[Guide] Glitch effects compendium (community guide)


  1. Prelim

##1. Prelim
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The 4th and last DLC Claptastic Voyage introduced a new rarity class of weapons, the Glitched rarity. We, the community, have since compiled our observations and experiences into this comprehensive guide, that will hopefully help newcomers and veterans alike to see through the cryptic codes those guns sport.

##2. What are glitch weapons?
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Stats wise, glitched weapons are pretty much identical purple weapons - but the mag size is about 50% larger. All purple guns have a glitched counterpart, besides that, and there’s two uniques, the /He4rtf;ull Spl0dge…r (always 0440) and the %Cu+ie^_^killer (always 4004), that also come with glitch effects.

Unlike Purples, Glitched guns can’t have Luneshine effects. Instead, upon reloading, they can become glitched with one out of 4 different effects as indicated by the color the gun turns into. This effect lasts until the next reload. It also gets canceled on weapon swap and upon entering menus.

##3. The glitch effects
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###In a nutshell:
Please refer to this comprehensive chart by @MentalMars

###The indepth version:

[color=#f44]Red effect[/color]: 0verload

Detailed test results by @Exotek
Each shot gets extra accuracy (roughly 30%), extra Type A crit damage and a huge percentage of its card damage added while consuming about 1 to 2 extra ammo per shot, but the fire rate is lowered by a large margin (not for Jakobs guns and Dahl ADS bursts, though). Furthermore, each shot adds a small knockback on the wielder similar to Claptrap’s One Shot Wonder action skill, and cancels out the crouching stance.

Different weapons get different gun damage boosts between +200% and +600%
Besides, there’s also different boosts to critical damage between +50% and +100%.
And lastly, while the effect is on, all DoTs also receive a +300% damage boost.

For the concrete data, check out @Exotek’s post, linked above.

Yellow effect: Loop

Test results by @Monthar
Each trigger pull does a rapid burst fire at reduced ammo cost. There’s 2 variants of this glitch:

  1. Auto fire: all SMGs, shotguns, assault rifles and lasers, except for Jakobs guns and Railgun lasers.
    Continuous fire without holding the trigger, lasts till the mag is depleted. Kills made during the burst refill around 20% ammo right into the mag. Can be interrupted by a melee attack without cancelling the glitch effect.
  2. Short burst: all Pistols, snipers, railguns and launchers, as well as all Jakobs guns.
    More Dahl-like bursts, short, no recoil and very fast. No ammo restore on kills though.

###Green effect: Multishot
Adds 7 to 10 pellets per shot for one extra ammo (except some shotguns?), turning any gun into a shotgun. Fire rate is lowered by roughly 50%.
Great for any mid to close range weaponry. Not so great for high accuracy weaponry.

Blue effect: Amp

(slightly hard to spot, it’s more a cyan blue as opposed to the default electric blue skin)
Each shot gets a 50% amp (not consistent, further research needed) while a very small portion (~2%) of the shield is drained per shot. Unlike the boost from amp shields, your shield does not need to be full to get the amp, but you do need to have a shield equipped.
It’s a balanced all purpose effect. The amp damage is pretty small, but so is the shield drain, and there’s no further penalties. Kills made with this glitch count towards the amp kill challenge.

##4. Error codes
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###a) How to read them
All error codes come in a pattern like this:
0_L_M_A_ with 4 digits from 0 to 4 inbetween.

Each letter represents one glitch effect, and each digit represents its chance to happen, as in 0 = red, L = yellow, M = green, A = blue, 0 = very low chance to glitch, 4 = high chance to glitch.

Our tests have shown that each number represents a chance of roughly 2.5% for its glitch to happen, thanks to @Asa_senpai.

Example: The Error code 04L0M0A4 can be read 04L0M0A4 and means there’s a 10% chance to get the red and and another 10% chance to get the blue effect, and no chance to get the yellow and green effect.

###b) All possible combinations
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There seems to be a set number of combinations, not all possible combination are actually in game. Combos like 1234 or 4321 can’t spawn on any glitched gun for example. Let’s try to spot interesting combination for certain weapon types. I’ve got a hunch that combinations with at least two 0s and/or two 4s might end up most interesting for certain applications.

  • 00 L4 M0 A4: this one looks good for any kind of high fire rate gun (SMGs, ARs, Lasers, Hyperion shotguns, Vladof guns)
  • 00 L0 M4 A4: hard to come up with a good scenario for this one, help me out!
  • 00 L4 M2 A1: seems to be the best combo to trigger the yellow glitch often
  • 00 L4 M4 A0: looks interesting for close to mid range fast weaponry (SMGs, pistols, ARs, lasers)
  • 04 L0 M0 A4: looks interesting for snipers, railguns and Jakobs/Torgue pistols
  • 04 L0 M4 A0: Seems to be a good setting for high powered shotguns
  • 04 L0 M0 A4: Decent for sniping, not quite as good at 4400 though.
  • 04 L4 M0 A0: looks okay for sniper rifles and railguns.
  • 04 L4 M4 A4: might be more useful on short range weaponry like shotguns, splitters and revolvers, but maybe also on launchers.

