My Final Approach (OP7+8)

Firstly thanks to everyone who helped me get started on the OP levels, all the advice was invaluable. Strangely out of all i’ve done so far (72-OP6) only OP4 required more than one attempt, OP6 came close to wiping me when Oney rushed me into FFYL, but thankfully at the time he only had 25% health left, so I was able to get up.

I’ve just finished farming the machines for an OP7 DPUH and Nukem (for my Pimpernel), and i’m pretty much ready to jump into OP7.

I was wondering if you guys can outline what I will face in OP7, so I can be better prepared. OP8 can wait if need be, my sole aim here was to get to OP8 so I can reset and farm stuff at the highest available level. I wanted to do it solo too, and even though spiritually you guys have been my wingmen/women (not sure who is who!), I still want to do the actually getting there myself.

I know I will face Saturn in this run, when does Saturn appear (what area)? When is it 2 Dukino’s Mom? I’m ready to make the final push I think, but wouldn’t want to get halfway and realise I needed something.

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The 2 Scorches spawn with an arsenal of surveyors - 6? I always have a Bee and CC on for that.
Luckily there are never 2 D’s Ma’s - double shock balls :fearful:
Saturn appears in the area after the Assassins but only after you’ve cleared the trash. BE VERY CAREFUL. Some of the trash hide at the end of the area and you absolutely want to be on the high ground when Saturn spawns. Most everyone hides behind the vendor to pot-shot (BeeHawking advised).
This should be the quad-Assassin spawn so I advise pausing the game and doing a Rocky montage first.


:smiley: I’m sure someone said there was 2 DM’s… oh well, i’m not complaining! So Saturn is after the Assassins, but before OMGWTH? Ok I know the area you mean. Will my standard “facetank with DPUH+Grog” not work on Saturn? This is what I was planning on…

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Err on the side of caution - I tried it with Krieg and died in 3 seconds. Also edited my above post re: Scorch


6 F***ing surveyors??


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I saw somewhere that the OP 7 run had a set spawn, so it could be a good idea to check out some clips if you want to find out what to expect.

The turrets on Saturn become active the second he starts spawning in.

2 Black Queen’s is probably what you’re getting at.


Yep. At the same time as double Scorches. Stay downhill and when they appear, go full bullet-hose strafing right to left ; then retreat to the base of the cliff to get the stragglers. Scorches are last of course.

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If I want to farm a Corrosive CC, is Warrior or Handsome Sorcerer more likely?

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The hardest part to me was the badass area before OMGWTF. Not even sure what advice to give, I tried different things and ended up failing until eventually just got lucky to pass it.

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Both are equally likely. It’s whomever you can drop the fastest. For me, slogging through Hero’s Pass is worth it because I can kill the Warrior much faster.

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I can kill each stage of Sorcerer in two shots and I prefer the area for the chests and other possible drops :slight_smile:


Saturn is very dangerous. He can’t be slagged and he will fire a lot of homing missiles at you. If you’re unlucky, two Saturns will spawn in the area after the Assassins. And that’s when I start running lol.

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Someone said that you only got 2 Saturns at OP8, is that right or can you get two at OP7?

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Just one in OP7. Two Saturns spawn in OP8.

Everything I know about OP7 spawns are already explained by others. Scorches + 4 + 2 Surveyors (initial 4 spawn, 2 more spawns after you kill more surveyors IIRC), 1 Dukino’s Mom + midgets (apparently the best spawn), 2 Black Queens for last, several Bone Heads (I don’t remember anything special in that area), also several Doc Mercy’s (3, I think? Also don’t remember anything special), instant 4 Assassins (very dangerous), 1 Saturn for last, skip 1 area (I don’t remember anything special there), lots of Badasses before OMGWTH (expect 2 walking enemies, all Badasses, plus Badass Surveyor(s)), then OMGWTH itself.


You can also use a fastball against the surveyors, the small ones, of course. Quick farm wins for me lol

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OP7 rough spots are:
Dukino’s Mom w/midgets (it’s actually the easier Mom spawn)
Doc Mercy + Constructor spawn
4x Assassins
Saturn (single-- doubles come at OP8)
Last area SBA Surveyor spawn

I understand you’re running it as Sal? Storm Front + Double the Fun + Grog will help flatten the health fluctuations. It’ll help you Face tank everything even better.

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Yes, i’m doing it as Sal. This is my first time running the peak ever, so I decided i’d do it as Sal because I assumed it would be easier, so he could then help my others get through by farming them gear.


I did the same thing. Sal, Axton, Maya, Maya, Zero, Zero, in that order. Still love the run!

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I’m right that if I complete OP7 to unlock OP8, I can then reset my playthrough? I don’t need to have completed OP8 at that point?

Edit: I’m into my run, just dealt with Scorch x2 and a few surveyors.

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Is it cheating to stand still with a magic missile and gunzerking to fill ammo in between the ammo machine sections? :smiley:


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