(Matīss Lociks)
Interesting thought.
non elemental weapons have ~16% higher base damage
+55% dmg with Duy calls(+33% firerate)
up to 71% dmg boost
elemenal weapons deals +75% extra damage to weakness on UVHM+, excluding DoT.
I guess you might be onto something, maybe the extra firerate is better than that extra 4%+ damage and chance to inflict DoT.
Is Duty Calls additive or multiplicative?
A non-elemental build is a valid playstyle , especially for Axton.
But there are some good corrosive weapons that aren’t pistols or smg’s , so maybe dont rule it out?
The stinkpot,corrosive conference call,pimpernel,kitten,lyuda and a good few others can make short work of any Loaders.
Theres also some great elemental weapons that are just fun to use.
Blockhead(fire) , Twister(shock) etc.
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