Hello again, it’s me… again! Over the past few weeks you’ve seen me here as Krieg and then Sal, well I have some interesting information for you. Axton is my lowest level character at a lowly 38. He’s started TVHM but I can’t remember where he’s up to, I seem to think maybe rescuing Roland. Now I didn’t stop playing as him because it was too hard, IIRC I wasn’t having any massive trouble with him.
His turrets, while not really my kind of action skill (never liked Roland for the same reason), are certainly useful for aggro and slag. I got the idea from his skill trees that I should really be focusing on grenades and explosive weapons, a little like Krieg, is this right? I wonder who the Axton experts are here! I know of Demonite from his collaboration with Derch.
Anyhow, my build at 38 is, and for no real reason so feel free to tell me i’m stupid, this:
Using a purple Impact Rifleman COM that boosts Impact +4, Onslaught +3 and Battlefront +3. Weapons are a level 37 Stabbing Root, 37 DPUH and 37 Lascaux, with a Gunstock Longarm (38) in the backpack. Also a corrosive plasma caster that I can’t use yet due to it being level 39.
Shield is just a random green turtle shield because i’ve found nothing better yet, longbow tesla grenade and Moxxi’s Endowment for obvious reasons.
Any and all advice is welcome, I feel like I want to pick him up and advance him a bit soon.
Last ditch effort, grit, mag-lock, and as many grenades as the game will let you carry. My husband’s Axton is terrifying. So I recommend those but the experts may say othereise.
You should be fine with grenades without Granadier for the most part and…Able gives up a lot of help in a pinch from Crisis Management. Others may like Able but it’s a skill I rarely invest in…just too insignificant of a boost.
Fill out Preparation next…it is excellent…especially with Tank Shields…and the Health boost is far better than Able…at least to me.
Next Metal Storm
Then 4 in Battlefront
Then Longbow
Then Do or Die
Then finish Battlefront
Then Steady if you want to stick with explosive/grenades/splash
Then Pressure
Then probably Phalanx shield
Then Quick Charge…especially if you stay with Tank shields
Then Resourceful
Thanks for the information. I went into Able because anything health is a reflex for me when i’m starting out, but I do understand what you’re saying so I will take those 5 points and use them elsewhere
Not an “expert” but I have 2000 hours with Axton so I know him a bit.
I think that approach is excellent! It is just not not how I would do it…But especially Normal and TVHM…that approach is certainly viable. Once you hit UVHM…you almost HAVE to have the slag from Double Up to have maximum effect.[quote=“KitRyu, post:2, topic:1559932, full:true”]
Last ditch effort, grit, mag-lock, and as many grenades as the game will let you carry. My husband’s Axton is terrifying. So I recommend those but the experts may say otherwise.
Since you’re still in TVHM, you don’t need Slag, so just speccing into Battlefront, Metal Storm and Impact will give you some damage. After that, just go down the Guerilla tree and then spec into Double Up.