TPS Unofficial Community Patch - Changes Testing

Almost like Krieg’s Light the Fuse (almost)

Termination Protocols Skill - Increased Explosion Damage



Cryogenic Exhaust Manifold Skill - increased Frag Stack consumption

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Can’t wait for melee Nisha vids!

I want to do it, but first her regular melee animation needs to be fixed. I mean even when you use bayonet on weapon, she still perform her regulaar whip attack, which is slower than stab with bayonet,

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Frozen Ice Queen

Duality_TwoFace Oz Kit - Removed Vacuum/Atmosphere Condition and fixed cryo bonus

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Acrobat Oz kits - Changed Airborne Melee Bonus to Normal Melee Bonus
Thunder Crackdown Skill - cooldown reduced to 10 seconds
Excalibastard - Melee bonus buffed to 200%

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