Okay, so before I restate what already led you to click on this topic, I will preface instead by saying that I started with Borderlands 2.
I sort of skipped this one over, actually because I forgot I even owned it. But, I was completely enraptured by 2 and now that 1 has been found, I’m going to start it.
My biggest question is about the differences between these characters and how they play (in a general sense). In 2 I have leveled all characters, except Zer0, to at least 50, and have even reached OP8 for two of them. (First Gaige, then Maya) I am most familiar with using a shock/anarchy Mechromancer. (For those looking at what background I’ll be coming from)
So, kindly, help me with info on these 4 so I can better make my decision, please?