop; I haven’t really looked into that myself, but I believe it’s the most tedious and painful farm in the game.

5: It would probably work, but (a) Maya gets most of her slag from skills, and (b) characters who slag from grenades usually go for bouncing betties, magic missiles, or transfusions. If it works for you, carry on, do what you enjoy!

6: It doesn’t cause much of a problem at 6/5. Do some comparison testing by shooting against a wall in Sanctuary to see how much the split increases. Against normal human enemies, it works out to the difference between “shoot them in the belt buckle” and “shoot them in the dick”, roughly. If you take it much further than 6/5, you’ll start to run into problems where the sweet spot for a kneeling bandit would be below ground level, though.

7: Guaranteed if off cooldown. I assume you mean Cloud Kill, since Corrosive Cloud is a type of grenade. :slight_smile:

Sorry, I don’t have anything useful to say about Maya and Jakobs shotguns, or about consoles.


Awesome info again.

I feel I need too many points in the motion tree to hit scorn so I need a slag nade for when my phase lock is down. I will eventually swap it for a quasar when I get around to farming the ultimate baddass varkids in the wildlife area place. The control of that would give me time to just wait for phase lock.

I’m straying from betties because I always self slag myself and my antagonist does that enough as is lol. Magic missiles are too random. I want my slag where I want it and I want it there fast.

I’ve always went for dick shots with the pimp anyway, so I guess 5/6 is my happy place.

Any weapons you like that aren’t the norm? I personally love the Maggie on her. My best atm is Dahl grip and gunstock but it’s still pretty impressive. With her synergy with extra pellets would the twofer be my best option or just go dastardly?

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People have been talking about Maya and the Maggie lately, lots of people do like it with her. The only one I’ve ever seen was a Two Fer and I thought it was not worth using. It basically seemed like a weak sibling of the Harold - too inaccurate for me. According to the Top Gear thread, Dastardly is the ideal prefix. A non-Two-Fer Maggie is on my list of things to try at some point, though I’m kind of tired of the Clan War quests right now.

Other gear I like with Maya is all pretty normal stuff. You have a Bekah (lucky!) so no need for a Hammer Buster. That was one of my main guns with her in UVHM. Hornet for loader fights, Harold for FFYL, as I mentioned in your other thread I use the Bitch as part of her standard equipment (at 72-OP3 she’s had Pimpernel-Bitch-Grog-Harold equipped almost all the time). Storm Front is her default grenade, though she carries the other elements and a level 65 Quasar in case for some reason I need them. I’ve held off on getting endgame Lady Fists, figuring I’ll get them around OP4-5 and use them for the push to OP8 if I ever go for that (been a bit burned out on BL2 lately, to be honest).

Thinking back to leveling through UVHM, the Godfinger was delightful, probably the most fun I’ve ever had in this game. I was lucky enough to get it at 62, so she used that until around 66.

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Twofer is pretty bad after a bit of testing ( just took a break from grinding)

I’m thinking my Dahl grip + gunstock might be kinda ideal because it has a more manageable recoil.

I didn’t sleep after that Bella drop. I’ve only ever seen one other pearl from a tubby and that was the wunderlust lol. I flipped when I saw it because I was just talking about dreaming of getting it someday and I got it on that same run. Then I flipped out more when it was the boss prefix and level 72.

I still need to bitch farm. I have only one atm. Fire with fire rate pre. Also my 88 sham is pretty meh.

For standard loadout I go with pimp, grog, e tech smg, bekka.

Smg slot gets switch around because tattlers and my fire bitch are cool.

Bekka sometimes gets switched for a swordsplosion if the map doesn’t give me the range for it or if I’m fighting loaders.

I’ve sworn off the Harold. Did that too much with my zerker. After I messed up my first Maya by capping at 61 for too long I decided to zerk my way to 72 so I’d have a farm beast so a new Maya and my other chacters could get some of the harder to farm top gear. Looking back that idea was awesome because I wouldn’t have two shot norfleets in every element if I didn’t use the fibber moneyshot trick to kill hyperious twice per zerk.

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[quote=“dtesky, post:3, topic:1562849”]Any weapons you like that aren’t the norm?[/quote]If you’re interested in using a non-Youtube weapon, just ask; all of them are quite capable of killing, though some are certainly limited in their scope.

For certain values of “norm”, with Maya (with whom I only use Hyperion and Tediore weapons), I have a lot of fun with the Logan’s Gun, shotgun-barreled Fibber and the Bunny. If I was going to break allegiance and pick a single weapon, I’d grab a Lascaux and play with high counts of Chain Reaction (but ask tomorrow, and it’d probably be something else).


I didn’t know those words could fit together like that. Lol

I love Jacobs snipers especially leveling up. Finding an on level Diab or mukumuk on level in a green rarity is dope.

I’m about to farm butt stallion for some shiny poop weapons soon and stock up on some good non uniques. Praying for a citrine docs quad with a Jacobs grip and Hyperion stock, but I’ll be looking for some cool Mali snipers too, maybe an anarchist or two.

Since you mentioned Hyperion, I’d recommend a Hyperion pistol with all vladoff parts if you can find one. Hell of a gun.

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That’s a hotfix, yes. Note that the White Death, Lyuda, and Lyudmilla are all the same gun, though - only the name changed across various platforms.

If you don’t have that hotfix, you’ll also be missing the corrections on Zer0’s death marks and kunai thing, and some text will be missing on certain grenade item cards.