The other possible combinations are

  • 00L3M2A4
  • 00L3M4A1
  • 01L0M3A4
  • 01L0M4A3
  • 01L4M3A3
  • 02L1M0A4
  • 02L1M4A4
  • 02L4M0A4
  • 03L2M1A4
  • 03L2M4A1
  • 03L4M1A1
  • 04L0M3A3
  • 04L2M1A0
  • 04L3M2A2

##5. Glitched vs Purples vs Legendaries
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Basically, whenever you’d take a purple gun over a Legendary one, you’ll want to go for a Glitch rarity version of that purple. Usually the bigger mag size means more DPS, since you spend less time reloading (some exceptions, where mag size plays a role with skills).

So, skip through the Top Gear lists of your favourite class, look out for recommended purples, and try to find glitch version of those. Easy, right?

Glitch vs purple might not matter that much, if you switch weapons alot, though, since that will skip your glitch effect more often than not, but the extra mag size and chance at glitch effect are worth it most times.

##6. Grinding glitched guns

Very similar to grinding purples. You get a random new glitch gun. The two unique glitch guns won’t work with the grinder.

##Your input?
Share your experience with different glitch codes on different gun types!


Is it possible that all glitched weapons have the same 3 glitches, but with different intensity/grade? I’ve gotten a few glitched weapons and all of them had the same three letters: L, M and A. These could represent the 3 effects, the A is Amp, this happens with the gun turns blue. L or M is the strong burst of shots when the gun turns green and the other letter is the strong damage, but strong knockback, when the gun turns red. The numbers could represent the grade of the effect, with 0 being weak and 4 being the strongest buffs.

This is just my observation/speculation though, looking forward to hearing other people’s experiences!

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I think I remember seeing a yellow glitch as well during some gameplay and it appeared to fire all of the bullets in the magazine in one trigger pull, similar to the Chopper.

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After a few tests on a sevreal Hyperion Shotguns (Thinking) I’m sure the number next to 0_, L_, M_ and A_ shows the frequency distribution of the glitch bonuses (4 being common and 0 being never) :

  • 0_ is for the Red Effect : 3x damage shot that knock you back a notch, at the cost of 2 ammo and reduced fire rate.
  • L_ is for the Yellow Effect : Continuously fire at a higher fire rate with a chance of not consuming ammo (I would say at least 50% chance) until you empty your magazine, switch weapon or open the menu.
  • M_ is for the Green Effect : Double the number of pellets (Maybe triple, it’s hard to tell with a shotgun already at 8).
  • A_ is for the Blue Effect : Every shot act like you have a AMP shield (drain very little), seems to do 50% more damage.

The only combinations I have seen are (The order can change) :


I think the pellet count is variable. I had a slapper that seemed to shoot 8 pellets at green and an assassin that was around 3. (harder to tell with that fire rate and not thinking about testing at the time.)

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Thanks for the submissions so far, I’ve modified the OP to reflect the findings.

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this Video might help:

at least it helps with the numbers thing.


yeah that helps. Gonna adjust the OP tomorrow.

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I think the type of effect Yellow has is based on gun type. With my Splitter it rapid fires until the clip is empty.

In addition green might be a multiple on the number of pellets shot, the splitter was adding an additional 12 pellets from the base 3.

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M is “green” and A is “blue”.

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Just got some this from the spyware mission.

Acuminous Venom
Error Code: O4L4M4A4
corrosive :smile:

also got a puntitious torment
Error Code: O4L4M4A4

and a britva horrorshow
Error Code: O0L4AM4A0

all form the same chest too.

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My bad.
What’s the mag size of that splitter?

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Base is 47. 77 with my class buffs.

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Just wondering, since this is all of two days old now. Has anyone started compiling data on glitch gun GRINDS?

I ask, because I got an odd duck yesterday. I popped three glitched pistols into the grinder in Clappy’s head, and I got out a glitched Torgue AR. Probably should got screenies…

Anyhow, this could cause havoc with the grinder recipe book. Maybe for better, maybe for worse. It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out…

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My experience is basically only get the glitched guns if:

  1. You need the mag size: Jakobs shotties go for longer Jack AA chains, basic purples with under 8 mag size get boosted for Clappy’s OLT, general mag size increase for DPS.

  2. Your DPS isn’t completely screwed by any of the glitches, for example with shotgun DPS the green glitch is terribad because your spread goes off the wall, anything that reliies on firerate is completely botched by red or green.

Most guns only really work with a O0L4M0A4 error code, with exceptions being railguns and non-vladof snipers, who don’t really mind the huge cut to Fire Rate. The mag size increase basically makes them preferred over purples in almost any case. Getting a mag size boost generally results in a better DPS increase than the three best luneshines (Boominator, Punisher, and The Shield pen one), provided it has a positive glitch.


Yellow effect refills ammo on kill.

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About the same conclusion I can to. There’s maybe a very few situations where other codes work okay on certain gun types, but I’m inclined to say that 0404 is about the best all-purpose glitch code.

@bigrobb2389 I think yellow does the ammo refill no matter whether you get a kill or not.

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I just had a 97 mag size Scav SMG trigger the yellow and it wouldn’t stop firing until the clip was empty. I couldn’t even force a reload. I forgot to try swapping weapons.

Edit: The same thing just happened with a Tediore blaster laser when it triggered the yellow glitch. So I think the yellow isn’t just a burst, but rather a can’t stop firing like the one Fragtrap action package with the exception that it6’s only for the one clip and doesn’t give dual wield.

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It seems Loot bugs drop glitched guns dunno if anyone reported that yet.

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They might be seperate effects. I was definitely getting ~10 ammo back per kill on my laser while it was glitched to yellow. It’s insane for clearing packed areas.

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