After a quick search on the board, I could not find a comprehensive guide on the damage calculation regarding immolate. Since it’s 2017, odds are I’m re-inventing the wheel here. If so, let me know, and I’ll delete the thread.
If not, I’ll try to describe everything I found on the skill, and how to use it most effectively.
The basics of the skill are quite simple: you use a weapon in Fight for your Life to deal some damage, and you get some extra fire-elemental damage for free with it.
I will base my numbers on TVHM/UVHM/OP levels.
The interesting part is how this fire damage is calculated.
Say for the rest of this post you deal BaseDamage with some gun.
The first step in the calculation is to compute the base immolate damage, which is simply the base damage times whatever % your immolate skill gives.
So ImmoBase = BaseDamage * Immolate%
Immolate, being fire damage in nature, will receive a multiplicative bonus from a fire-elemtal relic , or a fire Bone of the Ancients . It will also recieve a multiplicative bonus from elemental matching .
That is, in UVHM, it will deal 175% to flesh targets, 100% to ‘flesh’ targets in the peak, and 40% to shielded or armored targets. It also deals 300% damage to slagged targets.
Since ImmoBase itself is also affected by all those factors, the final immolate damage effectively gets these bonuses twice, which is what can make it so powerfull.
Most of what I described above is generally known by (veteran) maya players, and would give the following conclusion:
ImmoDamage = immoBase * Slag * MatchingElements * FireRelic
Now for some things which are generally lesser known, and thus the actually interesting part of this post:
- Immolate will stop working when using a Moxxi weapon in FFYL
- Immolate will stop working if you activate life tap while in FFYL (e.g. by destroying a car)
- Immolate will not stop working when specced into Sustenance
- Immolate will not stop working when you or a team mate have a Nurse class mod equiped
- Immolate will not stop working if another maya specced into Restoration (tries to) heal you
- Immolate will not stop working if another maya has elated active while you are in FFYL
- Immolate will not stop working if you have a health regen relic equipped
- ImmoDamage does not receive an 80% multiplicative bonus on Deathmarked targets
- ImmoDamage is not boosted by the Fox class mod
- The damage over time inflicted by Immolate is boosted by the Fox class mod and Catalyst team members. These bonusses are additive with eachother.
- The damage over time inflicted by immolate is roughly 1/5 of ImmoDamage per tick. This is without Fox / Catalyst bonus.
- Immolate damage will get reduced against higher leveled enemies. Since this also applies to BaseDamage , ImmoDamage is effectively hit twice as hard when progressing into the OP levels.
- Since ImmoDamage is not gun damage, it does not get boosted by Reaper.
To summarize: The only thing that will cancel Immolate are moxxi weapons, the final damage calculation is:
ImmoDamage = immoBase * Slag * MatchingElements * FireRelic * LVLDamageReduction
ImmoDot ~ ImmoDamage / 5 * (1 + FoxCatalystBonus )
I think this covers pretty much all aspects of the skill.
If there are any possible team- or gear-synergies that I missed which might affect the damage calculation, or other aspects that may somehow affect the skill, let me know and I’ll update the post.
I might also need to add some links or something to posts regarding reaper, damage reduction, and how BaseDamage is calculated, since these pretty much all exist already, I think. No clue - as of now - how to do that though. (Still new to this forum and all)
Edit 1:
As an example, consider the following scenario: You have a 25% fire relic equiped, with 10/5 Immolate (100%), 5/5 Reaper and shooting hitting a body shot with a 1kk base damage fire pistol. The target is slagged, deathmarked, flesh type, and 8 levels above you, given 55% damage reduction, leaving 45%:
BaseDamage = ImmoBase = 1kk * 300% * 175% * 125% * 140% (Reaper) * 180% (DM) * 45% = 7,441,875
This gets plugged into the immolate formula:
ImmoDamage = 7,441,875 * 300% * 175% * 125% * 45% = 21,976,788.
The same calculation at OP0 without damage reduction would yield 108,527,344, around 4.9 times as much.
Notice that your effective damage will be BaseDamage + ImmoDamage .