I think it only really affects you if you’re playing Gaige or Zer0, but you can check the hotfix notes to double-check. It will be the cumulative total of all hotfixes dated after October 2015:


The only thing that I’m convinced benefits from Flicker is Scorn, but I wouldn’t be surprised if both grenades and Antagonist benefits from it too. Might have to look closer into that… Interesting!

Depends a little on how you plan to use it. The Coach gun works better than the Quad at close to medium range, whereas the Quad is a close quarters kinda gun. Phaselock and get in really close. Ka-Boom!

Both are really strong, ofc, but as you say, the effectiveness varies with range. They’re not the best dps option for maya, so if this is a gun for specific situations, I’d go for the Twister. Really good in tight situations! But I guess it all comes down to preferences in the end.

I never spec in Accelerate when using the Pimp. The difference is quite big imo. Without Accelerate, you get crits on regular marauders if you aim in the groin area, but with 6/5 I have to aim at the knee. That’s not a problem when the knee is straight below the head, but if it isn’t… No crit! I know some people feel the difference is negligible, but for me it’s a huge difference. Maybe it depends on which platform you’re on.

Sorry if I answered something that was already answered. If so… Feel free to ignore me! :slight_smile:


On the Jakobs front, I’ve found a Dahl grip to improve stability on Jakobs pistols . Ronnie basically said it with Quad vs Coach Gun, but for me the Triquetra is the perfect balance between power, accuracy ( fixed spread ), and ammo consumption.

Also keep your eyes open for a Jakobs allegiance relic to try out. If you end up with 3 slots filled with Jakobs ( say Maggie, SG, Bekah ), you may find it preferable to a Bone ( although you might want to max Quicken ). I highly recommend it in fact!


Awesome, thanks so much for all the input.

I run a maggie , Bekka, muckumuck, quad, gattling, or a coach with a magsize and recoil reduction relic ( it’s only blue for now).

I swap the weapons depending on map. Really love going Bekka, Maggie, quad the most, though. (Grog always has a slot because I hate dying

Edit!!! To prevent double posting.

My problem is that my usual elemental setup is pimp, e tech smh, sword splosion/bekka. Half those weapons like the bullet speed half hate it. Also, the legendary siren com is my favorite com and it’s so painful to not put a point in a boosted skill. I’ve been running 6/5 for so long. That’s a really tough choice for me.

Oh, someone mentioned preferring Dahl grip on the Maggie and I’ll totally second that. My current one is Dahl grip with gunstock and it’s so so so so so much easier to land shots and keep the spread down while still fanning the hammer.

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Looks like you’re set! If you come across a relic with recoil reduction and recoil recovery, try that out too - great with pistols and ARs.

Edit for same reason - keep that 6/5 in accelerate then. It doesn’t hurt the Pimp inordinately.


Between the two recoil stats which is better to have?

The magazine size on the relic is just too important for my Jacobs guns esp my quad and gattling. But I’ll try it out if I find one

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I honestly couldn’t say for sure with recoil. I’d say recovery is better for shotguns , reduction is better for ARs. I could be wrong though.

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With sincere respect…I’d go for the SWORDSPLOSION!!! (I rarely get to type that name out, so when I do I go for the gusto!), if for no other reason than it’s a DAMN sight easier to get your hands on. And it’s a wicked-good gun as well.

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Coach shotguns are more flexible and are not nearly as ammunition hungry as quads are. For the most part, there are very few situations that a shotgun can be used in where a coach gun will falter. If you want a point-blank shotgun though it is really hard to beat the Hydra as it deals the highest non-elemental damage a shotgun can deal in the game, surpassing a Rustler’s Orphan Maker even.

Since its nerf the Twister is a good shotgun, though it has its shortcomings with its slow projectile speed being its biggest weakness. I personally use it against enemies totting physical shields such as nomads since the shots ignore such obstacles.

The Swordplosion is a good shotgun, but only when it has the extra pellet prefix, otherwise it is mediocre at best. It is strongly advised to NEVER use the Swordplosion in close quarters as the swords that spawn from the initial sword can and will harm you. Much like the Twister the Swordplosion’s projectiles are on the sluggish side and due to their arc its range is fairly limited unless you aim high.

It is guaranteed to kick in so long as there is not a cloud already active. You can only have one cloud active at a time, otherwise the very first bullet that lands will cause a cloud to spawn.[quote=“dtesky, post:1, topic:1562849”]
Is the bandit slag murv grenade a reliable slagging tool? I’ve been messing with it and I can’t tell if I’m just off on my throws or what.

I have never used it personally but I have found great success with Magic Missiles, especially the 4x version, though it has a very high chance of going after the target you were looking at when you throw and sometimes they go off and do their own thing altogether.


The swordsplosion is a beast from what I’ve seen in in videos with the twister I’m thinking the swordsplosion suites me better.

I’m loving my current sword splosion so much. It’s ripping through round two of the creature slaughter arena while I farm the ultras for a quazar.

Edit- forgot to mention that after some testing the sludje mirv is insanely good for slagging. Give it a try if you find one.

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The reason I recommended the Twister was because it’s better up close, and because there’s already a good gun in place for the mid ranged battles. Personally, I prefer a Ravager over both these, but that’s me. This is just something that you need to get a feel for in the end.

But I do agree on one thing :wink: Getting the Twister is a total pain!


Twister is on my bl2 bucket list, but pretty far down because of all the horror stories.

I haven’t used a ravager on Maya other than while leveling up. Sounds like I might hit up the torque vending machines and see if I can find a decent one to try out.

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I like to phaselock enemies, and walk up really close before I unload on them. That way I can maximize the number of pellets that hit. The additional explosive damage is significant.